《Forbidden Percabeth》A/N


Hi all!

First, props to you all for reading this story and enjoying it........it came straight from my 12 year old brain and I haven't been able to make it through 5 chapters without internally gagging and peace-ing out (is "peacing" not a word??? it's giving me those angry red squiggly lines—since when is that not a word???). I mean, c'mon... the title is "Forbidden Percabeth." That is, like, the worst title to exist. *internal gag*. The fact it's reached ~717k views???? Crazy talk. *another internal gag*.

But secondly, you all are fantastic. Best readers out there. I've started (since my 12 yr old writing shenanigans) two of my own books, both are young adult fiction. One is titled "Little Lady" and the other "Shifting Gears". It would mean THE WORLD to me if some of you dedicated readers went through the beginning chapters of either/both of those books and let me know what you think—just trying to get a feeler out there for what people think of the storylines. Also needing encouragement to keep writing lol.

This was just a quick note and quick request! I know you were probably majorly hoping for an epilogue or reboot or sequel or bonus chapter to Forbidden Percabeth (*internal gag* again, bc worst title ever), so my deepest apologies. I'll leave Percy and Annabeth where they were at... though I cannot even recall what the story ended like.

Lastly—if you've just now reached the end of the book because you're currently reading or are old readers and see the notification pop up that I updated it and decide to see what this update was....just out of curiosity (and because the hubs and me always desperately need help picking new things to watch)....what's your "go-to" on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBO Max, Disney+, or AMC??? (yes, I have all of these, and no, I do not pay for any of them lol I love parents and friends)


Okay, that's it! Thanks muy mucho and hope you're having a great day!

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