《Forbidden Percabeth》Chapter 3



The curving hallway had captured my attention swiftly, so it wasn't a surprise that I didn't notice the walls right away. Yet when I did, I was amazed I could even miss them.

They were painted. And not "painted" as in they were a constant color, they were painted like a portrait. Many pictures of the Greek gods, as well as several of famous demigods, were plastered on the walls. Whether sitting or fighting the ever present monsters, they were all so realistic—detailed and amazing. I found one of Athena cursing Arachne and turning her into the mother of all spiders.

I also spotted Poseidon sitting on he throne in his Underwater Palace. I always thought it would be amazing to go down there and see the architecture, but there were a few problems.

One, his palace is underwater, and I, unfortunately, could not breathe underwater.

Two, it was Poseidon's palace. The number one enemy of my mother. It would probably not be good for a daughter of Athena to go to the sea god's palace and domain. Still, I've always wanted to at least glimpse it in my real eyes, not by pictures.

I kept trotting down the corridor, still not in sight of the ending, wherever that was. I couldn't help thinking this was a trap. I mean, it was a creepy corridor that my mother's enemy led me down . . . doesn't exactly add up to good consequences.

I kept walking. And walking. Still walking.

Suddenly, I froze. I had just seen something on the walls . . . something that looked eerily familiar. I turned around.

There. Right on the walls was a picture of a blonde leaning on a railing. The blonde had curls that were blowing in the wind, and she looked about my age. I walked over to the picture of the girl and touched her curls. Her back was to me, so I couldn't see her face. I traced my finger down her back and touched the golden chain around her hip.


That was my chain. I had gotten it on my tenth birthday as a present from Athena. The goddess of wisdom had said for me to keep it in the best of shape. I had no idea why, but I trusted Athena's words. So it was probably the one thing I cherished most. I always cleaned it every night when I took it off. It wasn't like any other belt chain. It was golden, and the loops that attached to each other were intricately twisted around and around. On the clasp was a very detailed owl. I loved it. It was beautiful.

The eerie thing about this painting. I had the same exact one in my walk-in closet. Athena was painted one day on my deck, while I leaned on the railing, thinking. I turned around and walked over to look at the picture Athena was painting. I grinned when I recognized it as me in the position I was just in.

I was unsure what to think of the copy picture on this wall. Then I heard Poseidon again in my head, Touch the owl. Then his voice faded in an echo.

My eyes traveled to the owl clasp on the girl in the painting. The clasp was hanging on her, well, my, hip, so I could still see the bird.

I sighed, thinking that this could very well be a trap, but it was better than wandering aimlessly through this seemingly endless corridor. Here goes.

I cautiously fingered the owl, then waited.

Nothing happened.

Then the wall started moving. I jumped back, startled, not expecting that.

The painting of me scooted forwards a bit, then started rolling over to the side, revealing yet another corridor, but this one was dark. I couldn't see anything.

I grabbed a torch off of the wall of the corridor and reluctantly started walking in. This corridor was about only four feet across and about six feet high. I was 5'7", so I didn't have to stoop.


After I had walked about twenty feet, the little passage ended with a door. I checked the handle, and it was unlocked.

This is it, this could be the trap for me. I guess I can't go back, cause I have no idea how to get the tiles to open again. I have to go this way. I took a deep breath and grabbed the handle. I flipped the door open...

... and looked into my closet.

No joke, I was standing in my walk-in closet! It was about ten feet wide and had racks of clothing on each side, and a shelf of sandals in the corner. It had white walls and I turned around as I heard a sliding. It was my wall slowly closing, hiding the passageway behind it. As it closed, I realized that in the place where the corridor was, was now the portrait of me. The same portrait with the clasp that I had touched in the corridor. Apparently these two pictures were connected. I thought of something, but was hesitant in trying it, for I didn't know if it would be dangerous.

But curiosity overcame me. I reached out and touched the owl clasp on the portrait of me.

Sure enough, a rumbling sound was heard, and the wall started moving. It slid in and out, revealing the dark aisle.

I shook my head in amazement. This was awesome! Hidden passageways in Athena's temple that I'm assuming she doesn't know about. I promised to myself that I would go exploring in this corridor more when I could. For right now, I walked out of my closet and went by my desk and sat down. I set the torch in one of the five torch holders I have on my wall next to my mirror. Right now, only three of them were occupied.

I took the metal box and sat on my bed. I studied the box for the first time. It was elaborately designed, with swirls and waves all over it. On the top was a clear white pearl that was about three times the size of a normal pearl. It looked like it was supposed to be the handle for the top. I grabbed it, and prayed to all the gods that this wasn't a bomb or something.

I took a deep breath, and pulled off the beautiful metal top.

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