《Whodunnit 2》Chapter 15 - Yours 'Chillingly'


Kendra accused the killer of being Mary

Brett suspected Grace of being the killer.

Cecilia accused Jeremy of being the killer.

Mary thought that the killer was Chantal

Kristina (once again) suspected the killer of being Jeremy

Chantal accused Kristina of being the killer

Troy (like his sister) still thought that Jeremy was the killer.

Grace also thought Jeremy was the killer.

Jeremy accused Troy of being the killer.


After each guest stated their case in their suites, the maids guided each of them down to the pool where Mike's body was found that morning. Instead of the trashed buffet building, they were all now going to be sitting at a dinner table seated just by the side of the pool.

Giles quickly arrived at the dinner table after the guests were served their dinners. As usual, many of the guests didn't feel like eating and practically left their plates untouched.

"It has been a long day. But, one of you is about to have guaranteed safety until at least tomorrow. Congratulations... Grace! You have the best case statement of the night." Giles finished his speech relatively quickly and let the author soak in her win.

Grace felt elated. Now that she was safe, she had a one in eight chance of surviving the game. The red-head never felt at the beginning of the game that she could get this far. But now, her chances of being the last one standing had just increased by a large percentage.

"I will now give a summary of Mike's murder in the killers' own words.."

"Having over six-hundred applications to stay at the resort this summer, I had the personal duty of picking thirteen of the most unique guests. Mike was a clear standout, Following his movements from the past few days, I found out that Mike liked a simple plate of salad for breakfast in the morning. So I took my opportunity. The night of the last dinner when Mike & Kendra found out they were spared, nobody noticed me slip into the kitchen after the dinner was over and prepare my special meal for Mike. Many people don't know that the leaves of the popular food; Rhubarb, can be potentially fatal if an obscene amount of its leaves are digested. The leaves hold Oxalic acid, which can act as a deadly poison. Before everyone left the buffet building that night, I left a plate for Mike, making sure I left him a name card so he could eat it in the morning. Thankfully, once Mike arrived at the buffet building in the morning he fell for the ploy and ate the massive plate of rhubarb leaves. Mike died as a result of succumbing to the poison within his body. It was at this point that I released a malnourished mountain lion to hopefully trick all of you guests into thinking that could have been the cause of death. I then proceeded to trash the buffet building, making it look like the mountain lion and Mike had a struggle. Once I made sure Mike was definitely dead, I tossed him into the swimming pool and set the pool's temperature to minus eighteen. The brutal change in temperature caused Mike to become an XXL ice cube and make the swimming pool freeze over. Yours chillingly, your killer."


After hearing the answer to how Mike really died, many guests were surprised about how they didn't notice the killer disappearing into the kitchen and preparing Mike's fatal meal. How could one of them not notice anything?

"As you all know, Grace will not be the only one spared tonight. Six more of you will receive 'spared' cards, whereas two of you will be 'scared' and one of the two 'scared' guests will be killed off."

"Kristina?". Kristina quickly drunk her champagne and found out she was


Jeremy, Chantal & Brett all cursed under their breaths. Since they knew the women had won the riddle, they now realised two of them would be scared.



Jeremy grabbed his glass and took a massive breath. For the first time, Jeremy was nervous about his chances. He knew that odds on, he would be scared. Unfortunately, he was. was written at the bottom of the champagne glass.



"It seems that Miss Jennings & Mr. Wayne are the last two to reveal their fate. Chantal, please reveal your fate first."

Chantal gave Brett a small reassuring look before grabbing her glass and started to slug down the champagne provided. All eyes were on Chantal as she finished her champagne. Upon finding out her fate, Chantal took a massive gasp.

"What is it?" Cecilia asked, disrupting the utter silence of the island.

"I'm?!" Chantal couldn't believe her fate. The only thing that she guessed correctly was that the mountain lion didn't kill Mike. The fact that her only allies were now scared was something which was terrifying for her. But, she knew immediately which one she would want to see alive. She wanted Brett to survive just over the very close bond they had been having over the past few days. In her opinion, if Brett died it would be a potential clue that maybe Jeremy was the killer.


"Brett. You are scared tonight, please reveal your fate just for clarity." Giles said.

Brett bitterly finished his champagne and revealed the glass.

It was now 9 PM, and after finding out their fates, Giles let the guests know they could roam the island all they wanted all night or just return to their rooms. The choice was theirs.

Jeremy returned to his room without saying a word to anyone.

Brett and Chantal returned to the same bedroom they had been sharing since day two. They each said their goodbyes before disappearing back inside the main resort.

Everybody else stayed at the table by the pool. It didn't take long for many of the guests to start talking about the topic of the killer.

"I still think it's Jeremy. I've suspected him from the beginning." Troy said bluntly.

Kristina nodded along with her brother's theory.

Mary shrugged "I don't know. I feel like it's Chantal, there's something sketchy about that girl."

For the rest of the night, the group of six speculated on who they thought was the killer and their speculations on who would be killed next. They all had their guesses but only the killer could decide on that. And that night, the killer did make their decision.


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