《Sage ▸ Stiles Stilinski [Book One]》07.
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"Hey, it's me again. Look, I found something and I don't know what to do so if you could turn your phone on right now that'd be great. Or else I'll kill you. Do you understand me? I'm going to kill you. And I'm too upset to come up with a witty description about how exactly I'm going to kill you but I'm just going to do it okay? I'm goin— gah! Goodbye!"
Sage watched as he hung up, throwing the phone on the bed to the right of her. He paced around a bit before flopping down on the bed as well, face first into the comforter. Sage snorted, and went to flick his head when a knock at the door stopped her. She turned around while Stiles sat up, her smiling at the sight of Sheriff Stilinski just as Stiles frowned.
"Hey Sheriff," Sage called, grinning as she gave a small wave.
She figured she might as well be the over achiever, especially when she knew Sheriff was still on the edge about her after what happened last night. He was the one who repeatedly asked if she was okay in the car ride home. She also knew that he kept an eye on the arm Stiles had around her shoulder.
"Hi Sage. It's nice to see you," Sheriff greeted, before turning towards his son. "Please tell me I'm going to hear good news at this parent-teacher thing tonight."
Stiles opened his mouth, playing with his phone. "That depends on how you define good news."
"I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues."
Sage bit down on her lip to keep herself from laughing. She knew that Stiles had the grades, she just wasn't so sure about the behavioral issues. Sheriff was definitely going to be disappointed when he took a visit to Harris' class.
"You might want to rethink that definition," Stiles said, wincing a bit.
When his dad sighed, he pulled a face because he knew it was only going to be worse. Sage was now biting down on her tongue to stop herself from slipping up, and she knew that as soon as Sheriff left, she would crack.
"Enough said," Sheriff muttered, before turning to walk out of the room. Before he did so, he quickly tilted his head at the two on the bed. "Err, there's nothing going on between you two, is there? I mean—"
"Wh— Dad!" Stiles hissed, eyes widening as his cheeks started to heat up. He scooted away from Sage, feeling his heart thump in his chest.
Sage handled the question better. "No, Sheriff. We're just friends. Nothing's going on."
"Nothing?" Stiles squeaked, somehow offended that everything that they had been through so far meant nothing to her.
Sage looked over at him confused, and Sheriff took that as his cue to leave. His son had basically just been friend-zoned and he wasn't going to stay and watch that mess unfold. Stiles continued to stare baffled at the damn blonde, wondering why his hope suddenly dwindled down as she said the word nothing. He hoped there was something.
"Do you really want to get the sex talk from your dad?" Sage asked, arching her eyebrows.
Stiles opened his mouth, but quickly closed it when he realized she was right. So he stood up, cheeks still hot, moving to the desk chair to create some distance between himself and her.
"Will you tell me what happened last night?" Stiles asked, watching as she chewed on her lips.
He couldn't help but stare at her. One, because she was hot, and two, because she was so intriguing. He remembered back in primary school when she would wear her hair in pigtails with light pink ribbons on them. He couldn't help but wonder if that part of her still exists, or if it burned away with the fire.
"What do you want to know?" Sage wondered, rubbing at her eyes.
"Everything. Like how the hell you ended up there in the first place."
Sage sighed before standing up, pulling her hair into a high ponytail as she did so. When she grabbed a hold of Stiles' hand, jerking him off the chair, he was completely lost. Until she turned around and he could see three indents in the back of her neck.
"I was leaving to meet Derek and Scott when this thing started to burn. I touched it and—" Sage paused. "—and I felt Jackson. It's like a flip was switched in my brain and I knew Jackson was in trouble. I got into the car and something just told me to take a right, then a left, and eventually I was at the store."
"You felt Jackson?"
Sage turned around and gave him a dumbfounded look. "Really? Out of everything I just told you, that's what you picked up on?"
"Never mind, continue. What happened when you got there?"
"I hugged Jackso—"
Stiles interrupted her. "You hugged Jackson?"
Sage glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest. "I hugged Jackson to see if he had the same marks on his neck as me. He did, but he was okay so I thought my abilities glitched or something. Then, we found the dead body, and everything happened in a flash. It was definitely the alpha though."
