《Providence [Naruto Fan Fiction]》Chapter 16


"Who's up now?"

It's been a month since I saw Kakashi and the gang. After meeting them on their first day of their training, I vanished. I stayed in Hokage's training ground with Lord Third's permission. We clashed there everyday along with the Team Ro for the whole month. Last night, I stayed up all night to formulate a plan on how will I counter Hashirama's techniques and Tobirama's technique. I didn't bother about Orochimaru because the Lord Third will do the deed of taking care of him. What Kakashi's seeing right now is my Wood Clone while my original is standing beside Lord Third and in disguise as one of his ANBU. I also placed a mark on Lord Third's nape if ever my reaction time will be overwhelmed by the enemy.

"Naruto's match were done. Just where did you come from?" Kakashi asked with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I just shrug my shoulders on him before looking down the arena. "Who knows?"

Damn, I almost screamed when I spotted Shiranui Genma - he's the proctor for the final round! Kyaa! He's so handsome! He has such clear skin and broad shoulder! What a daddy! "Are you fawning over Genma, Kashina?" OMG, I forgot that Kakashi's with me. "Not the word fawning, It's just I admire his looks. *Pervy Giggle*" Kakashi just shook his head on me before eyeing the arena back. The crowds got angry when they announced Sasuke's and Gaara's battle to be moved so Shino and Kankuro's up now to the arena. Hihihi, Takashi Yuki's presence wasn't to be found, her name was placed in the last vs. Someone I don't know but I don't care. She's already dead by the way.

Shikamaru on the other hand was complaining on how troublesome his opponent was. I just gave him a warm pat on his shoulder before eyeing Naruto who's not standing beside me. I brace myself from an impact...

"WHY DIDN'T YOU COME HERE EARLIER?! YOU DIDN'T WATCH MY OH-SO-AWESOME FIGHT, KASHINA-CHAN!" Ah, yeah, luckily, my eardrums survived. I didn't feel nauseous, thank God. "It's okay Naruto. Congratulations on winning your match!" I told him with a bright smile imprinted on my face. I gave him a pat on his head before looking on where Gaara is.

I didn't see him for a month. I wasn't wearing the necklace but it's on my pouch. It's the symbol of our friendship. Yeah, just friendship not some romantically one. I put my attention back to ease my mind. Any moment by now, the Sand and Sound ninja's already preparing for their invasion attack. I didn't bother to do something about the village because I know that they will manage to counter them. Hayate's news about him dead already reached me and I felt a slight guilty for not doing a thing but I cannot just meddle. His death became a signal for the Jonins. I wonder how's Yugao right now? She's probably on the KIA Stone.

"Both Kankuro and Shino are long range type... this is a troublesome match." I complained to Kakashi. He just put his elbow on the top of my head and made me his stand. What dork! "You should enjoy up there Kakashi-niisan!" I barked! He just grinned and didn't care about my remarks. I sighed before continuing to watch Shino's movements. Actually, Shino has the upper hand here. His bugs were special types of bugs that is consuming chakra for their own benefit. Kankuro's chakra thread were at risk because of Shino's bugs. In the end, Shino won the battle by placing his very special bugs on Kankuro's clothing. Shino was able to do something that made him won. Yeah, Shino won and kitty was defeated.


I gave Shino a fist bump when he came back. "Congratulations Shino! That was real troublesome match." I laughed. Shikamaru just sighed because he's up next and he kept the audience waiting. Naruto got mad like a mad dog and he literally throw Shikamaru on the ground of Arena. That was hella epic because Naruto got no chill!

Meanwhile, Kakashi's clone beside me suddenly disappeared. Yup, it was just a clone because his original is still with Sasuke. They're going to come late that's for sure. Kakashi had rubbed his lateness to Sasuke, that's troublesome.

"SHIKAMARU! DO YOUR BEST!" I shouted when Shikamaru finally stood up. He just flashed a small smirk before testing Temari's ability. Kyaaa! I can't help but to scream mentally!!! They're going to be a couple in the future! They have the best chemistry in the series along with Ino and Sai! Those chipmunks! And then Genma started their match.

I already know that Shikamaru will forfeit but I can't help but to burst in laughter when he did forfeited. All of the eyes of the rookie nine went mine so Sakura and Ino had to cover my mouth to make me shut up. "Damn, that's my cousin!" I proudly shouted. Shikamaru on the other hand had to cover his face because of embarrassment.

"What the heck are you ashamed for?!" I asked him. "Nah, I'm not. Stop talking, here, chocolate." And then I shut up beside him. He sighed on my reaction before smirking and plopping down beside me and Choji. "I already know that the Nara's were lazy people but I... I can't accept those two forfeited when they're winning!!!" Sakura hissed and Ino approved! Wow, they're besties again! Good, Good.

"Nah, it's just our chakra were wearing out so we had to call it." I simply said but I know they're not contented with my answer I just let that shit slipped away. And here comes the favorite one!

