《♛The Wallflower♛ (Jikook/Kookmin) [[COMPLETED]]》♛Chptr. 13: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall♛


Jimin started to panic. He has a reason why he lived his life the way it is. Why he lived his life covering himself and distancing himself from the others had something to do with his past and seeing how Jungkook wasn't moving and just staring at him triggers something in him.

Jimin bit his lower lip and moved himself up trying hard not to fall again and he did it! He stood up and hurriedly placed his hood where it should be. He looked at Jungkook who was still lying on the wet street in the rain but he chose to run away. He started crying and in his dismay, he tripped again and fell on his knees. He whimpered and cried harder not knowing what to do.

He saw my face! How ugly it looked!... Now he would even get disgusted with me...Who wouldn't? Jimin was having these negative thoughts. He wanted to run away as far away as possible or lock himself in his room but he can't stand up. His legs got weak from all the crying.

Footsteps are drawing near Jimin and he doesn't even realize it. Jungkook was now in front of him looking down at his dark figure. Jungkook doesn't know why he was doing what he's doing so he cursed himself for being so willing to help this boy.

With a blank stare and a heavy wet uniform, Jungkook offered his hand to the weeping boy and that's when Jimin felt his presence.

"Come on, stand up... the rain's getting heavier. We will get sick if we won't hurry home." Jimin looked up, his bangs covering his eyes and what Jungkook could only see was the lower half of his face again because of the hood.

Jimin bit his lip and hesitated. It doesn't feel right accepting the kind offer from Jungkook. Jungkook has done too much for him, even though all Jungkook did was stay and talked to him earlier, but for Jimin, it meant a lot.


"Geez." Jungkook have had enough so he insisted on grabbing Jimin's wrist to help him stand up by force. He was still annoyed at his actions, his eyebrows furrowed and his free hand in his pockets whilst he dragged the younger towards his house.

It didn't take them long to reach Jungkook's house since it was a short distance from the school. But when Jungkook already took out his keys and opened the door, Jimin realized what the latter was about to do so he withdrew his hand and looked on the tiled floor.

"What now?" Jungkook gave him a look. He badly wants to change immediately since he was starting to freeze because of his soaked clothes and Jimin isn't cooperating.

Oh, come on! What does he want now I swear to God!

"I-I shouldn't go inside... they might s-see." Jungkook rolled his eyes. Now he was contemplating whether he should just leave Jimin outside since he is insisting too but he simply can't! Not when Jimin was soaked too and it was much worse because Jimin fell earlier. Jungkook was starting to get pissed.

"No one's here you clutz! Now go inside because if you won't then I'm still forcing you because I'm not letting you freeze here to death!" Jungkook shouted making Jimin scared as he flinched.

Jungkook dragged the boy again and closed the door calling for his mother but no one is responding. He let go of Jimin in the living room and decided to head in the kitchen in which he saw a note pasted on the refrigerator. It was from his mother.


Hi sweetie~ I'm going to the supermarket see ya later *winky face*


The note said and it literally spells "*winky face*" without an emotion. Jungkook cringed and rolled his eyes.


Jungkook looked on the clock that showed 5:30. Usually, his mom would shop at 4:30 so he was wondering on why she's still not back home when the store is just a 15-minute drive. He just sighed ignoring his thoughts and went upstairs to get a spare of a little smaller clothes for Jimin.

When he gets back to the living room, he saw Jimin just standing there looking on the ground with his body obviously shivering. Jungkook handed the boy the clothes and even a new set of underwear. Jimin only looked at the clothes but isn't taking it.

"Y-You don't have to... I c-could handle." Jungkook was having none of his bullshits. It was obvious that Jimin feels cold by just looking at his hands that are trembling and gripping tightly on his wet cloak.

"Could please just... just take it." Jungkook said, almost snapping but he's being patient. Still.

Jimin moved his hands with hesitation but since he sensed the change in the tone of the latter, he was scared to refuse this time.

"Thank you..." He uttered in a low voice.

"Now go to that door, that's the bathroom. Go take a bath and change into that, don't make me repeat myself, understand?" Jungkook stated firmly and Jimin slowly nodded.

The older went to his room upstairs and decided to take a bath himself so he could change too. Jimin went inside the said door slowly opening it and seeing a white tiled granite floor with a very spacious bathroom inside. He placed the clothes in the counter near the sink when he realized that there's a mirror above it!

Jimin was fast to crouch down, his heartbeats increasing in the process as he held onto his chest like his life depends on it. He bit his lower lip, a mannerism he has together with the stuttering whenever he feels nervous. It was the mirror's fault this time. He almost saw himself and it could've been a disaster if he did!


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