《Divinity ✔》Chapter Twelve
Since my family arrived, I hadn't seen Niko. My bedchambers were filled with three joyful children who kept me awake during the day and most of the night but then slept through the rest of the night. It was impossible to change their sleeping patterns, but the greatest of my joy was when they were all resting in my large bed with me beside them just as it had been in the Adara mansion. The only difference now was a large shadow daemon curled between the children happily, with their arms and heads resting on him comfortably. Prince had adapted to the small children quicker than thought.
The welcoming ball was scheduled for two days after my family's arrival, mostly to give them some time to adjust to the sleep schedule change. My father and Sylvia adapted rather quickly. And as long as the hour was in the early hours of the night, the children would manage. A part of me looked forward to the ball... and looked forward to seeing Niko.
I fell asleep beside the children and dreamed of dancing.
The next night was a bit of chaos. I was being fitted for my dress while the children were being chased down to get them dressed as well. I could hear them pretending to sword fight in the hallway and laughing as Father tried to pull them in. In many households, the father was the figure of discipline, but in our home it would only be Sylvia who could reel them in.
I was being fitted into an off-white dress with jewels of diamonds that Niko had gifted to me. I considered for a moment joining the sword fight in the hallway, but then it would probably postpone things and I was looking forward to seeing Niko.
"Children!" Sylvia's voice rang out in irritation and I chuckled. The bustle of children quieted to silence and I knew they were all getting dressed obediently as ordered by their mother.
Once I was ready, I thanked my maids and then stepped out into the hallway. Gio was there, standing before my room diligently. I flushed before his gaze, the image of his sword swinging down towards me still haunting me, and then I looked down and away most scandalously. After all, a lady like me was considered higher rank than a Knight, and avoiding a Knight's eye was a sign of weakness. However, I wasn't accustomed to hiding my feelings, so I couldn't lie even by a look. Gio frightened me.
"Sir Gio, will you tell Prince Nikolas I'll be with my family when he comes to escort me," I asked of him politely.
"Yes, my Lady," Gio answered, sounding a bit downtrodden. I didn't dare a glance of curiosity and instead continued towards where I heard my family's voice loudly conversing. When I entered, the energy was so lively that I couldn't help but smile.
The children were dressed smartly, even though they weren't acting so proper. The three of them were playing with Prince, who looked like a child himself as he raced around the room with them. At one point, he disappeared into the shadows, and the symphony of 'oooohhh's was enough to make me laugh in response.
Father was speaking to Sylvia about the ball, about staying close to the guards while among so many daemons, and about never letting the children out of sight. I agreed with all of his sentiments, so when I approached I only listened aptly. After all, my family were all humans and none of them had a mark to keep them safe.
"Corrine," Sylvia addressed me suddenly, "Why are they less concerned with protecting you than us? I ask because not only do we all have guards, but you gave us your... pet as well. Aren't those things you need to be safe?"
"Oh," I said, raising my hand absently to the mark on my neck. I wasn't sure this was some knowledge I should be sharing with them, so I said a different truth. "Well, I have Prince Nikolas. As long as I'm by his side, I'll be safe."
Both Sylvia and my father stared at me openly as though they heard something absurd come from my lips. Sylvia opened her mouth to ask me yet another question when there was a knock on the bedroom door.
"His Highness, Prince Nikolas, has arrived," Mr. Virgil's voice announced. As I made my way to the door in a rush, my siblings all stopped what they were doing and crowded together before mocking Mr. Virgil's voice.
"His Highness, the Mad Prince," Rory announced deviously.
"His Highness, The Monster Prince," Liza followed him with a hiss.
"His Highness, The Evil-," Lupa froze as I opened the door to the room, ignoring their teasing absently, and revealed Niko standing before the door dressed entirely handsomely. Niko's eyes had landed on her form, but they didn't hold any malice. If anything, he looked amused. Even still, Lupa scooted back to hide behind Prince as though the beast would protect her from even the King of Daemons.
