《Providence [Naruto Fan Fiction]》Chapter 24


I greeted Kashina's clone when she arrived back to the village. She's carrying Akimichi Choji's body so I immediately asked her Choji's condition.

"He have eaten his colored pills and I think Nara clan has a research paper about those pills. Luckily, I was able to stopped him from eating the red one. He only eaten green and yellow. I'm requesting an urgent medical response for Choji Akimichi." She reported so I nodded and guided her clone inside the medical facility that I've prepared outside the main gate.

Kashina predicted that they may encountered some powerful shinobi's so she requested a medical assistance beforehand. She is truly a wise leader.

I immediately summoned Nara Shikaku to hand me the Nara's medicinal researches about the colored pills that Kashina has mentioned. I was surprised when Shikaku's also surprised that Kashina knew about his clan's medicinal research about those pills. She is surely a mystery.

I immediately started my research when Shikaku went back with a bunch of books and research papers about the pills. I found out that those pills were forcibly converting the body's fat reserves into chakra, each successive pill ingested gives a tremendous power boost. I immediately commanded Shizune to prepare the medicine that I've recommended for Akimichi Choji and hand it to the nurse that is assigned to look for Akimichi Choji.

I was about to read the Nara's medicinal research when Shizune suddenly interrupted me so I went outside the tent and was shocked to see Hyuuga Neji, unconscious and was carried by Kashina's clone. Her other clone already vanished so I faced this new clone and asked for Neji's condition.

"Lord Fifth. Neji Hyuuga, chakra exhaustion and has few deep cut on his back, limbs and abdomen. His enemy used chakra threads. I'm requesting for each cut." I nodded immediately before commanding the medical corps to carefully get Hyuuga Neji on her. The medical ninjutsu that Kashina's clones have mentioned was used to heal severe, life-threatening injuries. To perform, it requires a full intensive care unit, staffed by with refined control. I'll be letting Shizune to lead the process.

"Okay, you can dispel your Jutsu now." I told her and then she nodded before disappearing. I'm already aware of her capabilities, it's just it's overwhelming me. No wonder she got Lord Thirds and Jiraiya wrapped around her little fingers. She's truly remarkable and I hope they would succeed on taking Sasuke back to the village.

But... Kashina already told me that there's a high possibility of failing this mission. She told me beforehand that Sasuke left on his own will. It'll be a troublesome for her, she said. She also predicted those strong ninjas.

I watched in disgust when their enemy's body was surrendered back into the village by the ANBU I've sent to clear their battlefield. The first one was a chubby man which has a hole in his chest and his heart was missing. According to my ANBU, they found his heart crushed so they didn't bother to pick it up anymore. Next is someone who has 4 arms but his head is separated in his body.

I snapped back to reality when Inuzuka Kiba and his hound finally came back but this time, it's one of the medical corps who carried his unconscious body. I was about to touch Kiba when Kashina's summon went towards me. It has a scroll so I immediately decode her sealing to open up her messages.

After reading his message, I immediately summoned Inzuka Hana to look on her little brother. Hours have passed and Nara Shikamaru along with the Sand siblings finally manage to came back. Shikamaru has dislocated his finger so I immediately casted my medical ninjutsu in front of him. I also checked on Gaara, Temari and Kankuro's condition but they seems to earned few scratches. What irritates me the most is I found a drunk Lee!!!


I was about to give him a punch but Guy made his way in front of his youthful student! These guys...

"Tsunade-sama!!! Pardon him!!!" He cried in front of me which is embarrassing! I was about to punch him with his youthful student when Gaara of the sand approached me.

"Lee helped me from defeating the enemy. If he didn't appear I might die..." Oho, so that's convincing. Nah, I don't care anymore.

We're disturb by a sudden shout and my eyes widen when I saw Kakashi's clone carrying Kashina's body. I immediately teleported there and to check her condition. I had to cover my mouth when her condition shocked me.

Her abdomen was stabbed and was wrapped with a mere bandage. The back of her abdomen was also stabbed and I think it leaves damage to her internal organs. She has a deep cut in her right thigh, a deep cut on her chest and has three broken ribs. She also suffered from chakra exhaustion and I think she used her reserves.

"ATTENTION! PREPARE THE OPERATING ROOM, NOW!!!" I had to seal her wounds first. She's already pale because of the damage she have received. I quickly checked Naruto's condition but he passed out because of exhaustion and has a few damages on his arms.

