《Utterly Barbaric || Harald Finehair》ix


Bjorn placed his arm around the shoulders of the golden-haired maiden, laughing his head off at her witty comments.

A few days had passed since Kari had last spoken to Harald and Halfdan. Luckily, a group of women found her interesting enough and had allowed her to sleep in their tent, probably having heard of the place she had by King Harald's side.

Not much of a place if he had called her a fool. He could rot in a ditch somewhere for all she cared. She would push him there herself if she could find the time to look for a suitable ditch.

Bjorn had also kept her company, especially when he had the day to himself. He spoke to her about his mother and the mother of his children. Kari had smiled at the thought of perhaps one day meeting her brother's children. Her niece and nephew.

"Oh Kari, you must join me and my brothers tonight. We will be drinking and feasting, to honor the gods so that we may have a victory tomorrow against King Ecbert." Bjorn invited, looking down at the woman with a smile.

Kari stared up at her big brother, though he did not know it yet. She was quite giddy at the thought that perhaps she will be able to meet the rest of her half-brothers.

But she did not show her excitement as much, as Bjorn still did not know. It would be odd to be too happy about meeting strangers. "Celebrating already? Shouldn't you do that afterward? It might be considered bad luck to be happy about something that hasn't happened yet."

"Perhaps. But there is nothing wrong with dying on the battlefield." He answered. "It is a great honor to be welcomed into Valhalla as a great warrior."

She nodded at that, before grinning. "Very well. I shall join you, at least to drink to the victory I am sure you will achieve tomorrow."


He laughed, rubbing her shoulder roughly. "Good. I cannot wait to introduce you to everyone."

"Kari?" A voice called out from behind them.

They both turned to see Harald looking at the two of them, anger in his blue eyes.

"King Harald! What a surprise!" Bjorn marveled, tightening his hold. "Have you mobilized your men for tomorrow?"

Harald clenched his jaw, nodding. "Yes, I have. Now, may I have Kari back?"

Bjorn looked to Kari, who shook her head subtly, a glare on her face, so he merely replied. "I don't believe Kari wants to go with you and as you said, she is her own."

Harald reached out a hand. "Come on, Kari. Time to go."

"Oh, is it really?" Kari spoke up, looking at his extended hand and crossing her arms.

Harald glared at her, or more specifically, glared at the arm Bjorn had around her before sighing and looking at her with such remorseful eyes. "Please."

She wanted to be angry at him, truly she did. But when he turned those eyes at her, she could not help but give in. Not that she forgives him, she would merely just be hearing him out.

"I will see you tonight, Bjorn." Kari said, pulling away from him yet still ignoring the hand Harald extended to her.

He cleared his throat, putting down his hand sheepishly, embarrassment tinting his cheeks.

Bjorn looked at her in concern. "Are you sure?"

Kari nodded, waving to him and going off in a random direction, sure that wherever she decided to go, Harald will soon follow.


Harald watched as Kari walked away, his heart dropping.

That was not how he expected things to go.

He turned his eyes to the spectator and, otherwise useless, member of their conversation.

"You're a great warrior, Bjorn Ironside." Harald drawled. "But step a toe out of line with Kari and I will cut you down myself."


Bjorn turned to him with a discerning look. "She is a good woman. I would never dream of it."

"Stay away from her, Ironside." Harald answered, clutching his weapon at his side. "Stay away from her."

Without another word, he walked towards the direction Kari disappeared off to, his veins still filled with red hot anger.

His steps fell heavy, passing by men who greeted him, yet he saw nothing.

Nothing, until that is, he saw the familiar head of golden hair. "Kari!"

Kari turned around to face him, lifting an unimpressed brow. "What is it now, Harald? Going to call me a fool again?"

"What? No!" He exclaimed, shaking his head.

She crossed her arms just as he reached her. "Perhaps you have another insult set out for me then."

"No! Will you stop?" He let out a frustrated breath, his nerves getting the most of him.

"Alright. Goodbye Harald." She moved to walk away, only for his hand to intercept her and wrap around her wrist.

"No, I meant, would you let me explain? Please." He pleaded, his eyes sincere and his tone desperate.

She looked at his hand again before meeting his eyes with her own. She nodded. "I'm waiting."

"Youwereright." He mumbled, looking down at his feet like a child.

Kari felt the onslaught of a grin coming on to her face but decided to tamp down the feeling to tease. "What was that? I think I missed that."

"You were right. About Ellisif. I was merely angry. Angry and hotheaded." Harald exclaimed, turning to her with intense emotions clashing on his face. "I'm sorry. About calling you a fool. If anything, I was the fool."

He let out another breath as if the effort to admit to his mistakes took a lot out of him. He turned from her, content to let her stew upon his words when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He felt his body face her before his mind could process it.

She smiled at him, tilting her head. "Now, was that so hard?"

He nodded quickly, his eyes wide with honesty. "Yes, it was."

"Harald." She chastised playfully, hitting him on the shoulder. "Stop whining. You're a viking, not a goat."

"Ha! Funny." He scoffed, rolling his eyes despite the warmth that had begun to bloom in his chest.

She mused, a smirk already on her lips as she walked back to the encampment. "I knew you'd miss me."

He let out a laugh, trying to brush off her words. "Who said I did?"

Despite him saying so, he did miss her. Even if he did not have the guts to admit to it, he missed the girl he had rescued. He had missed speaking with her, their banter, even her mere presence. Not that he would ever tell her.

Turns out, he didn't have to as she replied. "Halfdan."

He cursed under his breath, he did not think that his own brother would turn against him. "That sly son of a-"

She shook her head at him. "Tsk, don't speak of your mother like that."

Finally, he coughed out a real laugh thus prompting a laugh from her. By the time they made it back to the encampment, they were both laughing with one another as they once did.

Their laughter killed off any whisper or spirit of the girl he once loved. By the time they returned, Harald could not even recall the girl's name. He could hardly recall why he had been so angry.

His mind was preoccupied with other things. Only one such name rang through his mind.

Kari. Kari. Kari.


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