《Star Trek Picard - Infinite Pathways》14 - Strangers


I am a tortured soul. Alone in the blackness, yet surrounded by many. Except for my own desperate thoughts, the screams of pain and cries of anguish, are my only companions in the endless night. This present darkness encompasses my senses like a cloak that has been wound too tight about my body. The space around me presses in on all sides, tangible yet beyond my ability to grasp. I don't know if I stand or sit, or whether above and below are really what they seem to be. My feet are not stood upon anything I could call solid. I don't know how long it has been since I saw the sun or moons or any kind of light, but in this endless barren void it seems like an eternity. I am terrified and my own cries of despair join the throng.


It's Kaleeb, but so far away. Is it really her or am I hearing what I want to hear? I strain to listen.

"Niata." Her voice seems to be fading away. "I'm falling. Forever falling."

"Kaleeb," I cry. "Where are you?" No reply. "Kaleeb." The multitude of tormented shouts seem to rise up again. I just want it all to end.

Then I hear another sound. It's another voice but different from the rest. I do not understand what it says, the words are unfamiliar. All I can tell is, whoever is speaking, they are calmer and close by.

"Hello, can you understand?"

At first, there is no reply then the voice speaks again.

"I not good with your speech," says the voice. "Are you Triathian?"

"Yes," I say, now confused. "You are not?"

"I are not," says the voice. "Called Glav."




"I see," I reply, realising that this is the person's name not his race. "I am Niata."

"Where?" Glav is clearly searching for words. "Where?"

"Where are we?"


"Knowhere. Whoever you are, this is the abyss, our eternal punishment."

Picard, Molly, Lumi and Sebi were knelt in front of the blocked up doorway at the entrance to the ancient government building. Sebi was assembling a more powerful scanner, in the hope that the extra energy would open the door for longer. After several minutes of checking, he finally turned to the others.

"The scanner is ready," he announced. "I have already fed in the sequence that Lumi was running before."

They all shared a look then Picard spoke.


They watched as Sebi tapped in the code and began to repeat Lumi's scan. Silently, they stared the doorway, waiting for some signs of change but after several hours, it remained resolutely blocked. Every time a cycle completed, Sebi keyed in the next set of instructions and continued the scan. As the day became early evening, Picard could feel the hope in the group waning. Was his friend actually dead after all?

He was pulled from these rather morose thoughts by Lumi's sudden cry of pain. Clutching her head, she crumpled to the ground unconscious. Picard and Sebi rushed over to her; as before, she came around quickly. As Lumi assured them that she was fine, Picard suddenly realised that Molly was not with them. He spun round to see her shocked expression. Following her gaze, his jaw dropped open. Where hard cold stone had resided only a moment ago, now was a black rectangular void of nothing.

For a moment, no one moved, then they cautiously moved towards the door. As they drew near, Picard noticed a drop in temperature, as if they were about to step into a fridge. When they were a two metres away, they all stopped.


"Can you hear them?" Lumi's voice sounded fractured and tired. Molly nodded, as did Picard. The multitude of agonised cries was clearly audible.

"Glav," yelled Molly, at the top of her voice. "Glav, are you in there?" She tried to move a little closer but Picard shook his head.

"Careful, remember what happened when Glav put his hand in there."

She met his eye and nodded. "Do you think he can hear us?"

"I don't know," admitted Picard. "I don't why not."

"Ok then," said Molly and turned to face the void. "Glav. Glav can you hear me? It's Molly OBrien."

Picard looked at Lumi and Sebi. There was an unspoken acknowledgement of what they should do next. As one, they joined Molly near the doorway and began calling out Glav's name.

I can see something. A blade of brilliance which seems blinding to my eyes. People are speaking.

"Glav, Glav, can you hear us?"

They are calling the one who is not Triath. A short time ago, I found his hand in the dark. That same hand is pulling me towards the light. I close my eyes against the brightness.

"Niata," he says. "We are rescued."

The four members of the team had stood shouting into the darkness for over an hour. The scanners power cell was nearly depleted. Picard was about to beam up for a replacement, when the darkness seemed to undulate and the surface distended out towards them. Then, two people burst from the doorway and tumbled onto the stone floor. The first had silver grey skin that looked like it had been polished and was unknown to him but the other.

"Glav," yelled Molly, in delight.

Glav looked up at her and smiled.

"I didn't think I'd see you again." He looked at the others. "Any of you."

Molly took out a medical tricorder and scanned Glav all over.

"Your cells are reverting back to normal."

"I'm pleased to hear it," said Glav, as they helped him to his feet.

Lumi was studying the alien, who was curled into a tight fetal position, hands hiding the face. Picard crouched down nearby.

"There is no need to fear," he said, gently. "You are among friends."

Very slowly, the stranger unfolded and looked up at him. The eyes were wide; a deep green that seemed to look into him.

"I am Niata."

"Jean Luc," said Picard, tapping his chest. "Can you stand?"

Niata extended his hand, which Picard took and helped him up off the ground.

"I can understand your speech and you can understand me," said Niata. "How can that be?"

Picard tapped his com badge. "We have something called a universal translator. It enables us to understand most languages."

At that moment, the scanner switched off and the opening vanished. Niata clasped his chest as if someone had stabbed him. Sebi and Glav rushed forward and caught him as he collapsed.

"Computer," said Picard. "Transport six."


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