"Kakashi, put Naruto inside the tent. Request them to check him as soon as possible. Got that?!" I yelled. I'm worried about Kashina's condition not only that she's on her edge... she have failed her first mission as a captain. I know that she already predicted this but I know... it hurts. I know the feeling because Jiraiya and I used to retrieve Orochimaru before but we didn't succeeded.

"Everyone! Procced to ICU! Perform to Nara Kashina IMMEDIATELY!" And everyone prepared everything. "Shikamaru, summon your counsin's parents." I told Shikamaru before walking inside the ICU.

I'll borrow the Nara's catch phrase. This is a troublesome day.

Upon summoning Aunt Kai and Uncle Saru, we went back to the medical tent outside the gate. Choji has regained his consciousness and is now eating carbs. Neji's now stable but still hasn't waking up. Kiba and Akamaru's also stable and is now resting their bodies. Lee, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro's resting inside the tent together with Guy-sensei. Lastly, Naruto's also awake and is waiting for Kashina with Sakura.

What left is Kashina. She aided everyone and she pushed herself to its limits which frustrating me. She's so reckless whenever we're talking about her comrades. It's just it's sad because the next thing she'll remember upon waking up is her first failed mission as a captain and her teammate - Sasuke wasn't retrieved.

"Oh my God! Shikamaru! can you please tell me what happened? Is everyone from her team okay?" Aunt Kai asked. The best thing about Kashina's mom was her attitude and mindset. Normally, they would blame us for letting their child get hurt or something irritating. What matters to Aunt Kai is her child's feelings. Aunt Kai knew more than anyone here how Kashina valued her bonds like Naruto.

"The others were saved by her. She aided everyone. I'm sorry... I'm her co-leader but-" Aunt cut me off with her hug. "Don't say things like that!! What important is your squad is okay! Kashina will definitely punch you if she hears you saying things like that. Let's just hope that she'll be alright." And there I began crying.

I feel like a gay but I remember Kashina's words. So, I let myself cry in Aunt Kai's embrace.

"That kid will definitely throw a party if she found out that her squad is safe. That said, let's do our best to cheer her up after waking... it's her first failed mission as a captain." Uncle Saru stated. Kashina's party is definitely a troublesome! She'll just drink an alcohol. I'm surprised her parents still wasn't aware that their Goody-good child was a badass.


I let go of Aunt's embrace when Neji called me. He's finally awake. Everyone's already awake now so we decided to conduct a meeting.

"How's Kashina's condition?" Neji asked. I helped him to sit down on his bed. He's still weak because they just sealed his wounds earlier. Choji's still eating so I didn't bother to check on him.

"Kashina's still under Lady Tsunade's care. I think they're operating her. She received a lot..." And then we looked down to reflect.

"Don't be such gloomy! Kashina-chan won't like that!!" Lee stated. He's surely a youthful child, isn't he?

Naruto's still quiet. We didn't bother him and just let him to reflect what happened. I'm also pissed on Sakura for making Naruto promised and I know, Naruto's feeling ashamed to face Sakura. Sakura will definitely receive a slap on Kashina once she wakes up. Hope she'll hide now.

Everyone in this room thought of one thing. Gaara, Neji, Choji, Kiba, Naruto, Sakura, Lee, Temari, Kankuro and I, we're thinking and praying for Kashina to recover ASAP. The silence roared inside the room. No one dared to speak up even the eccentric Lee, Kiba and Naruto.

Please get well soon, bro.

I woke up only to be greeted by the light. Yey! I'm on the hospital. Anyway, how's everyone? I hope they're awake now but how long am out?

Ah, I remember everything now. I failed the mission, right? Am I feeling bad or just hurt? Hurt because I let Sasuke to walk away from us. Hurt because I know, Naruto's also in pain. Ah, where's the fucking Sakura Haruno?! I'll definitely slap her so hard that will make her remember everything since birth. Naruto's probably embarrassed to face her right now because he failed to bring Sasuke and he promised to her!

She's so dumb. She didn't even think of Naruto's feelings just Sasuke! Fucker.

As soon as I felt my body okay, I immediately sat down on my bed to open my eyes and to be greeted by everyone. They're all wide eyes as if they saw me died and then went back alive.

