《Writers Game: Whodunnit?》Matt Grey [DEAD]


Writer: @fenderbender12

Name: Matt Grey

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Matt is not only intelligent but determined no matter what task lies ahead of him. Many times he will work himself to exhaustion exceeding his ability. He will stress himself out over simple tasks wanting to accomplish everything and do it correctly the first time. Although he does over work himself he is kind and funny when he wants to be. His humor is dry and sarcastic and often offensive even if not meant to be. He has a good heart and kind soul but has a hard time expressing his true emotions and is easily frustrated with failure. He is intelligent and kind and tries hard to do what is right.

Appearance: Matt has short brown hair the sticks up in the front and lies flat in the back. His blue eyes can pierce through any light and dissolve and dark. He is tall but not extremely tall at 5'10 and has the perfect weight to match his height. His face is sharp and focused. Occasionally when he accomplishes a task of meets someone he likes he will flash a small smile. His skin is smooth and tan from being outside working with his father. He looks stern most of the time but he has a caring side that comes out at just the right moments.

Background: Matt has grown up in a small town where everyone knows everyone. However when he started high school he was yanked from his life and shoved into a new one. He was thousands of miles away from everyone he knew and loved. Being the caring man he is he was able to make some new friends but constantly misses his life back home. He has a close relationship with his mother but like every teenage boy he has a hard time getting along with his father. He of course loves them both deeply but is easily annoyed when they don't see the importance in things. He has a younger sister named Sarah who he loves more then he thought possible. They fight like any other siblings but he loves her more then he thought possible.


Occupation: Matt works at a small Ice cream parlor while he continues his education. He plans on getting a degree in medicine and wanted to be surgeon.

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