《•Let me help you• (Lin Manuel Miranda)》Chapter 7


"So what now?"

"Give her some time to calm down and then i'll talk to her okay?"

"I think for now the most important thing is for her to break up with him." I said

"Yeah I agree, she can stay with us until until she finds a new place right?"

"Of course! Do you think she'll want to break up with him?"

Before Vanessa could answer Sara walked in looking embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry about that. I know both of you just want to help me and I should't have walked out like that."

"It's okay." I said. "I understand that this is a lot so just tell us if you need a break okay?" She nodded.

"I need to break up with him right?"

V and I looked at each other.

"I think we all know that is the best thing for you." Vanessa said.

"I'm just so scared."

"You don't have to be, V and I are there for you and if you want one of us can come with you."

"Where am I supposed to stay?"

"We can look at a new place for you together, but until then you're more than welcome to stay with us."

"I don't know. I don't wanne be a burden."

"Sara you're not a burden." Vanessa said firmly. "We are really glad to have you here."

We were interrupted by loud banging on the door.

"There is a doorbell you know." I muttered, while walking towards the door.

As I opened the door both fear and rage suddenly filled my body.

"Where is she!?"

"You need to leave." I told him firmly, not wanting to answer his question.

"She's mine, you can't keep her away from me!"


"She is not your property nor are we keeping her away from you. She ran away from you!" I said.

The images of Sara's beat up body playing through my head made it very hard for me not to lose it. I don't get angry quickly, but when I do, it's real.

"You're out of you FUCKING mind if you even for a second think that I am gonna let her go home with and disgraceful DICK such as you!"

Now it was my turn to get angry. I grabbed him by the collar of his sweater just like he'd done with me and pressed him against the wall. He was a lot bigger than me but the rage in my body made me stronger than usual.

"This woman does't want to see you ever again! If you show up here again we'll call the police. We have more than enough proof that you've been abusing her and my genius wife happens to be one of the best lawyers in the fucking world and she can put you away for the rest of your life! So you're gonna walk out this door and never ever come close to Sara ever again!"


Oh how the tables have turned.

"Clear." He said through gritted teeth.

I roughly smashed his back against the wall before letting him go. He quickly walked away.

I sighed loudly as I closed the door, taking a moment to regain my breath. I walked back towards the table where V and Sara were still sitting. It stayed completely silent for a while and the air felt tense.

"Sooooo, fun fact you actually don't have to break up with him anymore." I said a smile creeping on my face. She laughed a bit but I saw her face suddenly changed. Tears filled her eyes.


"Come here." I said opening my arms. She hesitated for a moment, but finally stepped in.

At first she felt tense. I rubbed her back carefully. She was still incredible bruised and I didn't want to hurt her.

Finally she let go. Let go of all the pain and stress and fear. Her shoulders fell and she held onto me for dear life. It was over. She could finally let go and so, the dam broke.

Tears were streaming from her eyes like rain from the sky.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Shhhh shhh you're safe, you're safe now." I told her while gently kissing the top of her head.

She was safe.


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