《Someone Under Stress Meets Someone Looking Pretty (Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader)》Page 419


You walk into the living room and your hands make their way to your hips.

"Lin, what are you doing? It's two in the morning."

"Writing." Lin mumbles from inside of his oversized hoodie as he sits curled up on the couch. You rub your face, walking towards him, "Yeah, I can tell. Why?" You lean on your elbows on the back of the couch and he looks up at you briefly through bloodshot, sunken eyes, he doesn't give an answer.

You look at his lap top screen and sigh, "You're rewriting the last song again, Lin? I thought you were done!" Lin sighs, bringing his hands to his face and rubbing, "I thought I was but I read over it and.. and.. ugh!" His hands fall back on the keyboard and continue typing.

You frown, walking around the couch and curl into his side, putting a hand on his. "Take a break." You mumble, pressing your face into his neck. He glances down at you skeptically, "What did I tell you about seducing me with my own lyrics."

You roll your eyes, sitting up a little and putting your chin on his shoulder, "Im not seducing you." You whine, "Im worried about you. You need to rest." You put your hand on his left cheek and press a kiss into his right one.

He continues typing and you sigh, curling into his side. After a few minutes of pressing your nose to his warm neck and listening to his small breathing sounds you feel yourself dozing off, gripping his hoodie slightly.

Lin sighs, putting the lap top down on the coffee table and rubbing his face. He looks over at you sleeping soundly beside him and he sighs, pulling you closer. "I'm sorry." He whispers, kissing your head and slipping out from beside you, laying you gently onto the couch.


You do not wake up.

Lin stands, pulls on a grey sweater (you know the one;) and walks into the bedroom, to his bedside table and picks up his tattered copy of Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton, thumbing through the pages until he finds the one he's looking for. Nestled neatly on page 419 was $309. All of the money he owned.

Lin looks around and quickly slips the money into his pocket. His plan was to head to the Kool Katz Klub for a quick drink, and then to the bank to put the money into an account so he could buy a plane ticket to New York next week.

Next week.

Lin shivers at the thought, pulling his coat tightly around him he looks back at you, still sleeping soundly on the couch, before heading out the door.

Lin walks quickly, moving from lamp light to lamp light as the sun retreats. Lin feels out of place and uneasy as he moves into the green space of the campus, shivering and looking around. Lin feels as if someone has their eyes on him, but he writes it off as paranoia and keeps walking.

Eventually Lin makes it to Kool Katz and he sits down an the bar, smiling up at the man, "Hey Daveed, how's the shift?" The man looks down at Lin and smirks, "Oh, same old same." Daveed turns for a moment and hands Lin a coffee, "Your usual?" He says, an eyebrow raised. Lin nods, "Yeah, Thanks."

Daveed starts to wipe the bar, tapping his foot to the beat of the music. "Actually." He says, looking up at Lin through his curls, "There was something strange. A curly haired man came in here earlier. Short, freckled. Name was... John... Justin... oh, no, IT was Anthony. Definetly Anthony." Daveed makes a face, "He was asking for you?"


Lin's brow furrows, "Anthony? Doesn't sound familiar." He looks up at Daveed for a moment, "Did you tell him?" The tall chocolate man shakes his head, "Nah, told him ya were out of town." Lin nods, smiling, "Thanks." Daveed shrugs, "Least I could do." He scrubs at the counter, "So... have ya told them?"

Lin sighs, nodding and running his hands through his long hair, putting a $5 bill down on the counter, "Yeah... I've got to go. Thanks for everything, Diggs." Daveed smiles broadly, taking the money, "No problem, Ham." He chuckles.

Lin gives a small wave goodbye before heading back outside. He walks quickly, the sun now being completely set. He gets the same weird feeling as before and walks a little quicker, thinking about you.

Your eyes pop open for some reason and you look around nervously, realizing that Lin is gone. You stand and call, "Lin?" You look around, and then grab your cell phone and head out towards the Kool Katz Kkub.

Lin's converse leaving an echoing tap is unnerving to Lin. As he makes his way to the bridge over the pond he stops quickly and he hears his foot falls echoing.

While he stands there shivering, trying to decide if this is normal or not, he is jumped by two men in all black clothing. One with long curly hair and freckles, and the other an ex ember of a Freestyle rap group. The last thing Lin remembers before everything goes dark is a sharp feeling in his side and the sweet sound of his name on your frantic breath.


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