"I see you have Prince babysitting," Niko said to me with amusement, "It'll be the talk of Seola in no time once they see it; an entirely tamed shadow daemon." Prince huffed at his words as though he disagreed with his sentiment. But he did nothing to move away from the children as though he were entirely dedicated to the task I'd given him.
"I asked him to watch over them in addition to the guards. I hope that's okay," I replied quietly, knowing already Niko wouldn't argue against something I'd done without good reason.
"It makes the guards nervous, but it should be alright. Are you and your family ready?" Niko lifted his arm for me to take. I smiled, stepping forward to slide my arm through his.
"Yes," I answered before looking back to my family, "You're all ready, yes?"
"We'll follow behind you," Father replied agreeably. I turned back to Niko who nodded and began to escort me towards the ballroom. Once we were out of range of my family, who would be escorted by the guards not far behind us, I turned to look at Niko and appraised his appearance slowly.
"You look good tonight," Niko said to me abruptly, no doubt feeling my eyes on him. I blushed immediately at his words, not expecting such praise from someone usually so uncomfortable or careful in his words towards me.
"Thank you. You look handsome... as always," I added with my blush deepening. I had no choice, but to look away shyly. I was suddenly thinking about the last time I attended a banquet with Kol. I looked back to Niko carefully. "Will you dance with me?"
"You didn't like your dance with Kol? I can't see why not. He tried so hard," Niko replied sarcastically before smiling at me dazzlingly. He reached to touch my hand over his charmingly. "Of course, I'll dance with you, Rin."
"Thank you," I smiled in return, excited to have an actual dance without all the aggression. I thought about how Kol had lifted me into the air, spinning me so suddenly that it had delighted me. I hadn't hated dancing with him.
We arrived to a different room than the one we'd had our engagement ball in. As we entered, I looked around with interest. It was still a large open room, but not as big as the main ballroom. This was probably due to the smaller amount of people invited. I saw only about twenty to thirty people as compared to well over fifty in the last event. Music was being played and in the corners there were dancers following their choreography professionally.
King Cyril was already present, so once again we were probably running a bit late. We immediately walked towards him and bowed, introducing our presence and greeting him. My family wasn't too far behind, entering from behind us almost nervously. I could understand their nervousness. They were one of the only humans in the room filled with daemons. Prince would no doubt be nearby in the shadows, though. And beyond him, guards were posted along the wall of the event easily.
"Greetings, Adara. We'll all be family soon, so I hope you enjoy the party. There's a snack bar if the little ones would like to visit it," King Cyril seemed particularly interested in the children. In fact, when I looked around I noticed a lot of daemons seemed to be watching the children in particularly. It wasn't with a look of hunger or malice, but rather curiosity or maybe whimsical nostalgia. I'd have to ask Niko about it later.
We finished our greetings with King Cyril, but then he asked Niko to go with him for a moment to meet someone. I was left with my family, who didn't stick around for long. Apparently, a snack bar was in great interest for bored children, and so Sylvia and Father decided to go with them to allow them to indulge if only to keep them calm and happy in front of the Daemons.
Once I was left completely alone, I was suddenly approached by a beautiful being adorned in black and gold. Lady Aurora stepped forward to stand beside me, lifting her hand to trace her expensive necklace absently.
"Greetings, Lady Aurora," I decided to say first when it seemed she wouldn't be greeting me.
"Greetings, Lady Corrine," She echoed me thoughtfully, "So I've heard much gossip about the Prince and you. I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me sort out the truth and the lies..." She didn't beat around any bushes when addressing me.
"I don't care for what other people say. I already know the truths," I answered simply, intending on ignoring her now that I knew what type of person she was after speaking to Gio. She had wanted me to give the Prince a gift in order to hurt me, even as a passing thought, so I couldn't trust her.
"I've heard Prince Nikolas and you are planning on canceling your engagement," Lady Aurora mused with a look of haughty amusement. I looked to her briefly, but again decided to ignore her taunts rather than get into defending myself and my relationship with the Prince. "I've heard you sleep in different rooms, despite being engaged. And that you don't even share a bed together for intimacy."