"So why didn't it kill you?" Stiles bluntly wondered. He must have said the wrong thing because Sage had hit him hard in the shoulder, making him groan and hold it. It felt as though he had just been shot. She may be small but she packs a mean punch. "Ow, ow, ow, okay. I'm sorry. What did the alpha do after that?"
"He pushed the movie shelves over, and I shoved Jackson out of the way. I wasn't fast enough so I got stuck under one of them. I told Jackson to leave because I didn't want him to be brutally murdered by a creature that was most likely one of the movie covers that fell on me. He left, and—"
"He just left you?" Stiles gasped, bemused. Sage clenched her jaw, just wanting him to stop interrupting her every time Jackson came up in the sentence.
"Yes, Stiles. Jackson left me. After that, the alpha came over to me. I didn't look at it, but I could feel it touching my face. It was weird though, it wasn't like it was taunting me, it was like it knew me. I don't know, it was just odd." Sage felt a cold chill coming, and her body shuttered as she practically felt the alpha's claw back on her cheek.
"My dad said when they found you, you were unconscious. But the movie shelf wasn't on you."
"Yeah, I know," Sage admitted, chewing at her bottom lip. "That's what makes this whole thing a hell of a lot creepier."
Stiles sighed before turning around to pick up Lydia's phone. He'd decided to take it when Scott wasn't picking up his phone, therefore no Scott means no way to show Scott alpha. Sage didn't know what to do either because Derek wasn't answering his own phone as well. So, Stiles and her were on their own until then, trying to figure out what the hell to do with a video that could end up destroying many lives.
"Delete it."
Stiles looked up at her in shock. "You think we should?"
"Stiles, if this video gets in the wrong hands, people are going to go looking for it. Your dad will go looking for it, and the alpha will kill them. It's already proved that it doesn't show mercy," Sage explained, leaning over his shoulder as she watched the video play.
It was so vivid.
"It showed you mercy," Stiles mumbled while scrolling through the options. Sage didn't say anything, just put her hand on his shoulder as he pressed delete.
She took a deep breath and went to speak but she felt another cold chill come. This time, however, it had a different effect and she realized it wasn't just a gust of wind. Her grip of Stiles' shoulder loosened and she fell to the floor, her whole body convulsing as she felt another stun.
"Sage, Sage!" Stiles cried out, dropping to the floor.
He grabbed a hold of her face, pulling the blonde strands out of her line of sight as she started to seize. His eyes widened and he pulled her body in his lap, watching as her eyes glazed over. She continued to shake, and Stiles felt tears brimming as he watched her.
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Stiles sat in the waiting room of the hospital, his knees shaking rapidly while he bit his nails. They had called an ambulance to the house when Sage started having a seizure out of the blue. His dad was the one talking to Melissa, Sage's designated nurse for the time being. Stiles wasn't able to see Sage yet, even though he'd been waiting for the past hour and half.
When his dad finally walked over, Stiles shot out of his seat. "What happened? Is she okay?"
"She had a seizure as an effect of being electrocuted. Stiles, what did you do?"
Stiles fell back into his seat. How the hell had she been electrocuted? She wasn't even near anything that had electricity. He looked up at his father and shook his head, not even able to speak because the words would only come out as an incoherent sentence.
His dad frowned before speaking again. "You can go see her. She's awake."
Stiles wasted no time jogging to her room, jerking open the door and practically stumbling in. She was awake, she just looked like shit. Stiles wasn't going to tell her that though, so he just walked over to her, taking a seat in one of the chairs. She had smiled when she saw him, and he couldn't help but feel a large weight lift off his shoulder when he saw it.
"You scared the shit out of me, Sage," Stiles admitted, running his hands through his short hair.
"I'm sorry," Sage croaked out. She watched as he scooted closer to her, and she could clearly see that he was still stressed out. Grabbing a hold of his hand, the one that didn't have an IV in it, she squeezed it tightly. "Hey, I'm okay."
"Just don't ever do that again, alright? I thought I was going to have a heart attack," Stiles complained. It was true, when he saw her hit the floor he, honest to god, thought his heart stopped beating.
