《Divinity ✔》Chapter Four
I woke up slowly, stretching carelessly and running my hands over soft sheets without concerns. I expected children to pounce on me eventually, asking me to play with them before our studies, but nothing came. Then I recalled memories of crimson eyes, dark rooms, blood, and screams.
I sat up quickly with a gasp, my eyes opened wide in realization. I looked at myself, at my wrists to find only faint marks left on them. The blood had been cleaned from my arms and I looked relatively well. I reached for my neck cautiously, touching the mark that remained from Niko's bite. I expected it to be painful and messy, but it felt more like a scar as though it had been left months ago.
I then recalled my reaction to his bite and felt a cold heat wash over me in embarrassment.
"I didn't do anything to you," Niko's voice said slowly from a distance. He was seated at a desk, looking over a folder of paperwork in the dim light without casting a glance my way. He lifted his head for a moment, looking at nothing, before adding, "Well, I cleaned you a bit and healed your wounds, but otherwise nothing else. If you were concerned..."
I pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arm around my legs protectively.
"I don't want you to bite me ever again," I said, the blush bright on my cheek.
"I won't if you don't want me to," Niko responded before turning to look at me slowly and frowning, "Kol probably will... you reacted differently than anyone I've ever... anyone Kol's ever fed on. Normally, they just become stunned, don't fight, and remain silent until it's over."
I held my hands over my ears abruptly, the embarrassment becoming unbearable.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore," I said quickly, my voice high with shame. Niko watched me for a moment with a look of amusement, as though he were trying not to laugh, before finally tapping his fingers on the desk and looking away.
There were sounds of movements outside the door and someone knocked briefly.
"We're arriving at the port now, Prince Nikolas," A voice called out.
"Understood," Niko responded absently, pausing only when the steps faded away. He turned to me again, his face settled into one of concern and deep thoughts. "You're marked so no one will be able to hurt you, but we have to have our story straight before we meet the King."
I lowered my hands from my ears slowly. "The King? Of Daemons? Why do I have to meet him?" I asked naively. From what I knew of Daemons, they didn't have a Queen as of current. Seola was ruled by a King. I wasn't sure what had happened to the Queen, but after she had passed the Seraphim Massacre had begun. All I'd heard was that the King was ruthless; a frightening figure of power no one dared to cross.
"He's my father, of course," Niko answered me, lifting his hand to rub against his neck in discomfort. "Kol has announced to your father that you're my intended. Word will get out. He'll want to know why I've abandoned our shipment of supplies and brought back only a girl I've marked. A Daemon marrying a human isn't unheard of, though it's a bit pointless, but I'm not just a Daemon. I'm the Prince of Seola and once we're married, I'd be in line to be King and my wife would be..."
"I can't be Queen of Seola, are you mad?" I interrupted, shocked at the insinuation.
"Well I can't keep you as some pet, slave, or otherwise. They'll just put you with the other servants and sorry to break it to you, but we don't treat humans very well in Seola, marked or not. We're going to have to stick to the story until we figure something out," Niko answered in frustration.
I moved towards the edge of the bed, closer to Niko. Then I hesitated.
"So we're really going to be engage to marry?" I asked, the true realization of the fact only just beginning to dawn on me. I gripped the sheets of the bed tightly, my eyes wide as I waited for Niko's response. He frowned unhappily, but didn't look directly at me.
"Yes. Our rules of engagement are different in Seola than humans, as you'll learn. And we'll need to tell my father and get past his questions without tipping him off on your true nature," Niko answered slowly before looking into my eyes carefully. "He's good at telling if people are lying or not. You're bad at lying. I'm not sure how this is going to go."
I reached for the bedpost on the corner of the bed, leaning against it before frowning further.
"Does he know about you and Kol?" I asked slowly.
"He's the only one who does. It's the main reason he hasn't relinquished his leadership title to me, yet," Niko scoffed, turning away in distaste, "Can you imagine trying to rule Seola in my state? If you haven't noticed, Kol and I have different opinions on a lot of things..."
