《Forbidden Percabeth》Chapter 15



"So what took you guys so long?" Jason asked after I had let him and the two other boys go.

"Remember the LLC?" Percy replied with a question. I sent him a confused look, and he explained, "It stands for Larissa's Learning Center."

I nodded, and Jason answered, "How could I forget those kids, Perce! They're awesome."

"Yeah, well, we kinda ran into them! They got introduced to Annabeth, and asked if she was my boyfriend, then two said she was pretty, which I couldn't disagree with," He said that last part with a wink, but it sounded honest. I tried to hied the blush in my cheeks by looking over, but I made the mistake of looking at Nico.

And he could easily see the redness in under my cheek bones, causing him to smirk at me. I glared back, then tuned back in again to Percy and Jason's conversation.

"They said they missed you, and were wondering if we could play a game of soccer."

Jason snorted at Percy's last sentence, "We probably played about one hundred games of soccer with them. Aren't they tired of that game yet?"

Percy shrugged and grinned, "I don't know."

We continued to walk, but in silence. It wasn't as awkward for me as it would've been this morning, though. I felt a lot more comfortable with these three than I had been, and I even consider them friends now. I'll have to thank Thalia later.

Soon, we reached the restaurant that Thalia told everybody to meet at. I saw that most of our group was there, including Thalia and my three brothers.

Thalia smiled at us when we walked up, "How was your day?"

I returned the smile and answered, "Great. And yours?"

"Horrible." Came the short reply.

I raised an eyebrow, "Care to explain why?"


My uplifted brow was soon brought back down as I frowned at her, my eyes glaring, "Seriously, Thalia."

She chuckled, "Just playing with you Annabeth, loosen up. My day was great until about lunch time. We went to this lobster place and I apparently ate a bad lobster. So after I had a stomach ache and after I threw up, we went to go get some dessert. And guess what? I ate something bad. So after I had a stomach ache and after I threw up, your brothers insisted we try this sample these people were giving out. And guess what? I ate something bad. So after I had a stomach ache and after I threw up, it was time to come and meet you. But, along the way, we got some water. And of course, I had to have something in my water that was making me have a stomach ache and I threw up. Now we're here!"

Me, Jason, Percy, and Nico were all staring open-mouthed at her. That was some serious bad luck and coincidence. Or maybe it wasn't coincidence… My unbelieving gaze turned to my three brothers, and they were all completely straight mouthed. And when you were as unsmiling as they were now, and in this instance, it was because they were dying laughing on the inside. And why were they dying laughing? I was about to find out.


"Well, that's… interesting. Thalia, could you go see if the rest of the group is coming? Oh, and see if you can spot Piper, she should be here any minute." My excuse to make her leave worked, and she nodded right before walking away and around the corner to get a good look.

Right after she disappeared from our line of sight, I turned and scowled at my brothers, snapping, "Spill."

They all three got constipated looks on their faces, then burst out laughing, unable to hold it any longer. Darryn, who wasn't rolling on the floor with laughter was able to answer my command, "It wasn't me or Malcolm and we didn't know about it until Castor told us, which was when we got here."

"Know what?" Percy asked.

Malcolm answered this time, "That all the things she ate and drank were poisoned by Castor!" He managed to get this out before bursting into another fit of laughter.

I yelled, "WHAT?!"

Castor held up his hands, and said in a reassuring tone, "Don't worry, it wasn't dangerous poison, it wasn't even really poison. I got it from Hermes when he last visited. It's a kind of powder that you can put in a beverage or food, and the consumer will get sick until they throw up. And I just put it in every thing that Thalia consumed!" Then he joined Malcolm in fits of laughter.

I frowned and scolded him, "Castor, why would you do that?"

"Hey, don't judge me. If she wants to hang me upside down by a tree for a whole night that is cold and take away my clothes, she better know that there is going to be consequences."

I rolled my eyes, then turned to Percy, Jason, and Nico, "Come on guys, I'm tired of these three," I said, pointing to Malcolm and Castor who were guffawing on their backs, and Darryn who was grinning idiotically.

I led the way to the restaurant, thinking that we might as well reserve places for dinner.

I walked up to the lady at the counter, an older looking lady with a kind smile, and asked, "Can we make reservations for tonight, Ma'am?"

She smiled brightly, "Of course! Your reservation name, please?" She asked, writing on her notepad.

"Chase, ma'am." The lady paused, and looked at me with a frown.

"Chase? I'm sorry, but there are already reservations under the name of 'Chase.' Are you sure you didn't make reservations earlier today or before now?"

Curious, I questioned, "Who made the reservations?"

The lady smiled yet again, "A very beautiful and young brown haired lady. She had the softest voice." She finished thoughtfully.

Piper, I thought with excitement. I could tell it was Piper, cause Piper is extremely good at charmspeaking. Charmspeaking is where she can use her 'sweet voice' as she calls it, and make people do things. Seriously, anything. People just feel compelled to do the things she says for her. It's kinda weird, when you think about it. Kinda like a magic voice. Anyways, her voice is really sweet and soft, even when she isn't charmspeaking, cause charmspeakers just have a natural soft and kind voice. And the lady at the counter said that he girl who made reservations had had the softest voice.