"Well, that would be inconvenient. Maybe they could get us to be roommates," Sage cracked a smile, nodding her head over at the empty bed to the left. Stiles chuckled and shook his head, giving her hand another tight squeeze. "Don't you have a werewolf to go find?"
Stiles frowned, glancing back towards the door. "Yeah but—"
"Go," Sage ushed, nodding once with an uneasy smile. "I'll be fine."
Stiles bit his lip, standing up. "I'll come back after. We need to figure out why you had the seizure."
Sage nodded her head, and gave a tight smile as she watched Stiles leave, giving another glance back before he closed to door. When he was gone, she flopped her head back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. She already knew why she had the seizure, she knew as soon as she hit the floor what was happening. She just didn't want to have Stiles worrying about her anymore than he already was.
When she hit the floor, she felt Derek.
It was exactly like yesterday with Jackson. Ever since she came back to Beacon Hills, her abilities have been going haywire, and she didn't know why. She shouldn't have had a seizure today. If Derek was actually being electrocuted, she should have just felt the shock. She wasn't supposed to be electrocuted as well. She wasn't supposed to be affected by another's wound. It's not how it works. It's not how she works.
The scariest part in all of this: she could have died today because of Derek, and nothing is stopping it from happening again.
Absolutely nothing.
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Sage had woken up to the sound of the hospital door opening. She thought that it was Stiles coming back from finding Scott, but when a familiar cologne hit her nose, she opened her eyes to see Jackson standing at the foot of her bed. She pulled the sheets off her body, scooting down to the end of the bed.
"What the hell happened?" She hissed when she picked up his hand. His knuckles were bloody and bruised, and she was surprised none of the nurses had stopped him on the way inside. When he leaned down, she was able to smell his breath, "Have you been drinking? Jackson, what the hell going on?"
"I— it's not fair," he snarled, bringing his hand up to the railing on the bed, gripping it tightly. Sage shook her head, still disoriented from waking up. What the hell was he talking about? She grabbed a hold of his hand, trying to pry it off before he hurt himself anymore. "Nothing's fair, anymore. It's jus—"
"Jackson," Sage muttered, her chest heaving from nerves. "Jackson, I need you to look at me, okay? Look at me."
He did so, and she couldn't help but feel her heart break when she saw the tears streaming down his face. She still couldn't get up with the IV connected to her, so she tugged on his hand so he would sit down and speak to her rather than there being such a large vicinity between them.
Right when she was about to ask what happened for the second time, he started sobbing.
Sage stayed silent, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and bringing him into her chest. He shuddered as he continued to cry, and she didn't know what to do. She felt helpless as she held him, running her hands through his hair as she wondered how in the hell she got into this situation where she was holding a broken Jackson Whittemore in her arms.
"Jackson, why didn't you go to Lydia?"
Jackson looked up, eyes red from alcohol and tears as he took a few seconds to consider why he hadn't gone to see his girlfriend. "She has her own problems to deal with."
"But she's your girlfrie—"
Her words were cut short when Jackson pressed his lips to hers. She stayed frozen in her place, eyes wide as she stared at the drunk boy in front of her. Without ever kissing back, she shoved him away from her, wiping her wet lips on the back of her hand.
"What the hell, Jackson?"
"I just—" the lacrosse player tried to explain but it fell flat on his tongue.
Sage closed her eyes, trying to take deep breaths."You need to go."
And he did. The door closed just a few seconds later, and Sage was left alone to listen to the hum of the heart monitor. She slowly went back to her sitting position on her bed, no longer feeling drowsy. From the table next to her, she heard her phone go off with a text message, and she reached over to grab it.
Sage felt her whole world drop at the one-word text. It would have just meant 'nothing' to some people, but the text message 'nothing' to her made her fling her body over the side of the bed, retching into the trash can.
She didn't know that Stiles Stilinski had been standing outside her door when Jackson forcefully kissed her. She didn't know that Stiles Stilinski swore a part of him tore in half. Stiles didn't know what was worse anymore; seeing Sage kiss Jackson, or seeing Lydia kiss Jackson. All he knew was that any feelings that may have started for Sage were gone.
They were nothing.
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