After making everyone wait, Kakashi and Sasuke finally appeared. Genma is surely mumbled something that made Kakashi smiled nervously. Kyaa! Both of my daddies combined! After asking if Sasuke's match still on, Kakashi teleported beside the gang to watch Sasuke's match.

"How's his Chidori?" I asked while munching the chocolate that Shikamaru gave me. "He made it up to 80% of his ability. He can shot it twice a day." Oh, I didn't remember this. I see, so he can only use chidori twice a day but I know it'll upgrade. After all, he'll leave to train.

I winden my senses when I finally spotted those fake ANBU's around the arena. I looked up to check the Kazekage which is Orochimaru and Lord Hokage with my Original Body. It seems like Orochimaru really payed his full attention to Sasuke because he didn't caught the glimpse of my KI towards him. Gosh, immortality huh? it's true that he have obtained that in Boruto but he scarified everything for that ambition.

"What's the matter?" Kakashi asked. He probably noticed my alertness. I stood up and went to his other side. "There's a lot of ANBU... something's wrong." I whispered to him. He just nodded and roamed his eyes around to confirm. My hands were itching to fucking kill Orochimaru now but I don't want to disturb the flow of the plan that I made last night. Orochimaru will reveal himself after Gaara release his full KI towards Sasuke. Gaara will undergo transformation and then Orochimaru will use a smoke bomb to capture the Lord Third.

After that, his sound ninjas that bears his cursed mark will activate their Four Violet Flames Formations - it's the type of barrier which will corner Hiruzen inside. Those four ninjas from the sound is protected outside so I cannot counter them outside. That purple barrier is quite dangerous because a living flesh can't touch the barrier and any type of elemental ninjutsu were useless against that - the reason why his ANBU's were useless that time.


Oh, I remember Dan Kato - Tsunade's ex-boyfriend saying that the only way to counter Dan's spirit transformation technique was to corner him inside the purple barrier. I'm thinking of using the Teleportation technique of Minato. I think that's the only teleportation technique that can tolerate that.

Besides, Minato's teleportation jutsu is different from the other Teleportation technique. I've watched the episode where Minato and Naruto teleported everyone out of the Four Red Yang Formation - the red barrier from the Fourth Shinobi War. The red barrier was stronger than the Purple one so, I'm testing that. Where's the fun if I didn't?

After arriving inside, I'll definitely undo my Wood Clone before Kakashi will notice that I'm already inside the barrier with the Lord Third. Gosh, I'm nervous!

"I'm having a bad feeling about that kid." Kakashi suddenly uttered. "Yeah, he has a mass chakra on him." I told him which causes him to nod. "Was he a jinchuriki? His chakra..." Oh, so they didn't noticed his sands. Shukaku the One Tailed beast has the power to control the sand. Kakashi didn't knew that? Leaf was allied with the Sand since then but they didn't know about this?

I looked down when I saw Sasuke's battling Gaara using his Taijutsu skills but his sands was faster than him. It's truly his ultimate defense so Sasuke weave a sign for his Fire Technique and blow the hell out of Gaara but he didn't budge. It was nothing compared to his sand manipulation.

Sasuke jumped backwards to weave sign for his first Chidori. Everyone was shocked to see Kakashi's signature to Sasuke. Guy-sensei immediately scolded Kakashi for teaching Sasuke an S-class technique but Kakashi just shut him up by saying that Guy also teaches Lee to open his gates.

"Stop that both of you! You guys were both wrong for teaching them those!" Asuma scolded them so they both shut up. I shook my head on them, they're really a kiddo. I mentally facepalmed. I smugly looked on Kakashi telling him 'that's what you get' but he suddenly smacked my head again! "Aww! This is abuse!" I whimpered. I wasn't used of This Kakashi. He's showing a lot of emotions when he's with me and the team. He's changing which is a good idea for everyone. I'm sure Guy-sensei also noticed that.

A sudden shock of chakra disturb me from day dreaming. It's finally starting - Gaara's transformation. I can feel Kankuro and Temari's worry about their Little Brother. Little by little, Gaara's sand covered him until it formed into ball and he's inside talking to Shukaku.

Shukaku's bloodlust and KI roared inside my head and that made me hold onto Kakashi's vest. It's because I made it inside their head I formed a slight connection between Shukaku. "What wrong, Kashina?" Kakashi asked worriedly but I just shook my head and didn't bother to answer. I gulped when a sudden pain roared so I meditate to ease my mine. I cannot afford my clone to disappear it'll become a major upset! Not now! Not too soon!

Finally, my eagle encircle above the arena. It's a sign that the invasion finally started. Gaara went outside the arena and Sasuke followed him. The audience were caught in the enemy's genjutsu so I faced Kakashi.

"I'm counting on you Kakashi-niisan. Protect the civilians." I told him but he immediately gripped on my arms. "Where the fuck are you going? The enemy just attacked u-." I cut him off by placing my hands on his shoulder. "I'll be helping the Hokage." And then I undo my Wood Clone. My clones memories went back into my original.

