《To Heaven Hell and back. (WolfxVampxHybrid boyxboyxboy)》Congratulations


----Luke's PoV----

One second I was kissing Jamie and Benji in a tired daze. The next thing I know Benji is bent over the toilet throwing up. Jamie and I ran after him and Jamie rubbed his back as he vomited in the toilet.

"Are you alright, kitten" I asked kneeling on the other side of him. He coughed a little before Jamie wiped his face.

"I don't feel good." He muttered with a miserable look on his face.

"Kitten" i said putting my hand to his face. He didn't feel any warmer than normal.

"He doesn't get fevers, he's a vampire Luke" Jamie said rolling his eyes playfully and picking Benji up and carrying him to our bed.

"Well I was just checking" I whined as Jamie put Banji in the bed and lied down next to him pulling Benji to him. I climbed under the covers with them sandwiching Benji between us.

"My stomach hurts" Benji whined nuzzling into Jamie's chest.

"I know Kitten, I know." Jamie purred rubbing his back.

"Make it stop." Benji begged us clutching his stomach.

"I can't Kitten" I whispered into his ear. This pulled a small whine from him and he cuddled closer to my heat.

"I'm cold" he said moving so he was completely under the covers and under my arm.

"I'm sorry, babe" Jamie said kissing Benji's head.

"Warm me" He hissed stuffing his face in my neck.

"Of Course Kitten" I said moving one arm around the back of his neck and the other around his middle. I tucked his head under my chin and he kissed my neck.

"Has this happened before Jamie?" I question him. Jamie shook his head frantically. He was even more pale than normal and had a very worried look plastered on his face.


"Benji is never sick, physically anyways" He said running his hand up Benji's back making him shiver

"Should we take him to your Covent doctor?" I asked pulling away to look at Benjis pitiful looking face.

"I'm not sure. Benji, love do you want to go see her?" Jamie asked making Benji shrug lightly.

"He hates going to any doctor" Jamie said petting Benji's head.

"You going love" I said picking him up making him whine.

"Please no" He whined cuddling into my chest for warmth. Jamie grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped Benji's shivering body.

"Let's go kitten" I said carrying him to my truck.

"Just let me suffer" Benji whined trying to escape my grasp as I put him in the passenger seat.

"Stop. Your going I want to make sure your ok" I said stating my truck and locking the door after Jamie got in; preventing him from opening the door. He huffed and balled up on the door and pouted. Jamie told me how to get to the covenant house considering I've never been there before. I pulled in and got out before walking around to the other side and getting Benji and his blanket. He cuddled to my chest seeking warmth as I carried him to the house. Jamie led us to the clinic and I set Benji on a bed. He whined and lifted his arms to me so I would hold him again. I rolled my eyes a my mates childish actions. I walked over to him and slid him on my lap. He wrapped himself around me and shivered. A few minutes later Martinez's daughter walked in with a small note pad.

"Hello Benjamin, what brings you here?" She asked with her nose in her note pad. She looked us and her face drained of color and her eyes filled with worry.


"He got sick and has been freezing all morning." Jamie said walking over to us and running his hand through our shivering mate's hair.

"Did this start this morning?" She asked with a worried tone of voice.

"I was fine last night" Benji piped up from my chest.

"Did you do anything different last night"

"No, but my stomach has been hurting a lot lately" Benji said very quietly.

"Why haven't you told anyone love?" I asked him worriedly.

"Cause I didn't think that it was important. I just assumed it was me not being used to feeding from you" He said in a small voice like a child making up and excuse after being scolded.

"You need to tell us if you don't feel good, ok kitten?" I said sternly making him nod and hide in my chest again.

"Can I take some blood for tests?" Martinez's daughter asked Benji making him nod lightly. Benji held out his arm and she grabbed a butterfly needle and stuck his ar. I saw Jamie tense at the sight of Benji's blood being sucked into the small vials. She drew 3 of them before disappearing for a minute. She came back pulling a cart with a monitor on it.

"I'm going to take an ultrasound to see if there is something wrong that won't show up in the blood. Could you lay him on the bed and lift his shirt?" she asked me. I moved and Benji whined as I pulled him away from my chest. He clung to my shirt and I had to pluck his hands from me making him hiss at me.

"Stop, I'll hold you again in a second this is important." i said hitting his and away from me and I lifted his shirt so she could squirt some gel on his torso. Beji hissed again when the cold gel hit his skin. She turned on the small monitor and took the wand from it's holder and spread the gel around. She turned her attention to the black and white screen and moved to wand around Benjis stomach. Benji was shivering again and reached out to Jamie and I trying to find our heat once again. We walked over and set our hand where we could to give him all we could. She suddenly stopped and looked at the screen perplexed. She continually ran the wand over the same spot and looking more and more confused by the second.

"Why do you look so confused?" Jamie asked worriedly.

"Well this is very rare" She said setting the wand down.

"What's is very rare?" I asked frantically.

"Congratulations Benjamin, you're pregnant!"


Hey guys sorry for the late update. professor boyfriend was up my ass about this for 2 weeks but never at the right time. So he's been pissy for 2 weeks and now I'm updating while hes busy so that's going to make him happy too. anywasy hes telling me I need to try and have 2 chapters up casue I missed last week. If I get them both up thank him. Thanks for reading.

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