《In The Shadows (Star Trek TOS/AOS)》Part 8


Gwen found herself with the Romulans drinking Romulan ale. It shocked the group when after 8 rounds she was very much all there. Romulan ale was banned because it usually makes humans black out drunk after the first shot but Gwen wasn't like any other human. "Gwen how can you drink that stuff without well going haywire," "Because I am not a normal British girl," she around just as the 21st century hit Small World cover by her sister came over the speakers, "I love this song! I helped Cayla film this." She cheered as she picked up her dress. She remembered the choreography from all those years ago dazzling the crowd.

💎Small World (Idina Menzel) - Cover by Reese Oliveira of Rise Up Children's Choir💎

A detective that recognised her from a murder case all those years ago. Well he recognised her as her sister. It all clicked in his head. "I didn't know you could dance?" "There's a lot people don't think about me."

She was right, what didn't they know. They knew she was feisty but looking through her freshly updated instagram, Kirk was definitely curious. "Oh wow what a girl," he chuckled a bit scrolling back, she fished knew that, she danced knew that, she could speak multiple languages did not know that, "Oh my god, this explains so much," he scrolled through images from her school days. She was a fricken witch, not a cruel person a genuine witch. Not only that from the videos on there she meant business.

James decided not to mention it and it to hear it from her. The whole crew was drunk when they decided to sit and do never have I ever with shots. "Okay my turn never have I ever had to call emergency services for a dumb reason," Gwen was the only one who took a shot, "Why?" "Oh this dummy on a school trip to London decided to climb it's tallest tower but I got my jacket caught of the steeple, that was fun. My turn never have I ever gone on a last minute present order because you forgot the important occasion," Gwen, Asha, James, Sulu, Bones, Scotty and Uhura all took shots, "Okay my turn for the gents never have I ever knocked someone up and the ladies have ever been knocked up," Gwen was the only one who took a shot and then some more, "I'm going to need a story here," "No no nope, you are not getting the story behind that one, I need another drink." "Okay never have I ever kissed the wrong person," Gwen took two shots but this time Uhura did the same, "Never have I ever got dared to streak," "I did but you are not knowing why or how," Gwen said taking another big shot, "Never have I ever been used as an alibi on a murder case," Gwen, James, Scotty and Bones took a shot but if it was more than once it was two Gwen no surprise there had two, "Perks of having a twin I've known all along my sister told the detective that her alibi was that she was filming a music video when it was actually me dancing and her I don't know where, but after this she sliced 'me' into the background so it would be both sisters there. I know full well she lied now it's just keeping up the act."


Later on just as the party was hitting the roof Gwen pulled James aside and before long they were hooking up in the backroom.

The detective came aboard the Enterprise the next morning with the other people involved in the cases. James and Gwen woke to her phone ringing, groggy she picked up the call, "Gwen could your sister dance?" "No why?" "Who was dancing in her Small World video?" "Me why? She used me dancing as her alibi didn't she?" "Yeah she did." So years later a corpse was responsible for a murder. Dam, her twin of all people. Her literal identical twin. Thank god that was over a call he would of had a heart attack if he saw what was going on on the other end of the phone. "What was that all about?" "Well how about just finding out your twin was a killer in her spare time, what are you doing?" She asked as he sat up behind her. Like the tempest he is he caressed her shoulders while kissing her neck. "What are you doing?" "What you will like," he was right despite being hungover he could still touch her in a way that could make even the toughest woman quiver. "Down boy I'm in engineering today and it gets hot down there. If Scotty sees me with a hickey well you can guess where that's going," they laughed knowing that they would have to tell someone eventually about them. It was a miracle they kept it a secret for so long especially with Gweynneth being so chatty.

Well he didn't dial it down and she ended up with definitely a noticeable hickey. To say Gwen was ticked was an understatement but Bones told her to try and keep her blood pressure down as it was naturally very high.

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