— 16. First Battle
After Bjorn's reunion with the family he hadn't seen in years, he made his way outside, where he found Tova standing there long.
"It's good to be back," He confessed, causing Tova to turn to face him as she smiled, "I finally feel at peace with myself."
"You weren't happy with your mother?" She asked him, a concerned look on his face.
"I tried to be, for her, but I could not make it work. She married this Earl who was cruel. She still is married to him and I don't understand why," Bjorn explained, letting out a large sigh in defeat.
"Women don't make it far in this world without a husband," Tova admitted in a calm tone, "I am sixteen now. I myself am expected to marry soon enough."
"And will you?" Bjorn asked curiously as he made his way over to her.
Tova turned and looked up at Bjorn, her lips curling upwards into a smile. "Well, of course. I want someone to love and someone to love me. I want children. Many children. After all, that was what my body was made for. To bear children. And I want to," She explained and Bjorn smiled at the thought of her being a mother to a child. She'd be a good one, he thought.
"You know, as a boy, when I grew to love you instead of hating you for the strong bond you had with my father, I always imagined myself growing up and marrying you," He explained, both of them beginning to smile, "My father and mother clearly saw that happening as well. I know I'm not the only one they gave hints to."
"You weren't," Tova replied, chuckling as she shook her head, "For a time, I imagined it, too. But then you left."
"But now, I have returned," Bjorn reminded her and moved even closer to her. He stopped when he was standing directly in front of Tova, staring down at her.
"That you are," She responded in a whisper, her lips parting as she stared up at him.
Just then, the door opened and they both turned, watching as Finnr exited the hideout and made his way over to them.
"Finnr," Tova greeted the man in a calm tone as she stepped away from Bjorn and turned to Finnr instead.
"This must be Bjorn," Finnr smiled, making his way over to Bjorn as he held out his hand for the son of Ragnar to shake, "It is good to finally meet you. For years now, Tova has told me many stories about you. It is nice to finally put a face to the boy Tova always spoke to me about."
Bjorn stared at the man closely, wasting no time shaking his hand. "And you are?"
"My name is Finnr. I am the son of Jarl Olavsson. But I live in Kattegat. When I first came there, I didn't plan to stay for long, but then I met Tova," Finnr explained and Tova smiled as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her closer.
Bjorn remained silent for a long moment. He glanced between them, not knowing what was going on. However, after coming to understand the whole ordeal, his eyes widened in realization. "Oh! You two are together?"
"We are," Finnr confirmed and Tova nodded her head in confirmation before she awkwardly looked down at the ground.
After a moment, she lifted her head, only to notice how Bjorn and Finnr seemed to be having a staredown with each other.
She tilted her head back and groaned loudly, causing both young men to turn to her. "Don't start, either of you. It's unnecessary, not to mention, not a cute look on either of you," She complained, grabbing Finnr by the arm before she led him away.
Finnr rolled his eyes at her words while Bjorn smiled, happy Tova was still the same in the way that she had no filter when it came to speaking her mind.
Inside, Tova sat with Bjorn, Ragnar, Finnr, and the rest of the group as they attempted to make a plan to retake Kattegat from Jarl Borg.
"So, what's the plan?" Tova asked, clasping her hands together as she glanced around at the group.
"Even with Lagertha's forces, we cannot attack and hope to succeed," Torstein reminded the group and Tova nodded in agreement, "Jarl Borg is well dug in."
"What do you propose?" Lagertha questioned as she looked directly at Ragnar.
"We want to drive Jarl Borg out of Kattegat. He has no idea we've been reinforced," Rollo explained in a calm tone.
"And what would make him leave Kattegat where he can winter in safety?" Torstein commented, looking directly at Rollo.
"The one thing that would threaten his whole existence there," Rollo pointed out and Tova turned to him, a curious look on her face.
"And what would that be?" Floki spoke up as he turned to give Rollo a questioning look.
"Food," Rollo replied and Tova smiled slightly, knowing he had a point, "A few of us will go into the town and destroy the winter grain stores."