"How does an engagement change anything?" I inquired curiously.
Niko glanced at me and then tilted his head to listen to something in the distance before standing with ease. He took a few steps towards me and I tightened my grip on the bedpost on instinct. Then he held his hand out before me, his face tranquil and expressionless. "It means we've agreed on something for once," He told me, "At least, it'll appear so to the King."
I hesitated, but then lifted my own hand to put in his grasp. As I stood, I felt breathless and anxious, unsure of where we were going and what was going to happen to me. Niko didn't release his grip on my hand. Instead, he reached out to trace his thumb on my cheek, catching my full attention with a sudden heat of something... like being under a spotlight with no lines.
"I'm afraid," I admitted to him abruptly, tightening my grip on his hand in response to my own words.
"I know. But you can't risk losing concentration," Niko told me carefully, peering into my eyes as though searching for any hint of gold among the blue. "You're marked now and you're my intended. This will make you both highly targeted and highly protected. As long as you're beside me, you're safe. Understand?"
I nodded firmly, hoping among all hopes that his words were true and willing to believe them regardless. Then he began to lead me from the room, only releasing my grip once we were on the surface of the ship and among dozens of Daemons. I clasped my hand over my wrist, lowering my head and following the proper etiquette of what I was used to in my household. I would follow Niko as I did my father and Sylvia, silently and with respectful posture.
I wasn't sure what I expected of Seola when we began disembarking the ship altogether. I was too afraid to take my eyes off of Niko to look around, but what glances I did take weren't revealing. It was dark, the sky clear of clouds. The trees and plants looked different than what I was used to, their leaves thick and dark like the night around them. Just the land itself looked dangerous to me, as if it had evolved in the darkness to be as lethal as Daemons. Even the glow of red eyes blinked at me from the shrubs, a creature scurrying out of sight as we stepped onto a path.
I gasped lightly and stepped closer to Niko who merely glanced at me briefly before continuing ahead. I already had so many questions. I had heard Seola was the land of inherent darkness, but how long did the night truly last here? In Numa, the sun took up a lot of the day, was the opposite true here? If so, what did that mean for the creatures of this land? Were they different from Numa as well?
A vehicle waited for us at the end of the path with several more ahead and behind it. Niko stepped towards it and then moved to the side, waiting for me to enter before him. I didn't hesitate, the darkness around me motivating me easily to find shelter, and I entered the vehicle quickly. He stepped in to sit beside me. When the door shut, we were alone again.
"What-," I began, but Niko lifted a finger to his lips before pointing at the front of the vehicle were a slab of tinted glass separated us from the men on the other side. I turned from the glass to look at Niko who had taken to look outside his own window with a finger to his temple as though he were bored.
I looked outside my own window, watching the darkened trees pass by us. I expected the trip to be a bit of a distance as the Adara mansion was a few miles away from our port on the Division, but it appeared this port was a private one connected to an extremely large estate; far larger than any Adara mansion. It looked like a city in itself, buildings separated and around all of it was a large, towering gate which we were approaching quickly.
I reached for Niko's hand, snaking my fingers between his and holding tightly for comfort. Niko looked at me hesitantly, his gaze turning to my hand in his clasp, but he didn't force me to release him. If I couldn't have his words, this would be enough for now.
The vehicle slowed at the gate, but didn't stop completely. Instead, the bars opened slowly and we began to pass through. I felt nothing at first, but then the closer we got to the gate, I began to feel lightheaded and breathless. I lifted my free hand to my head as though I could slow the churning of my vision, but before I could voice any concerns, Niko abruptly cupped my head in his hand and pulled my face into his shoulder carefully.
"It'll pass," He muttered to me quietly, "Keep your eyes closed."
I did as he said, trying to calm my breathing as I held myself against his form to anchor my mind. Moments went by before I began to be able to breathe properly again. When I opened my eyes slowly, my spinning vision had slowed and halted, returning me back to my normal self again. More questions flooded my mind as I lifted my head to see the gate in the distance closing behind the Prince's entourage, but I knew it wasn't the time to ask yet.