"Oh, don't touch me guys. My body feels sore and my wounds were aching so no touching." I told everyone weakly when they're about to give me a hug. I gave everyone a smile. Neji's stable, Choji's stable, Kiba and Akamaru's stable. Shikamaru on the other hand dislocated his finger but now's already okay. The sand siblings and Lee were also fine and in their good shapes. "Good to know that everyone's fine!" I told them weakly.

"How long am out?" Probably hours because the others still looked fresh from the battle. Wow, I'm basically abnormal, huh? My healing's were absolutely abnormal!

"5 hours." Tsunade-sama answered.

"I see." And then I swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, our mission's failed." And there I bit my lower lip to prevent myself from crying. It's so embarrassing to cry in front of everyone.

Setting that aside, I'm happy that everyone from my squad is okay. Well, I'm abnormal so they should stop worrying about me. My eyes roamed to find Naruto. He's standing beside Shikamaru, looking down while his left arm were wrapped and steady.

"Don't worry about that. What important right now is everyone's okay. I'll give everyone's team a week to recover and to rest their mental and physical bodies. I'll have Shikamaru to do the written report but have a help from Kashina, Shikamaru."

"Yes / Understood!" Shikamaru and I said in unison.

Then, Lady Tsunade and Shizune made their way out of the room together with the gang. Sakura and Kakashi the only persons who stayed. Tsunade took Naruto with her because she's still dealing with Naruto's dislocated arm. I took a deep breath before flashing in front of Sakura before having a grip on her neck before slamming her body in the wall.

I'm fuming mad. I've been trying to restrain myself but I can't hold it anymore.

"Kashina! Stop that!!" Kakashi scolded but I didn't bother to listen. I just darkened my eyes and release my KI.

"Do you know what have you done, Haruno Sakura?!" I asked her darkly. "Because of you, Naruto's feeling down and ashamed right now! You made him fucking promised you! Fuck you, Sakura! Fuck! Remember this, if ever Naruto pushed himself far from his limits. That's only because you made him promised you! You fucker! You only care for Sasuke but not to him! Suck your ass bitch. Remember this, you're useless. Better make yourself useful and fucking don't cry in front of me before I could kick your ass." I said before I finally released my grip on her neck. Kakashi just sighed behind me. He understand where my anger is coming from.

"I... I'm s-sorry..."

"Fuck you! You should be!! You know that Naruto almost die on the final valley?! They almost killed each other! My squad almost pushed themselves but I had to stop them!" I told her before slapping her damn face. "Don't fucking cry on me, Sakura. Do you know why I'm mad? Do you know?! It's because you're hurting Naruto yet your mind fixated on Sasuke! It's because you're a dumb! And lastly, it's because I can't bring bring myself to bring Sasuke back." I told her.

"K-kashina... s-sorry..."

"Do you know Sasuke's last words? 'Sorry' A fucking sorry!!! I asked him if our love wasn't enough to make him stay but he didn't answer!!! Do you know how painful is that?! Do you know?!! You... Kakashi-niisan and Naruto... you guys know how much I love you guys... D-do you know how hard for me to let go of Sasuke? I had to let go because Naruto will die if I didn't save him from Sasuke's technique. Do you even know that the Nine tails almost took over? No... you don't... because what matters to you is Sasuke. Not us, not Naruto, Not Kakashi-niisan. You're a fucking selfish bitch!"

"Kashina, stop it. You guys are hurting each other." Kakashi mumbled but I didn't mind him. I continued to rant.

"So, Sakura... what are going to do now? Be depressed because Sasuke left? Remember that Naruto won't stop. He'll try over and over again to bring him back. Do you even know that he loves you more than anyone else?! Yeah, you don't. You're fuck shit. I hope this help you grow, Sakura. Stop acting like a kid and fuck show us some backbones." I clenched my fist. I must stop now. I'm aware that I'm hurting her but I'm mad on what she did.

"Leave. I want to rest. Better fix yourself Sakura. I want the best for you but if you continued being like this... vulnerable, useless, easy to hurt and childish. Quit being a ninja." And there I made my way back to the bed.

As soon as she left the room. I cried. I was being sorry for hurting her and for telling her those things. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my head so I cried harder knowing Kakashi's also in pain of seeing us like that.

"I just want her to reflect everything. I don't mean such things. I want her to be strong, to be able to help Naruto to bring him back. I want her to protect herself because no one else will do beside her." I said between my sobs.

"I know... I understand." Kakashi said.

This is probably the first time I felt so much tired. When will things go back to normal?

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