"I will do it. I will go," Floki confidently proposed, a determined look on his face.
"No," Ragnar suddenly responded, causing the group to turn to him in confusion while Ragnar looked directly at Tova and Bjorn, "My son, Tova, and I shall go. We'll only need a few men."
Bjorn's lip parted as his eyes widened slightly. He turned, exchanging a look with Tova before he looked back at Ragnar and nodded his head.
That night, Tova snuck into Kattegat with Bjorn, Ragnar, Olrik, and a man she did not know the name of. They crouched down behind a fence, looking ahead to see three of Jarl Borg's men from afar. "Olrik, Erik, sneak through the water to the docks. Once I create a...distraction, something that will lead the guards away, my son, Tova, and I shall do the rest," He explained before turning to look directly at Bjorn, "Don't fear death. If it comes, embrace it as if you were lying down next to a beautiful woman."
Ragnar turned, smiling playfully as he looked directly at Tova. "Perhaps Tova."
Hearing Ragnar's words, Tova scoffed, rolling her eyes at the man. "Oh, don't start," She complained and Ragnar smiled in amusement, clearly knowing what he was doing.
Bjorn turned to Olrik, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. "May the fates be kind, Olrik," He told his friend, just before hugging him.
With that, Olrik walked away with Erik while Bjorn turned to Ragnar, who was smiling.
"Ever since you were eight years old, all I ever heard was, 'Father, Father, I want to come with you. I am ready. Father! I want to fight.' Well..." Ragnar trailed off, smiling as he placed a hand on the back of Bjorn's neck, "Well, here we are."
With that, the group of three stood up and snuck into Kattegat, making their way toward the grain stores. They hid behind a cabin, hearing the sound of three men conversing.
Tova leaned her head back and took a deep breath, waiting for the cue.
It wasn't long before Olrik sounded the horn, leading to the men running off while only one man was left behind.
Tova smiled and stepped forward. She picked up her ax and whistled, causing the man to turn to face her. Once he did so, Tova threw her ax in his direction, leading to it embedding itself into the man's face.
She watched as her body hit the ground before turning to Bjorn and Ragnar. She smiled, noticing the way Bjorn stared at her in disbelief while Ragnar was smiling proudly.
"Don't just stand there. Let's go," She complained in a hushed tone and with that, the three of them rushed off.
Continuing to make their way in the direction of the grain stores, Ragnar and Tova hid behind a cabin, allowing Bjorn to sneak up on some nearby man and slit his throat. His body hit the ground and the group of three wasted no time entering where the grain was being stored.
Ragnar climbed up, grabbing a handful of straw before tossing it on the ground. He grabbed his ax, holding it in one hand while he held a rock in the other. He scraped them together, making sparks to start a fire.
"Ragnar," Bjorn called out, hearing someone approaching. The three of them stood up, preparing to attack if need be.
"It's me," Olrik told them in a hushed tone, causing them to immediately go back to what they were doing.
"Olrik, quick. Come help," Bjorn insisted and Tova frowned, watching as Olrik wince and limp as he made his way over to them.
"How bad is it?" She asked the man, a concerned look on her face when she saw his leg was wounded.
"I'm fine. Don't worry about me," He told her, and Tova sighed, nodding her head.
She leaned her head downwards, beginning to lightly blow on the small fire Ragnar had made while Bjorn and Ragnar placed the pieces of straw into the flames
Once they lit them on fire, Bjorn and Ragnar, since they were taller, climbed up and placed the lit pieces of straws into the fire.
Tova looked up, smiling slightly as she watched the stores go up into flames.
"Quickly," Ragnar insisted as they all began to run off.
However, just then, Olrik tripped and Tova and Bjorn immediately rushed back over to him. "Come, come," Tova demanded, she and Bjorn grabbing ahold of Olrik before they helped him away.
The following day, outside the hideout, Tova was sitting on the ground, staring off into the fields. Feeling eyes on her, she turned, watching as Bjorn walked up to her. He stopped when he was standing in front of her and took a seat beside her.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Bjorn suddenly spoke up, causing Tova to turn to look him in the eye, already knowing what he was referring to him.