Niko tugged on my chin to catch my attention, looking into my eyes carefully, but any gold that may have slipped into them had already faded away after entering the Daemon estate. I let him inspect me obediently, looking into his own glowing eyes with interest. My lips parted absently as I looked at his dark features, that exotic danger that was his existence entirely, and then I blushed when realizing that I was so openly staring at him.
The vehicle halted and I quickly moved out of Niko's grasp with a small gasp of surprise. Niko cleared his throat uncomfortably and then exited the vehicle before me. I followed him quickly, afraid of being alone in this land, and followed his quick steps up a vast stairway towards the entrance of a particularly large castlesque building.
"The King is expecting you," A Daemon greeted Nikolas before opening the door easily. I glanced at the interior of the entrance briefly, taking in images of particularly violent paintings along darkened walls before looking away just as quickly. I stepped closer to Niko, wanting to reach out for him again, but knowing it wouldn't be appropriate with so many subjects around.
Niko led me through another set of doors to an entirely impressive room of its own. The ceiling was vaulted so high that I wasn't sure how anyone could upkeep it. Pillars lined a large path that led to what was a set of seats and centered in the middle was undoubtedly a throne. In front of the throne, a man stood expectantly with a look of controlled emotionless features. It was a familiar look, one that I'd seen Niko wear often now, though not so much Kol.
Niko led us to the man, his own entourage slowing behind us to keep a more formal distance, before pausing. I stopped next to him, careful not to look directly ahead, a part of me certain the man before the throne was the King, but also not wanting to make assumptions that would injure my reputation already.
"King Cyril," Niko greeted his father formally, bowing respectfully. I immediately gripped my own fabric of my dress and bowed as well silently, waiting for permission to stand as my father had taught me before.
"Rise," King Cyril's voice demanded. Both Niko and I did so, though I waited for Niko first. I glanced at King Cyril, seeing a mane of onyx hair along a sharp frame. I spotted curious scars from his temple down to his jaw before noticing his dark crimson eyes were looking at me as well. Startled, I looked down immediately.
"You abandoned supplies and you bring a marked human with you," King Cyril said slowly, as though trying to paint a picture carefully with his words. "Do you care to explain yourself or shall we just add this to your long list of... madness?"
"I've fallen in love," Niko said in response, causing my heart to jolt further in surprise. I forced myself not to throw him a bewildered look, staring at one spot on the ground with enough ferocity that I felt I could burn a hole through it. "I know she is human, but she's the heiress to the Adara Estate. It would be beneficially to us to solidify a connection through them. And she has accepted my proposal."
"Proposal..." King Cyril repeated his son cautiously.
"Marriage," Niko answered shortly.
"Madness," King Cyril confirmed with disapproval. "Marriage to a human is pointless. She'll be dead in a blink of an eye. This would be nothing but a footnote in your life, something to postpone your true potential."
"I've considered the options... every part of my mind," Niko said darkly, the words suddenly thick with hidden meaning as he stared down the King determinedly. "It's what every part of me wants." Again, I had to force myself not to stare at Niko with my own confusion, the confession sounding more sincere than I thought he could sound. I also knew he was telling his father that Kol agreed with the proposal.
"Well... if there are no conflictions, I suppose I can't deny such a blessing," King Cyril responded knowingly, accepting the situation with surprising ease. "The good thing about a footnote is that it's not permanent. I'll allow it..."
"Thank you, father," Niko said respectfully, a hint of relief in his tone.
"The supplies will still need to be arranged for pickup. I expect you to resolve this immediately."
"Of course, I will." Niko turned to glance at me, a certain expectation following his words that probably meant we were or would be excused any moment. I turned to meet his eyes briefly, my own relief probably too clear.
"You may go," King Cyril dismissed Niko with ease before just as quickly adding, "Leave the girl."