I grinned at the lady, "Oh, thank you ma'am, but we won't need reservations. Apparently someone already made reservations for us. Do you know where the young lady that made reservations for 'Chase' is?"

The lady answered me, "Oh yes, she reserved the whole upstairs! You must have a big group!"

I chuckled a little, "Yes ma'am, we do. Thanks again, Miss!"

She grinned, "Any time!"

"Come one boys, lets go!" I said, grabbing their sleeves and dragging them upstairs. As I was walking a little bit ahead of the guys, Jason came up to me and walked alongside me.

"So, this girl's name is Piper? Is she a demigod?"

I nodded as an answer to Jason's question, "Yep. Daughter of Aphrodite."

He grimaced, "Airy headed type of girl who only cares about her looks, I'm assuming?"

I laughed at his expression, "Nope. Quite the opposite actually! She is probably one of the few daughters of Aphrodite that really knows what 'love' is. She doesn't think it is something just makes you feel good, she knows it is something deeper than that. And, she has never once been in love and has never had a boyfriend, which is like, impossible, being a daughter of Aphrodite. For example, with being a daughter of the love goddess, you get natural beauty. Most of the goddess's daughters try to make that beauty more seeable by wrecking up their faces with make up and wearing tight and nasty clothing," Jason chuckled, and I joined in, then continued, "But Piper tries to hide her beauty by cutting her own hair and making it look choppy, and wearing old clothes. Of course, it doesn't work, cause she is pretty in whatever she wears or whatever style. But at least she tries. She's fending off boys all the time. She is also the most skilled charmspeaker I know, other than Aphrodite herself."

Jason nodded thoughtfully, then muttered a thanks and dropped back to be beside the other boys, no doubt to tell them what he just heard.

When I finished climbing the intricately designed wooden stairs, I was met with a grand room. It was at least as big as my room, if not bigger. A large and beautiful chandelier was hanging from the middle of the ceiling, lighting up the room. The walls were blue, matching the dark blue tiles that made the floor. There were about three big wooden tables in the room, each looking like it could hold about fifteen to eighteen people. One of the tables was already about three quarters full.

I walked over to the table holding the people, and instantly spotted Piper. She saw me too, and grinned widely, showing two rows of perfectly straight and white teeth. She was wearing black leggings, and a dull green top, with a tattered grey jacket on top. But she still looked really pretty. I can't say I'm not jealous of her a lot of times. Her hair was choppily cut, with small braids throughout her locks. She had bangs brushed to the side, sitting atop of her eyes that seemed to never stay one color for a second.

"Annabeth! Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in forever!" She exclaimed, running over and giving me a tight hug. I returned the hug, and replied to her.

"I know! It's been horrible, having only Thalia to hang out with," I said jokingly.

She smiled. "Sounds like torture to me." I laughed, then remember the three boys, who were standing awkwardly behind me.

"Oh, right! Piper, this is Percy, Jason, and Nico," I pointed to each one as I introduced them, and they waved in turn, "Percy is a son of Poseidon, Jason is a son of Zeus, and Nico is Hades' little boy."

'Hades little boy' glared at me, causing Piper to laugh. "Boys, this is Piper, daughter of Aphrodite." They all said hi, then Piper turned to me and said, "Okay, now for my introductions." She started to lead us over to the table with all the other people.

She stopped in front of a girl about our age with honey blond hair and blue eyes. She was smiling widely, and looked extremely energetic, "This is Lacy, she is probably my best 'sibling-friend', if you get what I mean. She is one of the few not crazy about boys and their looks. Lacy, this is Annabeth, Percy, Jason, and Nico."

Lacy smiled even wider, amazing me that her lips weren't going to split. "Hi guys! Nice to meet you! Annabeth, you're so pretty! Piper talks about you and Thalia all the time! You have gorgeous curls. I always try to get my locks to curl, but they are so stubborn! And look at you! You skinny little thing! And you're not just skinny, look at those muscles! But they aren't too brawny, just right for a girl! I wish I could exercise. Well, I can, but I just don't like to. If you know what I mean! I just try not to eat as much. But that's kinda hard! Food is so good! Sorry, I'm rambling. I ramble a lot. I really need to stop rambling!" She took a deep breath, and I couldn't help but grin. This verbose girl has the type of voice and enough words in her mouth to make you really think she is annoying, but it's kinda cute, and I find that it isn't that annoying. In fact, it kinda draws you to want to hear more of her voice.

Piper shook her head, "If you are thinking that she isn't annoying, and that you want to hear more, then stop. Lacy has this kind of charmspeak, but she can't really charmspeak. I mean, she can't command people or things to do stuff. It's more of like a gentle voice. It makes people want to hear more. You should've seen her once, she was talking about the most boring and random things to these two guys, and they just sat there, listening, looking intrigued! I have never seen a guy more interested in perfume and the latest dress designs in my entire life! But she can't make anybody do anything, other than sit there and listen to her voice for eternity."

I laughed along with Piper. She has a nice laugh, and people say that it is similar to mine. I was so glad that we were reunited again. Thalia, Piper, and I.

Don't you just love best friends?

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