Orochimaru's holding the Lord Third's on his arms right now so I remained calm. He took the Hokage as his prisoner.

"What is the meaning of this, Kazekage!?" Lord Third hissed but then, Orochimaru removed his Kazekage's hat. "It's been a while, sensei." And that made Lord third's eyes widen.

Suddenly, the ANBU's beside me launch their attack which is their biggest bad move. Orochimaru's pet just made it on time and immediately launched their Four Violet Flames. Yeah, as in flames, you'll get burn if you touch it. Fortunately, I'm wearing ANBU's outfit so the three ANBU didn't do anything to me.

"Hey you three, don't touch the barrier!" I shouted when I teleported above the roof. After Orochimaru finally reveal his original body, I teleported inside which is success. I didn't gain any wounds or burns after using space time jutsu to counter the barrier.

"Oho, what do we have here?" Orochimaru asked. Lord Thirds eyes widen when he recognized my Chakra signature. "Oho, so a space time jutsu can pass through this barrier, huh?" Orochimaru added. Nope, only the Lord Fourth's transportation jutsu.

I quickly removed my mask and my cloak. It reveals my Haori and ninja attire underneath and Katana on my waist. "K-kashina! What the hell are you doing here!!!" Lord Third freaked out. "Calm down, Lord Hokage. I don't want to let my master fight this dipshit alone." And then I turned my gaze to where Orochimaru's location were. He's smirking on me! It's so cringy.

"Oho, Hiruzen-sensei has a new student, huh? Who are you kid? I'm Orochimaru, your senpai." I deadpanned. This motherfucker has the nerve of introducing his name and calling himself as my senpai?! This dipshit! Be thankful that I'm calm Orochimaru! "I see, I'm Nara Kashina. Nice meeting you." This is the most fucking introduction I've ever heard. Even Orochimaru laughed upon realizing how awkward our introductions were.

"Kashina! Go back!!"

"No, Lord Third. I'll stay with you. Let me fight with you! I won't let you down!" Lord Third knew more than anyone else that he cannot send me back. So he just sighed. "You're really a hardheaded, aren't you? Just be careful, Kashina."

Then we started to clash. Since I don't need to use seal, I'm faster to cast technique than Orochimaru. I synchronized my Wind Technique to Lord Third's Fire ball Technique and that made Orochimaru to create a mud wall but it wasn't enough so he received a damage.

"Ehe, so you're tandem now." aH, talk-no-jutsu wasn't allowed! "I see... then... die!!" And then he charged and attack Lord Third using his Taijutsu skill so I put my blade out of my waist to counter his attack. "Not so fast, Nara-kid." He told me when my blade and his kunai met. I infused my chakra on my foot and kick the shit out of him and made him fly away from us. Phew, I better thank Jay and Kai for enhancing my mid-air skills.

"You've got a quite kid there, sensei." He told him. I thought he'll charge again but he finally made the seals for Reanimation technique. Out of 3 coffin, only two succeeded to resurfaced because Minato's soul was sealed and that's the only way to counter this technique. By sealing. "Now kid, meet your ancestors." I badly want to thank Orochimaru for this opportunity of letting me fight with the First and Second Hokage.

Finally, their coffin disappeared so Hashirama and Tobirama awakened. "K-kashina... they're... Lord First and Lord Second... I think you need to..." I cut him off. Here we go again. This is the main reason why I wanted to help him. It's three versus 2!

"Don't push me away, Hokage-sama. I'll stay with you. Besides, I want to fight the Lord First and Lord second. Just focus on Orochimaru. Don't look back and don't worry about me! Remember that, grandpa. Just focus on Orochimaru, I have a plan." He's obviously hesitant but in the end, he nodded. "Just fall back if they're overwhelming you. I cannot afford you dying."

Now then. "Hello, Lord First... Lord Second. Fancy meeting you here..." I smirked while Tobirama gained an anime vain on his forehead. "What a youngster like you doing here?! We're being controlled, you'll die here!" Arara, I thought the Lord Second was calmed and collected! I mentally pouted but then I heard Hashirama's annoying laugh. It made me and Tobirama annoyed.

"Geez, Tobirama! I'm not a youngster. Oh, I forgot, I'm Nara Kashina! Nice to meet you, Hashirama and Tobirama! I've been waiting for this moment to come." I told them as I flashed my genuine smile to them which made them curious along with the Lord third.

"That's Tobirama-sama for you!!!" What the! Hahaha, Tobirama got no chill! "What do you mean, you've been waiting for this, kid?" Hashirama asked but was interupted by Orochimaru.

"Sorry to interrupt your fancy meeting, start fighting!" and then he controlled their will's which made me annoyed to death.

"Alright, let's dance everyone. After all, I'm dying to see Hashirama and Tobirama's combo attacks. So, let's start?"

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