《More Things In Heaven And Earth》Chapter Nine


"Every year of my life I grow more convinced that it is wisest and best to fix our attention on the beautiful and the good, and dwell as little as possible on the evil and the false." -Richard Cecil

Warm blood pulsed through my veins. I sensed the rich oxygen being pulled into each cell of my body. I was aware of the toxins being purged by my system each moment. Systems, within systems, within systems, making it possible for me to stand, and move, and breathe. I exhaled and knew the plants around me would flourish on what I'd offered up. My movements caused stirrings within the air, on the ground, throughout the realms. I glanced up and saw a robin on a branch, looking down upon us. Through his eyes we were two spots of color: one brighter and more colorful, one smaller and more solidly concentrated, both lovely in their own way. He sang out in joy because he was alive. My heart leapt in response.

I told Raziel. "The words I spoke aren't my own."

He nodded. "As it should be." He climbed into the car and I followed his example. My former pastor was only the beginning. There was much more to be done.

The angel directed me back to the busy supermarket I'd seen earlier. Once we were in the parking lot, a large SUV pulled out of a spot toward the front of the lot not far from where a Channel 8 News van was parked, half on the sidewalk.

Every inch of my skin tingled with an electric current. I stepped out of the car and strode toward the pretty young reporter who was talking in urgent tones with her cameraman. She looked up, registering Raziel and me walking in her direction and her eyes widened. I glanced over at him and saw him as she did. He was beautiful being of rainbow light, nearly seven feet tall with wings that stretched up over his head and touched the ground. Her hands began to tremble.

"Don't be afraid," I told her. "We are here with a message."

She looked at me with no less wonder than him, and I could only imagine what I'd be thinking in her place. She had been sent here to interview people about the same old things. Were they stock piling? Why? What were they afraid of? Had they had any direct contact with any of the others? Was it a positive or negative experience? But she desperately wanted to do something new. She wanted to offer a bigger and better story, not just for her own glory and success, but because it truly was important to her to be of value to the community. She'd had no idea what that bigger, better story was, but now an angel and a woman with an inner fire so intense it was practically visible in her eyes had come straight to her and announced they had a message. She didn't hesitate. Her cameraman had watched the entire interaction with the wide-eyed wonder of one who is seeing the world through a haze of marijuana smoke. I envied him, just a little. "How long do we have?" She asked.


A little giggle erupted from him. "This is awesome," he said before looking at his watch. "We're on in two minutes." He looked at Raziel, standing in silent, radiant beauty. "Dude. Can you make me be like you?"

Raziel seemed baffled by the question. "I am as I was created, and so are you. We should seek to be our best selves, and nothing different."

"Dude," he said again, nodding as if this answer was the single most profound truth he had ever heard. Maybe it was.

I listened. The others were all around, but there was a great hush. It was not only the humans huddled around televisions waiting for news. The beings in all the realms sensed something was happening in this humble place.

The newswoman faced the camera and, at the cameraman's signal, took a deep breath and began. "Thank you, Jeff. We came here, today, to find people to share with you their stories of how their lives have changed since the coming out of the creatures of legend. Instead, we had the good fortune to come across one of the legends himself, and a human companion. Tell us why you're here today and what these past few weeks have been like for you." She thrust the microphone in our direction and Raziel fell back a few steps, directing her attention at me.

Just as before, words that did not seem to be my own flowed from me as freely as molten rock poured forth from the erupting volcano. "My name is Simone. I speak as an intercessor. I am a prophet." Electricity buzzed across the surface of my skin and made the microphone crackle as I spoke, aloud, the word that I'd denied in my heart until this moment.

"This has been an era of revelation. Now, those with eyes to see have seen. Those who have revealed themselves have shown their true intentions: Some to dwell in harmony, others to destroy and pillage. There is good and there is evil in these creatures, as in us. But make no mistake, they are creatures, beings created by One far greater than any of us.

"You must not worship these beings as gods! Don't offer yourself as sacrifice on the altars of their greed. We've been arrogant, laughing off the warning stories of our ancestors as ignorance, and legend, and myth. We've laughed in the face of God Himself. We've tried to put Him in a box of our own design. But now the veil has been ripped aside. We must learn to exist in this new world respecting, neither fearing nor dismissing, worshipping or praising, that which is new, and wondrous.


"The world has become more frightening and uncertain than ever. Change has come swiftly and many of you have suffered loss. Do not curse the One who created! We are all, every one of us, creatures of free will, and the consequences of the choices of our race for a thousand generations are upon us. Yet, in infinite Mercy, He has offered us instruction. Those who have heard His Voice have passed down His Wisdom throughout our history. Love, mercy, patience, kindness, gentleness, peace, humility, faith; these are what are desired of us. Only through these Good Fruits, taught by every true prophet since the time the veil was first drawn, may we be saved.

"Don't be consumed by fear. Allow the love of the That Which Is Love to transform you. Let it burn like fire within you that you may truly live! There's no boredom or lack of purpose in love. If your neighbor is in trouble in these times you must help. If they are hungry, feed them. If they lack shelter, house them. If they are frightened, comfort them. That's the way of love. This time shall pass if we follow The Way that has been shown.

"Don't hide yourself in dark corners. You can help no one from there. True love is a force of action. True love is powerful and bold and courageous.

"Today is what has been given to you. You must hear, and understand, and act this day. Tomorrow's not promised to any one of you, human or other."

I stepped back from the camera. The Power filled me beyond what my flesh could hold. I felt it, pouring forth from me. I could not recognize my voice as my own.

"The One that created will destroy everything before He allows His creation to be twisted into complete darkness. He has sent me with this message, and He has given this sign," I threw open my arms and fire poured forth from my hands into the sky. Even Raziel, in his angelic form, paled next to the brilliance of the light. My voice roared. "The Power of That Which Is is so far greater than the power of any created being of flesh or spirit as to be laughable. Give your hearts to Him! Follow His path! I speak not just to man but to every being of every realm. Now is the time to follow the Way of Light. Give darkness no quarter!"

The last of the fire left me. I had no more words. With not a single thing left to say, I walked away from the camera, leaving the stunned and speechless crew behind me. We got to the car and I looked at Raziel, who appeared to be just a man once more. As that crackling power ebbed, I felt spent.

"Look at yourself," he said, softly.

I viewed my reflection in the tinted darkness of the car window. My hair was white, and I glowed as he had in his angelic splendor. My eyes blazed back at me.

"One cannot come so close to the Glory of That Which Is and not reflect it. Many will be unable to bear to look upon you. It would be wise to cover yourself."

I didn't respond except to get into the car. Again, I reasoned with myself. What else was there to do but to go on with life?

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