I felt a sense of irritation at her words and couldn't help but to speak on it.
"Not that it's any of your concern, but our engagement is entirely intact and we won't be breaking it anytime soon," I responded sharply, "As for the rest, I won't even deign to answer, so please speak to me about more acceptable and less scandalous topics if you wish to speak to me at all."
Before she could try to speak to me again, Niko was suddenly before me. Without even glancing at Lady Aurora, he offered me his hand. It was only then that I noticed he was wearing the cufflinks I'd gifted to him. I took his hand with a smile.
"You're wearing the gift I gave you," I said with a tone of pleasant surprise.
"Of course," He answered most gentlemanly, "Would you care for a dance?"
"Yes, please," I replied sweetly. I didn't even glance towards Lady Aurora to see what type of expression she'd have; now knowing that I'd given Niko a gift and that he'd not only accepted it, but wore it to the very next event.
I followed Niko out to where daemons were dancing and gave him my hand while grasping his arm with my other. When the music began, we also began to dance. Niko was far gentler than Kol had been, leading me through the dance with an ease that made it feel as though I were flying. I spun in his grasp, turned, and at times moved close enough to him to feel our bodies tight against one another. It was better than I had imagined it; dancing with a handsome man. I felt as though there were no others in the room besides us.
We danced for three songs before I got too tired to continue on. I moved to rest by my family while Niko left to get me something to drink.
"Rin," Liza said to me. I looked down to her and my other siblings who all were looking at me curiously and then at each other. I'd seen the look before. It was when they had the same thoughts and seemed to convey them to each other without speaking.
"What is it?" I asked them curiously.
"You like the evil monster Mad Prince?" Rory decided to ask bravely. I blushed at the question, lifting my hands to my cheeks embarrassed.
"Well," I replied hesitantly before closing my eyes, "He's quite handsome. And many times, he's very sweet. I like the way his voice sounds. And he's quite tall... so yes, I think I do like him a lot." When I opened my eyes, my three siblings were looking behind me and snickering most gleefully.
I blanched and then turned to see Niko standing there with my drink. I felt I would immediately die of embarrassment.
"I brought your drink," Niko merely said before holding it out to me. "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation with your family." With a strange look on his face, one that I couldn't identify what it meant, he turned and walked away. After he did, my three siblings burst out laughing gleefully.
"Oh, stop it, you three," I scolded them firmly.
"But his ears turned red," Lupa squealed before starting up the laughter again.
"He liiiiiiikes you," Liza sang loudly, "And you liiiiiike him."
"I'm telling father," Rory said before promptly walking away with his guard following not far behind.
"Wait!" Liza and Lupa cried in unison before racing to follow him.
Unlike the first banquet I went to, this event had nothing exciting or dangerous occur. I spent the rest of my time mostly alone, occasionally in conversation with members of my family, and mostly thinking about Lupa's words. Had his ears really turned red? I didn't think it was possible.
I wanted to see it.
In fact, I wanted to see many things. It'd already been many days since Kol had taken me for his and a big part of me missed the intimacy. I had never felt so loved. And I wanted the same love with Niko, though I knew he might oppose. Would it be wrong to use my wish for this? Probably so... Perhaps I could use it some other way that might make him more open to me.
So deep in my thoughts was I that I didn't notice when Niko was standing before me.
"Rin," His voice rang into my thoughts of naughtiness. I jolted at the soothing seductive voice, looking up to Niko in surprise.
"Niko. Yes?" I asked uncertainly.
"I was asking if you're ready to go," Niko repeated with amusement.
"Oh, right. Yes, I'm ready," I replied gratefully. I was growing weary of heels and dresses. Niko led us from the event which was beginning to die down and started to lead us back towards my personal bedchambers. When we were alone in the hall besides Gio and a second guard, probably assigned due to the last event, I suddenly had an idea.
"Niko," I said suddenly, "Can we be alone? The guards..."
"Leave us," Niko abruptly ordered to Gio and the guard sternly. I could tell he still held a grudge towards Gio and had no problem ordering him away. The guards both bowed before turning back and leaving us truly alone. "What is it?"
