《28 Weeks Later (Rewrite)》Chapter Ten
*Third pov.*
As the survivors running through the streets of London while Doyle and Thomas shooting the infected before moving again. As they turn around the corner down the street they see some type of thick fog that's coming towards them.
Scarlet: Stop! Stop! its GAS!
Doyle: Run for the car!
The survivors hurrying down the street towards a five seated car before the gas and the infected reach them. Quickly opening doors Andy and Thomas jump in the back seat while Tammy jumps in from the other side, Doyle jumps in the left passage seat, and Scarlet jumps in the driver seat. The survivors close the doors locking them and just on time as the infected came and start to bang on the windows vomiting blood.
Doyle: Get the vents and put a mask on.
The survivors use their clothing as a mask while closing the vents, they watch as the infected trying to get in the car as the gas cloud swallows them. The infected slowly fall to the ground as the gas is affecting them killing them. Scarlet turns the key in the ignition to start the car but fails to start.
Scarlet: It won't start.
Doyle: Keep trying.
Scarlet: I'm trying but it won't start.
Outside figures are walking through the gas, these figures are BIO soldiers two are with M4 rifles while the other two are armed with flamethrowers.
Back to the car, scarlet is trying to start the car while pressing the gas peddle but fails again, Doyle then looks at the rear mirror his eyes widen in terror to see the BIO Soldiers.
Doyle: OH you got to be kidding me.
He sees the soldiers burning the infected body's knowing that they will burn them too, Thomas notices Doyle's gaze behind them he looks too and sees the soldiers.
Thomas: Oh no.
Doyle: Put your foot on the clutch.
Scarlet does what she is told.
Doyle: *pulls the stick to drive* Ok you pump the clutch when I tell you. You get them to the stadium.
Doyle looks at the kids, Tammy is crying and Andy is scared, and when his eyes land on Thomas as he is not crying nor showing any fear but his eyes show there scared and tears are threading. Thomas nod to Doyle as he knew what he doing, Doyle nods back to the young teen.
Doyle: Keep your head down and Thomas looks after them ok.
Thomas: Ok.
Doyle put his rifle next to the scarlet seat before looking at her.
Doyle: *takes a breath before looking at Scarlet* I'll meet you there.
The sniper quickly opens the door close it behind him, Tammy yells for him to come back but couldn't hear as struggle to push the car. He eventually got the car moving, the survivors were a concern for the sniper, the sniper look behind him and see that the flamer notice them.
Doyle: Punch it! Punch it!
Scarlet punches the clutch and turns the ignition the car still won't turn on. Behind Doyle, the flamer has his torch point at them.
As the car turns on a burst of flames appears swallowing Doyle's body coving him in flames. As they drive away, they watch in horror seeing Doyle still moving as he falls to his knees as the rest of his body falls to the ground.
Tammy: *crying* Oh My God!
As Doyle's body is burning, the soldiers watch the corpse burning, showing no emotion nor sympathy, but they all thinking the same thing.
All: "What have we become"
Back with the four survivors, Scarlet is driving panicking as every turn she makes is another gas cloud blocking. She keeping driving straight then turn left existing out of the suburbs.
Scarlet: Are you guys ok.
The teen's nod yes.
Scarlet: Ok just keep your head down.
A loud noise was heard from outside Thomas looks around then see an apache helicopter following and align behind them.
Thomas: Oh shoot! Mom, we got a military behind us!
Scarlet: Hold on!
The Apache fires its machine gun at them, scarlet turns to the right dodging the bullets as it destroys an abandoned car. The chopper made align with aiming its guns firing them again but miss. Scarlet makes a right as the Apache losing sight of them, she looks around to find the helicopter but she could find it at first then it appears from one of the tall buildings.
She then makes a right entering a wide-open street, the Apache shoots at them but Scarlet zig-zag maneuver dodging the bullets. Scarlet looks around to find somewhere to hide then she spots the London underground.
Scarlet: Perfect.
She stomps the gas pedal driving faster making the car jump over the curve, entering the underground losing sight of the Apache.
As scarlet drives around seeing old shops until stops the car parked in front of the escaladers and the other entrance. The survivors are taking a breather after chase escape with their lives and watching Doyle burning alive, Tammy was crying while Thomas is comforting her, and Andy was shocked.
Scarlet: Ok guys we have to get moving.
Andy: Can't we keep driving?
Scarlet: The car won't start, so we have to go on foot.
Scarlet steps out of the vehicle grabbed the rifle, the teens soon follow closing the car doors. Thomas checks his rifle seeing no bullets in it drops it to the ground, grabbing the pistol checks it, and having a few bullets in the one clip before putting it back into the pistol. The med officer got the teen's attention and points to the escalators and they look down the escalator see nothing but darkness.
