《♛The Wallflower♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]》♛Chptr. 26: The Magic of the Flour♛


It was another Saturday. The day when they planned to go visit Jimin's place. They've been preparing for this day to come. And when I said preparing, I meant that they actually brought too much 'unnecessary things' with them.

Seokjin brought a bug spray since he thought that there would be a great number of insects or worse!... cockroaches in Jimin's place. Seokjin was already shuddering just from the thought.

Namjoon and Hoseok brought an amulet with them like they've already read each other's minds... Ghost, there's nothing better to use for shooing a ghost but an amulet. Right, right, we need an amulet.

Yoongi, on the other hand, brought an extremely bright flashlight, expecting to always be dark at Jimin's home. Taehyung and Jungkook were scared as well but they were acting as if they weren't. It was Taehyung's idea after all and Jungkook... he would only be guilty and shameful by just the mere thought of getting too scared of Jimin once again. Although he had contemplated bringing some stolen holy water from a nearby church before he actually went with the others. But in the last minute, he decided not to, his conscience had eaten him enough.

"W-What if it would look like a h-horror mansion?" Hoseok asked in a gulp since the GPS in Jin's phone tells them that they are getting closer to Jimin's said address.

Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung, Yoongi, and Jungkook all gulped as well, shrugging the idea off in their heads since it would only turn even scarier that way.

"Don't overreact! I'm s-sure it's not like that." Taehyung assured them even though he doesn't even know where his courage would take him.

"Taehyung-ah, are you sure about this? What if--" Hoseok's question got interrupted by Jin's "We're here, this is the location." Another heavy set of deep breaths and they all slowly looked up at the place, expecting to be met by a haunted-looking house.

They were wrong though.

All they could see when they look outside the classy golden big gate was a spacious garden with planted roses surrounding the mansion that was in the middle. The mansion looked ten times bigger than their own homes and damn it almost looked like a castle out from a fairytale!

The thought of the haunted house that was in their heads had been long forgotten. They could only have their mouths hanged open at the sight. How could such a luxurious looking mansion be in this type of neighborhood anyways? It's just merely questionable.


As soon as they rung the doorbell, the big gate automatically opened for them. It took them at least five minutes to finally be able to knock to the real big wooden door of the actual mansion. Taehyung knocked at the door but no one responded so he had to do it again. And on his third knock, they finally heard frantic footsteps nearing and they knew so well that it would be no other than Jimin himself, probably waiting for them to arrive since earlier.

Taehyung raised the basket of fruits that they wanted to give to Jimin for their visit but as soon as the door opened their eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" They all screamed with Seokjin and Hoseok's voice being the most prominent. Because why wouldn't they?

Jimin was holding a knife whilst wearing that big cloak of his for Pete's sake!


"I ah... d-don't really know what to prepare for you guys so..." Jimin, with his cloak still covered around him, fiddling with his fingers whilst looking down. "I just cooked what I can..." Jungkook and the others didn't seem to be paying attention to whatever Jimin was telling them since they are busy staring and drooling over the food that Jimin cooked for them.

The dishes on the table looked very appetizing and mouth-watering, the colors were well-balanced. There is a fish dish, vegetables, stew, marinated crabs, shrimp tempura that Jungkook especially liked, and a Japanese style teriyaki rib-eye.

Gulps echoed in the whole dining area of the mansion. Chopsticks all ready to attack, stomachs already grumbling like they haven't eaten for days, and eyes not leaving their targets.

And with the bright and made out of crystals and beads chandelier that was hanging in the middle of the table, everyone's drools could be almost noticeable by now.

"Please dig--" in... Jimin didn't even finish his sentence since everyone had started eating like some hungry dogs that were just unleashed for the first time for years of getting locked up in their cages.

It only took them minutes before all the food in the table had vanished. There were none left, just the fish bones and the bone ribs but the rest was literally gone. Not even a crumb on the table. Not even a single grain. Not even a leftover for Jimin. But even though that was the case, Jimin couldn't help but smile. Just seeing everyone liked his cooking made him happy.

