《Star Trek Picard - Infinite Pathways》12 - Confirmation


Niata was at the window, looking down on the main thoroughfare. He watched in dismay, as hundreds of people filled the streets, all of them surging towards the outskirts of the city. The sight of their panic stricken expressions was in danger of breaking his own resolve to remain calm.

"Why won't it stop?" Kaleeb's voice was full of emotion, and Niata knew that she too, was only just holding it all in.

"I have no answer to that," said Niata, as the furniture began to shudder.

It had been such a beautiful Joining Festival, the celebration had been so joyous. People had danced and drank through most of the night. As usual, the confirmation had begun shortly after the emergence of the newborn.

Niata had enjoyed himself to the full and then had returned to a lodging for the night with Kaleeb and Beyad. His sleep had been peaceful and untroubled until he was shaken awake by Kaleeb.

The confirmation had not ceased. If anything, the shaking was becoming more intense. As he pondered this, several items fell from a wall shelf, clattering onto the floor.

Beyad came to stand next to him.

"This is wrong, Niata," he said, gravely. "The confirmation has never lasted this long before."

As they continued to watch, part of a nearby building dislodged and crashed onto the street below. Fortunately, it missed the surging crowd. The impact had the effect of making the people more urgent in their attempts to leave.

Beyad put a hand on his shoulder. "Niata, what are we going to do?"

Niata turned to face him. "We need to leave."

Kaleeb pointed at the street. "In that?"

Niata shot her a surprised expression. "We'll go up to the roof and Translate home."


They both stared at him wearing the same expression of incredulity.

"Self projection hasn't been done in years," said Kaleeb.

"Nevertheless, the three of us were once Projectors," he replied, sounding as positive as he could. In reality, he thought his idea was insane but what choice did they have.

Beyad scoffed. "Niata, you can't be serious. When was the last time any of us had to prepare for Translation?"

Niata had to concede that since computers had replaced people as providers of Translation, those with the ability to self Translate had become irrelevant.

"The only other choice is to join the throng," he said, gesturing towards the window. "Whatever you decide to do, I think we need to hurry."

As if to punctuate his words, a loud explosion erupted from the building across the street. They watched, as bright orange flames burst out of several high windows. Glowing debris fell down onto the crowd below causing screams and cries for help to rise out the chaos.

Niata turned to his friend's. "Get to the roof, now."

Without argument, they followed Niata out of the room, along a short corridor and then up the steps that led to the roof. As they emerged into the open, Niata noticed the smell of something burning. The screams of the fleeing populace was deafening, even from up high. Their confused and tormented cries echoed from the streets below. Looking round, Niata could see that the whole city was suffering. The ground began to shake more violently, causing everyone to lose their footing.

"We have to do this now," said Beyad. He shot Kaleeb a look. "Niata is right."

Kaleeb nodded and the three of them stood together in the middle of the roof.

Closing his eyes, Niata began to breathe deeply, slowly, bringing the familiar inner calm. From the sound of their breath, he could tell that the other two were doing the same. After several minutes, nothing was happening.


"This isn't working," said Kaleeb.

Beyad and Niata both took her hand.

"Breathe," whispered Niata. "Let your inner, expand." As he said this, his own awareness suddenly broke through his natural limits and the whole realm of the surrounding universe rushed into his perception. It had been so long since he had experienced this that, for a moment, he held his breath.

Around him the scene shifted from the planet surface and he stood at the meeting place of infinite journeys. Every point was possible to reach. Aware of his friend's standing with him, he smiled in the midst of such peace.

Coming together, they focused on Triath and projected home but as they took the step across the void, all light vanished.

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