《To Heaven Hell and back. (WolfxVampxHybrid boyxboyxboy)》Luke's brake down


------------------Benji's PoV--------------------

I woke up sitting on Luke's lap as he watched some action movie, Brother Bear must have ended.

"Good evening my love." Luke said kissing my head

"Good evening" I yawn out looking around. "Where's Jamie?" I ask trying to get comfortable in his lap.

"I don't know, he won't really talk to me right now. I can go find him if you like" he purred nuzzling my neck. I couldn't help but move to let him closer. I really want to punish him, but I have him and I really want to be with him.

"Could you?" I said squirming away from him. I would go look but Jamie and Luke, along with Dr. Jean and Martinez put me on bed rest. I would just contact him from our mate link, but my mark disappeared so I can't.

Martinez stayed at the pack house because he was mated to their doctor. Martinez is not our only doctor, his adoptive daughter wanted to be a doctor to. So he could stay without a problem, he was ecstatic.

"What's wrong Ben-Ben?" Jamie asked peeking into the room looking worried.

"What were you doing?" I asked him holding my arms out so he would hold me. Me smiled softly and sat down pulling me to his lap.

"I was trying to do some of your work. Your on bed rest and I'm your mate, I know our budget and surrounding covenants. I thought I could help, we are almost two days behind." he said nuzzling my neck where his mark once was.

We are a small convent for the country, but we are one of the biggest in the area. We have 70 people in our convent where as most of the covenants around here range from 12-30. We have a large amount of land in our territory. We have a mid sized covent house with most of the teens and older people live. It has a pool, theater room, arcade, gym, and a pool. We don't have much paper work for the covent but for all the local business, we have plenty to keep us busy.


"Will you cuddle with Luke and I now?" I ask cuddling into his chest and yawning.

"Still tired?" I asked kissing my head as I nod. He lied down with me holding me to his chest. I felt the bed dip and saw Luke lay in the other side of the bed. I crawled over to him kissing his cheek.

"Luke tomorrow I want you away from me for a bit ok" I whisper to him" I saw his eyes fill with pain before he nodded turning away from Jamie and I. I went back to Jamie and cuddled back to his chest. I let darkness take over feeling loved and safe for the first time in a long time.

I woke up engulfed by Jamie's arms. I cuddled closer as he chuckled kissing my head.

"You're awake?" I looked up into his blue eyes. He nodded and kissed me, hard. I smiled as I felt his his cold snakebites. I missed the calmness and carefreeness I have with him when he kisses me. He pulls back and I turn over to see no Luke.

"Where's Luke?" I asked sitting up

"He is making breakfast, I was going to wake you soon. but you wake up by yourself so I no longer half to." Jamie chuckled and Luke silently walked in.

"Breakfast" he said quietly with his head hung before walking out.

"What did you do?" I asked pushing Jamie and getting out of bed

"Nothing" he said whining at my accusation

"Nothing my ass" I hiss at him

"I wouldn't give him a kiss this morning and he's all depressed" He whined and I walked out of our room.

"How would you like it if I didn't give one to you" I said putting one of my hands on my hips and I poked him in the chest.


"Well you haven't so I guess I do know" he muttered and I rolled my eyes

"Now you don't get one" I said stopping out to the kitchen. Luke was organizing a plate and a cup of orange juice on a tray.

"Luke?" I ask trying to get his attention. He tuned and glared at me slightly.

"You should be in bed, bed rest" he said walking towards me rolling his eyes.

"I'm fine, but you're upset" I said hugging him. I know I said I would stay away from him but he's upset I can't ignore him.

"I'll be ok but you're still--"

" I said I'm fine I dont need to have stuff done for me!" I yelled at him as he tried to take me back to our room. He let go and stepped back.

"I'm sorry" He whimpered out

"Don't apologize tell me what's wrong" I said pushing him on and chair and sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his face into my neck. I was fine till I felt tears on my neck. "Baby, what's wrong" I said petting his head. Jamie walked in and looked worriedly at Luke before setting next to us and rubbing Luke's back. Luke's arms tightened around me as he hiccuped.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I killed you, I hit you, I rapped you, and I insalted you. I love you so much, I was so scared. I thought couldn't handle two mates. On top of that a vampire and a hybrid. So many covens and packs hate vampire and werewolf mates. Some packs kill them, I could ruin alliances. Plus a three mate relationship, and all guys. The three will be the most hated people in the world. I don't want to think what it was like for you and Jamie's parents. I don't want to hurt you ever again! I'm sorry I was such a coward!" Luke cried out squeezed me to death.

"Luke, Luke. Ok calm down we're right here." I cooed as Jamie rested his head on Luke's shoulder and kept rubbing his back.

"I'm sorry" He whined licking my neck. I tensed and he pulled away.

"Luke, listen. We will be fine. All three of us. I can't forgive you completely yet, but I love you and that won't change. Jamie will not ignore you anymore, so smile. You look so much better when you smile. Please, for me." I beg as he nods silently. I held my mate as he cried and I couldn't do anything about it.


Hi guys, hope you all prayed for our fallen men and women who die for our freedom. I'm sorry for anyone's loses and I just remember there running with the wolves now!

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