"When did I ever have the time to tell you?" Tova asked, a smile forming on her lips.
"How long have you both been together?" Bjorn questioned and Tova smiled slightly.
"I met him the day you left with Lagertha. We got together two years after that when I was fourteen and he was sixteen. I've been with him since then. He was my first and the only man I've ever been with," She explained to him and Bjorn nodded in understanding.
"Does he treat you well?" Bjorn raised a brow at Tova and she shrugged, causing Bjorn to frown in concern, "Is he cruel?"
"No," Tova replied in a calm tone, "He is kind to me. He loves me and worships me as if I were a goddess, but I'm not blind. I am not the only woman in Kattegat he has eyes for. I dare say even if he didn't fear Ragnar killing him if he broke my heart, he would bed countless other women in Kattegat."
"Why do you stay with him, then?" Bjorn asked, staring at Tova in confusion.
"Because I love him..." She trailed off, sighing as she looked down at the ground in disappointment, "At least, I think I do. I don't really know. He's the only man I've ever been with."
"You deserve better," Bjorn responded in a stern tone and Tova smiled in response.
"Like who? Any other man would only want me for the power I bare as the last trueborn child of Earl Haraldson and the adopted daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok," She explained and Bjorn moved closer to her, a genuine look on her face.
"None of that would matter to me," Bjorn admitted calmly as he gazed at her, grabbing her hand, "I'd love you for you."
"I'm not doing this," Tova sighed in frustration as she stood up and walked away, "We'll be leaving for battle soon."
Bjorn sighed in defeat, watching as Tova walked away without another word said.
The following day, at the battlefield, it wasn't long before Jarl Borg was led into their trap and choice of a battlefield. Floki had sounded the war horn and with that, the battle began.
The forces collided and Tova stood near Bjorn, a sword in one hand while tightly grasping her shield in the other.
It was her first true battle besides those she fought in Wessex, which she didn't really consider one since it was just a small number of Saxons who pathetically tried to protect Winchester and failed miserably at it.
Blood was smeared on her face and matted in her light blonde hair, but she didn't care. It was nothing she knew. She lifted her foot and kicked one back, just before slashing him across the chest. She yelled and struck another with her shield.
When he tried to slash at her with his ax, she lifted her shield and blocked his form of attack before countering the attack he made on her.
She jabbed her sword at another, stabbing him in the gut before she struck another across the face with her shield. She continued to do the same to countless others.
"Brace!" Ragnar suddenly shouted out, "Brace! Be ready! Stay on your feet!"
Tova turned her head, watching a large number of warriors suddenly collided with their forces. She had held her ground on her own. However, Bjorn was standing near her and when he was knocked to the ground, he ended up bringing her down with him without meaning to.
Bjorn had lost his ax, but Tova had managed to keep a tight hold on hers as she hit the ground.
At the same time, Ragnar and Lagertha made their way over to the duo, guarding them as they gave them time to stand back up.
Tova immediately jolted up and raised her sword, prepared to attack any who came her way.
Bjorn, on the other hand, was still on the ground, searching for his ax.
"Get up!" She demanded in a stern tone as she slashed at one of the men coming their way, "Get up!"
Bjorn forced himself up into a kneeling as he grabbed his ax, stabbing one of the men appearing in front of him. He killed two others before turning, exchanging a look with Tova.
She nodded at him before turning, killing a man who was charging at her since he thought she was distracted. She bent down and picked up a nearby shield.
A man swung his ax at her and she raised her shield, blocking his form of attack before killing him.
From afar, she locked her eyes on Ragnar, who was killing anyone who dared to get in the way of his path to Jarl Borg.
While Ragnar was fighting off two men, another was on the verge of attacking him from behind. She picked up an ax that was lying on the ground and threw it, killing the man almost instantly.
Ragnar turned briefly, giving her a proud look before the two of them continued to fight on.
"Retreat!" She suddenly heard Jarl Borg shout, causing her to turn to see Jarl Borg's men retreated. She lifted her head, watching as Jarl Borg pulled a man off a horse before taking it for himself.
