《Fixing the Broken Billionaire [DISCONTINUED]》Chapter 24 (Aurora)



Two arms wrapped around me as I sat on my couch in front of my t.v. I turned my face towards the person that encircled their arms around me and I was met with a pair of green eyes. Absorbing the person's facial feature, I began to recognize the person. "Alex! What are you doing here," I questioned. His eyes seemed to be full of lust as he nuzzled into my neck and began to ravish at it feverishly. "Alex", I moaned softly as he left light hickeys all across my body. His soft lips then pressed against mine and he started to suck onto my bottom lip. His kiss had me weak in my knees and if he wasn't holding me so tightly to his body I would have already collapsed. He pulled me even closer to his body so my breast was squished against his chest. He began to grind himself against me causing my moans to become even louder. "Oh Alex," I moaned. Alex pulled away from me suddenly my face was flushed red from his cations. He opened his mouth to say something but all I could hear was faint banging noises coming out. The banging noises got louder and I looked at him confusedly.

My eyes peeled open and I was in my room surrounded by the darkness. Why was I dreaming about Xander I thought. That dream was so naughty. The banging continued and I turned my head towards the door. I stumbled out of bed and tripped over my shirt. My hand fell onto my bed frame on a piece of broken wood. Trickles of blood gushed out as I picked out the large splinter from my hand. "Stupid bedframe," I whispered angrily and proceeded to kick the bed frame with my feet unintentionally hurting my toes. "Owwww", I whined as my eyes watered from the pain.


"Aurora open up." I quickly walked towards the door and looked through the small hole in my door and saw my apartment manager. Although it was only around 6 am, outside was still dark. I slowly opened the door and revealing my face only, but no one was there. I opened the door wider and stuck my body out but just like the first time, no one was there. I turned back inside my house and saw a bright white paper in big red letters. I gasped loudly. I couldn't believe it. I was being evicted. I walked bag into my apartment with tears in my eyes.

"This has officially been the worst start of my day. I hurt my hand, stubbed my toes, and I'm having weird sex dreams with Alex in them." I ran my hands through my hair but winced realizing that my hand was still hurt. I rinsed my hand in the sink and put a bandaid over the wound. I went back into my room and reached for my phone on the small dresser next to my bed. I dialed Sara's number and called her but the phone went to voicemail. Why would she answer when it's only 6 am in the morning. "Alright suck it up, Aurora." I had to get my act together because I had an interview later and mixing your personal life with work was a recipe for disaster. I walked into my bathroom and did my morning rituals. When I was finished showering I lathered my body in coconut lotion and wore a plain white long sleeve cotton shirt and black slacks. I did my makeup and grabbed my gel and a brush from my hair supply drawer to use it to make myself a low sleek bun. It was one of my favorite interview hairstyles. My phone rang loudly after I finished my style. I picked it up hoping that it was Sara, but unfortunately, to my dismay, it wasn't. It was the job I was supposed to be working at. I switched my voice so it sounded more professional as soon as I tapped the green icon on the screen.


"Hello is this Aurora James?" A young man's voice said.

"Yes this is she", I responded.

"Well, I am calling to inform you that your interview with the company has been canceled."

"What why?" I questioned.

"I have been informed to draw you out the pile as a candidate for the job position." Several moments of silence passed by and the young man spoke again. "Ms. James are you there," He questioned.

"Uhm yeah, I'm just confused about everything."

"Look, sweetheart, between you and me a rumors been spreading around the office that a man called our CEO and he demanded that you not get the job." He talked more hushed than before. "Well, we were just calling to inform you about that have a good day." The line went dead after that.

"Well, I'm not having a good day. I'm having a bad day." I huffed and yanked my clothes off of me. If anyone saw me from the outside, it would probably look like that I was throwing a tantrum. I changed into grey sweats and a long sleeved cotton shirt. I can't believe I got ready for nothing. I looked at my eviction paper and it said that I had 30 days to move out. I sat on my couch and my mind drifted to what that guy said on the phone earlier. Could Alex be doing all of this, I thought. My phone rang and when I reach for it on my bed in the room and on the screen said, hubby. "What does he want," I said out loud. I put the phone up to my ear and a deep husky voice spoke. He sounded tired. "Did you have something to do with everything that's happening today," I said while on the verge of crying. I couldn't believe that he would go this far.

"Baby, what's wrong," he said his voice getting worried. I sniffled and wiped the tears on my face.

"Well do you."

"I don't like hearing you sad. I'm coming over there." He said. Before I could tell him to just stay over there, he had already ended the call. How could I face Alex after the dream I just had about him. My face turned a bright red just thinking about it. I went to lie back down on my bed and fell asleep with a lot on my mind.


I finally updated and you can thank for the update because she was bothering me about it for 3 weeks now. This chapter has not been edited and don't forget to

and if you haven't already so you say tuned to the newest updates because there might be another chapter coming later today.

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