《•Let me help you• (Lin Manuel Miranda)》Chapter 5


As days and weeks passed not much happened. Vanessa went by the bodega and told Sara we were there for her if she needed us, but that we would leave both of them alone. I always made sure to keep an close eye on Sara whenever I got my coffee. In the beginning everything seemed alright, aside from our little interaction on a daily basis being tense and uncomfortable. But soon she started showing up with marks on her body.

First bags under her eyes and occasionally grab marks on her neck, but those quickly started to turn into real bruises. She also started covering up more. Even though it was summer she never wore shorts or crop tops and most of the time she made sure her arms were covered up. She often showed up with quite some make-up too. Which was clearly there to cover her face up as well.

V and I kept track of the marks updating each other on them. It sounds insane, but we simply didn't know what to do. Vanessa tried to talk to her but she always acted dismissive and she was definitely not telling me anything.

One morning I showed up at the bodega, but Sara wasn't there. Instead Antonio was behind the counter.

"Hey Lin, it's been a while! How can I help you!"

"Hey! Where's Sara" I asked a little confused.

"Oh, she called in sick last night. Why?"

"O nothing, just curios."

"So, can I get you anything."

"Cafe con leche, please."

As I paid for my coffee and walked out the bodega I started getting really worried about Sara. I mean, she could actually be sick, but my gut told me something else was going on. If her bruises got too bad she probably wouldn't be showing up to work. Not wanting anymore customers 'bothering' her. I hated the fact that I couldn't check up on her.


As walked passed the grocery store I thought I saw a glimpse of Sara inside. I went in immediately, eager to talk to her. As I sprinted through the big store I finally saw her standing in front of me. Her back was turned to me, so she didn't notice me. As I took a deep breath I carefully thought my next actions through. No touching her shoulder Lin, you know how that went last time, I thought to myself.

"Hey Sara." I said finally. She froze.

"Antonio told me you were sick." I continued in a somewhat questioning tone.

As she slowly tuned around, her head down, my worst fears were confirmed. She was beat up. Seriously beat up. I understood why she hadn't gone to work today. It was far too noticeable. There was no way she could have covered this up.

"Hey." She said softly. She couldn't meet my eyes.

"Sara, this needs to stop. What that man is doing to you is wrong and you can't let this continue." I was done with this and I needed to talk to her.

"Lin, it's nothing."

"Nothing!? Sweetheart look at yourself!"

"Don't call me sweetheart." She said firmly.

It was quiet for a moment.

"I'm sorry." I said finally. "I just want you to know that if you ever need a safe place to stay, our door is always open." "You don't have to decide anything now, but I just want to make sure you know that."

By now she had started crying and it broke my heart.

"Can you promise me, that you'll seek help if you need it." I said trying to meet her eyes.

Finally, looking up, she nodded.

"I promise."

A week later V and I sat on the couch. We jus finished dinner and the boys were in bed. We both had been busy the last couple of weeks, so it was nice to have a quiet evening. We were watching a romantic movie with wine and popcorn as the doorbell suddenly rang. Vanessa sighed, slightly frustrated with having our night interrupted.


"I'll get it." I said, walking towards the door.

As I got closer to the door the bell rang again.

"Yeah, yeah i'm coming. Jeez...." I muttered annoyed. As I opened the door my eyes went wide with shock.

"My god....." is all that came of my mouth.

She was covered in bruises and blood. Her clothes were ragged, her hair messy and her eyes red from crying. I had never seen anyone that beat up. She was trembling with fear.

She slowly looked up at me, meeting my eyes. She spoke up, her voice shaky and desperate.


It was quiet for a moment


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