Thomas: I-I don't like this, it's too dark.
Scarlet: We have no choice we need to get through the tube-
Thomas: This is not the London underground anymore..... It's a tomb. Pulse the infected would likely be done there and they always hide in the dark.
Scarlet: Look I know it's hard but we are almost there. If we take the train that leads to Wembley Stadium it only takes an hour half.
Thomas knew that you should never go to dark places. The infected always hide in the dark and ambush in the dark. He experiences an ambush by the infected during the first outbreak but he knows that his mother is right.
Thomas: *sighs* Alright, but just to let you know it's a tomb down there, and don't panic.
Scarlet: Ok let's go.
The survivors are walking down the escalators blindly except for Scarlet whose has Doyle's sniper rifle looking into the scope the has night vision direct them down the stairs.
Tammy: God I can't see a thing.
Scarlet: It's ok I've got my sight on you. Now grab the rail behind you*Teens grabs it* Good, now move down but keep to the side. Yes slowly go down*Spots a skeleton next to Andy* Wait! STOP!
This got the kids scared as to not seeing anything.
Scarlet: Ok. Andy, I want you to move the right side.
Andy slowly moves and extending out his hand to search for the other rail before placing his hand on it and pulling himself to it.
Scarlet: Ok, Tammy I want you to do the same thing. Just slowly move to the right-
Tammy was following Scarlet orders but scream and when she steps on something that made a loud crake. She jumps grabbing Thomas's arm who was startled by the noise and Tammy grabbing his arm.
Scarlet: It's alright. Just continue to move towards Andy.
Tammy lets go of Thomas go towards Andy as he grabs her hand pulling towards him, Thomas follows. They slowly move down doing another zig-zag around the skeleton.
Scarlet: Ok now continue down-
Thomas accidentally steps on a rib cage freaking out Tammy and Andy.
Scarlet: It's okay just-
Before she continues Andy steps on the arm of a skeleton startled by the noise, he jumps back runs into Tammy she screams both lost their balance falling. Thomas tries to grab them but they just pull him down and rolling down the stairs disappears into the darkness.
Scarlet chase them but carefully not falling. She looks through her scope looking for the teens. She made it to the bottom of the escalator looking around to find the teens. She sees trash, clothes, and skeletons liter all over the ground.
Scarlet: Andy, Tammy, Thomas! Where are you! Please Answer Me! WHERE ARE YOU!
As she walks through the underground train station.which ends at a T-junction between the two north and south-bound platforms she sees a black figure walk past in front of her.
Scarlet: Thomas!
There was no reply and that worried her think it might be infected.
Scarlet: "I need to find them"
She keeps looking around and walks towards the south-bound platforms, she hears a whisper looks around to see Tammy scrawling on the floor.
Scarlet: Tammy!
Tammy: Scarlet! Have you seen Thomas and Andy?
Scarlet: No, but we are going to find them. Ok.
Tammy: Okay.
Scarlet hears a noise behind her, she turns around to meet with an infected, before she can shoot the infected hits her to the ground and grabs the rifle starts to stabs her with it. Tammy yells for her but the infected keep hitting her until scarlet then everything goes black.
Meanwhile, Thomas is slowly walking through the station he can see some light that coming from the street giving him a view of his surroundings. He looks around whispering for Tammy, Andy, and his mother then he sees a figure walking in front of him he looks closer to see Andy.
Thomas: Andy!
His voice got Andy's attention turn to look at him.
Andy: Thomas!
The boy runs to Thomas hugs him.
Thomas: *hugs back* are okay?
Andy: Yeah.
Thomas: * Let's go* Have you seen Tammy and my mom?
Andy: No.
Thomas: Ok we got find fast I think there-
They both hear running behind them as they turn seeing an infected don cover in fresh blood. Thomas pushes Andy behind him and grabs his pistol cocking it. Thomas and infected Don had an intense stair down waiting for one of them to make thier move.
Thomas: I'm sorry Don.
The teen pulls the trigger but all they hear is a click, Thomas eyes widen, and looks at his weapon cocking it attack and shoot it hearing a click again.
Thomas:" Bugga jammed"
Thomas realizes what he has to do, he pushes Andy back as he landing on the ground and yell for him to run. The infected charges at Thomas and he does the same both crash into each other, infected Don tries to bite Thomas but he invades it and hit with the butt of his gun. As both fighting. Andy still on the floor watching them in fear.