Niko immediately hesitated, not expecting the order. I looked from Niko to the King quickly before looking down again, my own panic beginning to creep in. As long as you're beside me, you're safe. I didn't want to be anywhere else except beside Niko at this point and the idea of being alone with the King frightened me terribly.
"But I-," Niko began.
"I must speak to my future daughter-in-law alone, Nikolas. You have work to do. I'll give her back to you in no time. You may go," King Cyril ordered sternly. Niko looked from his father to me, obviously entirely reluctant to leave me alone. I looked at him hesitantly, but then with mustered courage I nodded to indicate that I would be okay. The King said he would give me back. As long as he wasn't lying, it meant it wasn't the end of my world as of yet. As long as I could keep in control myself...
Niko reluctantly accepted, bowing in farewell to his father briefly before slowly receding towards the door. His entourage followed him, leaving me alone with the King and what guards were posted carefully throughout the large room.
"What's your name, Miss Adara?" King Cyril asked me slowly, his question more demanding than curious. I was anxious and frightened, but I lifted my eyes carefully from the ground to meet the King's dangerously intense eyes. This is but another man, I told myself, be yourself.
"My apologies for not introducing myself earlier, Your Highness," I responded breathlessly before gripping my dress and bowing deeply as I had to Niko when I'd first given him my name. "I am Corrine Adara, first daughter of Derek Adara. It's an honor to meet you." I straightened myself, wanting to smile pleasantly to show I was harmless, but my anxiety only allowed me to meet his eyes openly.
The King paused, staring me down with narrowed eyes, and then he began to step down from the throne towards me determinedly. When he stood before me, he was at least a foot higher than me, though he made me feel much smaller than that. He lifted his hand abruptly before me and I hesitated in surprise, but when my mind caught up I quickly placed my hand in his in response.
The King lifted my hand to his lips just briefly before releasing me.
"Miss Corrine Adara, I hope it's a pleasure to meet you," King Cyril responded carefully, "Would you like something to eat? I'm sure your trip was long and we don't typically accommodate human diets on them. And I would like to get to know you a little better..." I knew he had asked in question form, but again his question seemed more like a demand that left little room for me to deny.
"Yes, I'm a bit famished," I answered quietly, though it wasn't false. I hadn't eaten in awhile and I was pretty thirsty as well. The only reason I would deny anything was merely because of my own discomfort of my surroundings than anything else.
"This way, then," King Cyril said, raising his hand towards a secondary set of doors behind the throne. I clasped my hands together nervously but nodded lightly before allowing the King to lead me ahead of him.
Beyond the doors were more secluded sets of hallways, the ceilings almost as high as the throne room. I paused briefly to look at the portraits on the wall of Daemons, both male and female, that spaced along further down the hall out of sight. King Cyril cleared his throat to get my attention and I jumped with surprise, but then quickly continued to follow his direction.
He led me to a separate room which held a long rectangular table, already set for two as though I had been expected long ago. King Cyril stepped ahead and pulled out a chair before standing expectantly. I followed his wordless demand and sat carefully, watching as he took his own seat at the end of the table directly to my left.
Subjects came in then swiftly, setting food expertly atop the table; meats, vegetables, fruits, the likes. I waited with my hands in my lap as the food appeared, glancing at the people just once with curiosity to see they were in fact human, if their lack of red eyes were to hint at that.
The King was served only a glass, filled with thick crimson liquid that looked suspiciously like blood. I felt my appetite fade at the sight and tried not to let the discomfort show on my face, but something in the King's own features told me he knew what I had thought already.
"Go ahead, eat," He told me, taking a slow drink out of his glass as he watched me. I took a deep breath, steadying myself, and then began to carefully bite into my own food. It was delicious for food prepared in a Daemon household. "You're surprised?"
I swallowed heavily and then shook my head, but he seemed to be waiting for a verbal response.
"I... I expected maybe the food... would taste strange, like copper," I admitted truthfully, despite my own embarrassment.
King Cyril paused and then abruptly laughed, the sound deep in his chest.
"You thought all the food would be dipped in blood?" He asked with amusement.
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