Tova scoffed as she walked to stand beside Ragnar, shaking her head. "Coward."
"We'll get him next time," Ragnar assured her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Rollo and Bjorn walked over to them, the four of them panting and covered in blood as they watched Jarl Borg flee the battle.
"You fought well today, Tova. As did you, Bjorn," Rollo complimented the duo in between pants.
"Thank you, Uncle," Bjorn replied before watching Ragnar turn to him with a cold look on his face.
"You have a lot to learn," Ragnar complained, practically glaring at Bjorn before walking away.
Tova turned, giving Bjorn an apologetic look before she followed after Ragnar.
Bjorn sighed in defeat and looked down at the ground. It was still the same as it always had been. Ragnar praised Tova while he pointed out Bjorn's mistakes and flaws. He didn't blame Tova, though. She didn't even know it was happening.
However, he knew his father had a point that day. And he knew the real reason Ragnar was angry with him. Tova had been fighting fine and wouldn't have had her life placed in jeopardy during the battle if it weren't for him.
She had maintained her ground. It had been Bjorn's fault she had been knocked to the ground in the first place. The fall hadn't just risked Bjorn's life, it had risked Tova's as well and it was no one's fault but Bjorn's. His lack of experience had risked both of them.
Ragnar would not stand for that.
With the rest of the army, Tova returned to Kattegat and the moment they did so, the people of Kattegat ran to greet them, all of them happy and relieved about their return.
Tova was standing beside Finnr, both of them smiling as numerous girls rushed to greet Tova.
"Tova!" They exclaimed excitedly, many of them smiling happily as they hugged her, "We missed you!"
Tova smiled at the warm greeting and turned to Finnr, both of them amused.
Later that day, a crowd had formed in the middle of Kattegat. Tova stood in the middle of the ground, in front of the chopping block.
"On this day, we offer a sacrifice to our All-Father, Odin, to thank him for our victory over the usurper Jarl Borg!" She announced loudly and the crowd cheered.
They turned, watching as one of the prisoners was brought forward by Torstein and Floki, tied by ropes.
Tova raised her hand as a way for the crowd to quiet down, which they ended up doing. She gestured her toward the prisoners, a stern look on her face. "Release him from his bonds," She demanded in a calm tone as she walked closer to the man, eying him closely, "It is only fair that he should die well. And I'm sure the Gods would feel the same."
Torstein nodded, immediately untying the ropes on the man.
Tova turned, seeing that Aslaug was watching with Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Siggy from afar while Lagertha, Bjorn, Finnr, and Rollo stood nearby as well.
Rollo walked over to Tova, handing her an ax. She nodded at him before turning to the prisoner, a calm expression on her face. "Kneel," She told him and the man immediately obeyed her.
He knelt in front of the chopping block and Tova took a deep breath, walking to stand behind him. She raised her ax slightly, placing it directly at the back of the man's neck. "In the presence of the gods, and in their honor, I offer this sacrifice," She spoke up loudly and as she pulled the ax back to make the killing blow, Ragnar suddenly spoke up.
"Stop!" Ragnar suddenly demanded in a loud tone, causing Tova to freeze in place and turn to him with a confused look on his face.
Ragnar walked through the crowd and made his way over to Tova. He held his hand out to her, gesturing for her to hand him the ax.
She gave him a weird look but immediately obeyed, only to have her eyes widen as he held it out to Bjorn. He was teaching him a lesson.
"Father?" Bjorn called out, staring at his father in confusion.
Ragnar didn't say a word and continued to hold it out to him.
Bjorn sighed, just before he walked over to his father and took ahold of the ax. He turned and exchanged a look with Tova, who stepped back and watched him stand in her previous spot behind the man that was to be sacrificed.
"In the presence of the gods, and in their honor, I make this sacrifice," Bjorn spoke up in a calm tone before making the killing blow. He chopped the man's head off with one clean swing and as he did so, blood splattered on his face.
Tova remained a calm expression, patting Bjorn on the back before she walked past him.
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