Thomas hit infected Don in the face but it had no effect, infected Don grabs his shirt pulls him up and pushes him down hitting the back of the head. Temporary stunning Thomas. Infected Don went to bite him and Thomas tries to hold but has no strength as he bites into his shoulder. Thomas screams in pain as blood coming out of him.
???: DAD!
This got infected Don's attention and looks up to see his daughter, Tammy, holding Doyle's sniper rifle aiming at him. He pauses staring at her like trying to figure out something or find his humanity. Tammy hoping that her father would find his humanity and have her dad back again.
Infected Don stands and runs to her about to attack her.
Was heard throughout the station. Tammy shot her father hitting him in the shoulder, he gets up again she shoots him again hitting him in the heart and Tammy shoots one final time hitting him in the head. His body falls to the ground, and she drops the gun shocked starts crying as to realize that she killed her father.
Andy: Tammy?
She looks at her younger brother and runs to him hugging for monument before letting go checking on Thomas, they see him sitting down having his back against the wall with his hand on his bleeding shoulder.
Tammy: * eyes widen* Thomas?
Thomas: H-he bit me.
This shock both of them.
Thomas: Do you still have any bullets in that gun?
Tammy: No.
Thomas: You need to find an object really quick and bash my head in.
Andy: No we won't do that!
Tammy: You said We are never going to separate and we're going to stick together.
Thomas moves them out of the way and starts running towards the tunnel. Tammy and Andy chase after him screaming his name as they run after him, Thomas trip and fell to the ground not having any energy since he had no sleep and no rest. The sibling caught up to him and seeing him push himself up.
Thomas: T-tammy, tell me am I one of them?
Tammy grabs Thomas looking at his face, in his right eye sees red bloody veins appear.
At first, she was afraid that he was infected but something else happens, she notices blue veins appear and then red veins despair, and also blue veins see something that shocks her. His eyes change color, instead of his regular eye color, it is blue.
Thomas: Tam?
Tammy: No, your not.
Thomas: What. what do you mean?
Tammy: You're not infected. Your eyes turn blue.
Andy: How is that possible?
Thomas: I don't know. Maybe my mom could explain, do you know where she is?
Tammy didn't say anything and that worried him.
Thomas: Tammy?
Tammy: I'm sorry Thomas but-
She didn't continue her sentence and Thomas knew the answer that his mother is dead.
Thomas: No! No! That can't.
Thomas starts to cry knowing that lost his only mother and only family.
Tammy: Oh Thomas *hugs him and he hugs back*
Andy: *Hugs his back*
After what seems an hour they let go of each other and two siblings pull Thomas up.
Tammy: Come on guys we're all most done. One last push.
The two boys nod and walk down the tunnel.
The three teens made their way out of the tunnel and out of the underground train station. Across the street is the view of Wembley Stadium.
(Imagine Thomas is there next to Tammy)
Tammy: Come on.
They enter the ghostly abandoned stadium and made their way to the open field.
They see the helicopter and make their way to it.
(That's Flynn)
The helicopter pilot name Flynn has been waiting for his friend for several hours and he's hoping that those people didn't come with him. He sees figures in the distance and it's not Doyle but three teens.
Flynn:*aiming at the teens* STOP!
The three-stop and Tammy push Andy behind her while Thomas is in front of both of them.
Flynn: Where's Doyle?
The kids didn't answer.
The kids didn't answer and Flynn was prepared to shoot them if they try to attack him.
Tammy/Thomas: ITS JUST US.
Flynn couldn't believe that his best friend is dead but also Flynn feels sympathy for the teens. For witnessing horror events and knowing Doyle he would want him to take these kids to safety.
Flynn: *lower his sub*Alright, come on.
The teens hesitated at first and the Flynn yell to come on, they enter the chopper strap themselves in.
Flynn: Alright hold on tight.
The pilot turns the helicopter ascend into the air flying away from the stadium. As they are flying the kids are looking outside seeing the ghost city of London and they get closer to what was once the green zone. They see it all burn and destroyed knowing that this city is not their home anymore and they will never return.
As they passed the burnt city into the countryside soon they made to the cliff flying towards France.
Andy who is sitting on the right side is leaning on Tammy who in the middle between the two boys. Tammy put her hand on her brother rubbing his head while leaning on Thomas. He put his arm around tammy's shoulder both look at each other and Thomas kisses her forehead before she leans on his chest. Flynn watches the kids in his rear mirror and smiles at the young lovers. Throughout the flight, the teens were silent knowing there's nothing to say after what they been through but the one thing they are all thinking of is they survive the hell and hopeful that the nightmare is over.....
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