《Notes From a Broken Heart》A Disconnected Generation


I see people around me. Have you ever stopped, and looked around the crowd your in? Just step back, and look. Everyone is in a hurry, on their phones, not talking to anyone.

People say we're the most connected generation of all, I understand the sentiment, but I think a better way of saying that is we are the generation that has the potential to have the most information in our hands. We aren't connected. We scroll through Instagram and tiktok, we compare our lives to theirs. They have what we don't have, they have a beautiful house, a dad, a mom, the perfect slim body, etc.

We have everything and nothing. We spend every moment on our phones, not looking at the world around us.

I was in a restaurant a couple months ago, with my dad. And we were both laughing and having a grand time. I glanced at the table next to us. A father and daughter, both looking at their phones, not talking and no eye contact was made.

I wanted to talk to them about it, but it wasn't my place.

Then I looked around, and I saw mostly everyone was doing that. Everyone was on their phones, scrolling, or liking a post. Nobody was talking.

Phones are great, don't get me wrong. But no one looks at this beautiful world anymore. Everyone moves so fast.

Take it slow, enjoy the flowers that bloomed today, how the sun perfectly shines through the trees, the stars sparkling in the night sky.

It's so beautiful, I might sound like an old lady but I don't care. The world has some pretty good stuff in it, we just gotta look up from our phones.


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