"That was so good, Jimin!" Namjoon emphasized, his hands rubbing his belly that was stuffed greatly.


"*Burp* I had never tasted anything like that before!" Hoseok commented, his wide smile not leaving his face and his arms were slumped back on the side of his chair.

Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook were in a daze, the delight and satisfaction on their faces were so obvious.

"I can't even remember the last time that I had real food." Yoongi said with a burp as well.

Now that everyone was in a state of euphoria, Taehyung thought about using the energy they just absorbed for something fun to do. He was thinking of a game, or whatever fun stuff but then he began smiling like an idiot, an idea stuck in his weird brain as he stared and narrowed his eyes at Jimin.

"You are cool when you fought with those bullies Jimin-ah! You have a nice personality and you can even cook! But the thing is... we haven't really seen your face up close that day since you fastly covered yourself again after Jungkook almost fainted SO!" Taehyung wriggled his eyebrows, sending everyone signals and they easily get what Taehyung wants.

"Maybe it's time for us to see that face of yours!" Taehyung said with such glee in his eyes and he even claps in excitement. The others perked up and nodded with the fun idea as well. Jungkook wanted to protest but before he could even do something, Jimin had already run upstairs with the others on his tail. And Jungkook could only facepalm.

He was the only one who had really seen Jimin's face up close before.

"AAAAAHHHH!! NO! GET AWAY FROM ME, PLEASE!!" Jimin keeps on shouting as he holds tightly on his cloak but the others seemed to have a lot of energy since they keep on pursuing Jimin even though, to be honest, Jimin wasn't slow.



"I WANT TO SEE IT TOO, JIMIN! DON'T RUN AWAY!" Taehyung stated as they all keep on running towards Jimin's neverending hallway.

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN HIDING YOUR FACE?! COME ON, JIMIN! IT'S JUST US!" Hoseok laughed and on his back was Yoongi who was being so cool about this. He was just walking behind them but still tailing on them like he had nothing better off to do so he was forced to join in. Jungkook had been trailing behind them as well, trying to stop them from forcing Jimin to show his face.

"I'M NOT GOING TO SHOW IT! NOT EVER SO JUST GIVE UP!" Jimin declared very clearly and he ran faster, almost losing them but of course, the others won't just give up like him. They weren't coined as 'Troublemakers' in their school for nothing after all.

And the pursuit continued for minutes and minuted of running and chasing like they were some four-year-old kids playing some 'Tag, you're it' game. They keep on running without a break, almost roaming the whole mansion. They turned in a lot of corners, walked a lot of stairs, and even run around some rooms, big vases, and tables until they got back again to the kitchen area and that's when Jimin's cloak got caught up in some rack making it fly in the air almost in a slow motion.

Jimin was uncovered once again.

He tripped on the side of the counter, a bag of flour fell on him from the top drawer in the kitchen. The flour poured all over his head, dirtying his hair and his face as he fell face flat on the floor.

Everyone stopped in shock. They didn't mean to cause this much mess.

"O-Oops..." was all Taehyung could muster to say.

They seem to have woken up in their state of panic when Jimin sat up and he looked at them coughing with all that flour and finally meeting their gazes.

This is actually their first time seeing Jimin up close and he is...


Grabbing a clean towel to wipe the flour off of his face, Jimin had his back facing them.

"There! You finally saw my inhumane face!" Jimin said in frustration, his hands still busy wiping away the flour off his face.

"J-Jimin, we're so sorry!" Seokjin apologized, his hand scratching the back of his head.

"We went overboard!" Hoseok tried to defend, feeling apologetic for their actions as well.

"Don't worry Jimin! Your face looked very cute!" Taehyung added, waving his hands in contrast to what Jimin just said.

"Why are you even overreacting? It doesn't look bad." Yoongi said as he looked away.

"Y-Yoongi-hyung is right, Jimin-ah... you shouldn't be embarrassed." Namjoon agreed.

"Don't say anything anymore! I'm not listening!" Then Jimin looked their way.

The flour already has gone off his face.

And there was silence.

Another shock.

They saw how Jimin's face really looked like up close.


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