I blushed at his concern.
"Well, I was wondering... instead of going back to my bedroom, could I see your main bedroom?" I asked innocently. The truth was more than just seeing his room, and not about seducing him, but rather... Lady Aurora's words were ringing in my head. If we weren't supposed to be sleeping in separate beds, we shouldn't, should we?
"I don't think that's a good idea," Niko stated firmly before continuing to lead us towards my bedroom. I stopped, tugging on his arm to make him stop as well.
"I want to... to stay with you tonight," I struggled to declare what I wanted when it was something so scandalous.
"Our engagement isn't valid, Rin. I know Kol took advantage of you, but I'm not him. You don't want something like that with someone as fucked up as me," Niko declared sharply, frustration taking over his features.
"I have a wish," I said before pointing at the cufflinks, "I gave you a gift and I have a wish."
"I won't-" Niko began to refuse.
"I want to be your intended," I declared, holding my hand over my heart, "I know our start was bad, but I still want to be yours. I know what I am means I'm at risk, but I still want to be yours. And... and I want you to be mine; all of you. Please be mine."
Niko stood frozen at my confession. My heart was throbbing in my chest and my face was hot from my words, but it had become the truth at some point. I wanted Niko and Kol, and despite the dangers here, I wanted to stay and be with them.
"You would become Queen. It holds a lot of responsibility," Niko countered wisely.
"I'll learn as much and as fast as I can. I think if I try my best, I can manage," I answered quickly with confidence.
"You would be in danger constantly. If you're true nature is revealed, you'd be executed," He continued, shaking his head as though this were insane.
"If it means I can have you, I'm willing to take the risk," I replied hopefully.
Niko's face changed into a look of desire, taking my breath away.
"You would have to satiate both Kol and I," Niko stated, his voice low. My heart skipped a beat at his words and I was silent. He continued with a tone of desire, "If you wish to share a bed with us every night, you would have to give yourself to us every night. Are you willing?"
I felt like my face couldn't get any hotter than it was, but his words only made the heat grow throughout my body.
"I-if that's w-what you want," I answered with difficulty.
"It's what I've wanted for a long time," Niko said before stepping forward to grasp my chin. He lifted my face and then in a breathtaking moment he clasped my lips with his own. His kiss included cycles of restraint, frustration, and then gentleness. It was vastly different from Kol's kiss, even when he was gentle.
As Niko kissed me, he stepped closer to me, making me back up until I was against the wall. I gasped against his lips when he reached down to run his hand over my leg under my dress. He continued to run his hand under my dress until he grasped my bottom. Then he abruptly turned me around to face the wall.
I panted as he began to kiss my neck, running his lips over the mark he'd given to me. I yelped at the sensation that the kiss gave me, something like a fire of pleasure that echoed throughout me. Niko pushed against me from behind, and I could feel him hard against my bottom through the dress. He nipped at the mark again and pushed against me suggestively. I shuddered in response.
"Hah, you feel so good," Niko muttered into my ear.
"We can't do this here," I panted to him, my cheeks red from embarrassment. "My family will come this way."
"Mhmm, that would be bad," Niko replied before running his tongue over the mark and pushing against me again. I moaned at the sensations he was causing and then yelped when he abruptly swept me from my feet and into his arms.
Niko walked away from my bedchambers, lifting me higher in his arms so that he could lower his lips over mine luxuriously. I clung to him, tilting my head and lifting my chin to ask for more. I was carried through the halls and actually not very far away from my own bedchamber to an unknown room that belonged to Niko. I peeked around the room in his arms; the room was cast in shadows so I couldn't make out much of the interior. Then I looked back to Niko curiously.
Without waiting, Niko stepped into the room and shut the door behind him. The darkness blanketed us to the point that all I could see were Niko's glowing red eyes and nothing more. I clung to him tighter, burying my face into his neck. I breathed in his alluring scent and then kissed his neck sweetly. Niko huffed and stiffened at the action.
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