《Taking Her Home》Coffee Date


Rebecca spun around in front of the mirror for the fifth time. She didn't like anything that she had tried on and she had to leave in ten minutes if she didn't want to be late.

The red floral dress with ruffles on the sleeves and bottom of the skirt was going to have to work. The neckline was a V- cut that showed just enough cleavage to be cute but didn't show too much that Vincent would think that she was trying to look cute just for him. She tied the strings that were on the corset-like belt and went in search for the black strappy sandal heels that she had stolen from Joni, they were perfect. Finding them under her bed, she slipped them on and buckled the strap around each ankle and headed for the door. Grabbing her bag with work clothes on her way.

The cab stopped in front of the coffee shop and Rebecca took a deep breath. Why was she nervous? "I don't know, lady, but its $12.75," said the cab driver. Rebecca realized that she said that out loud and blushed.

"Sorry," she said handing him the money and getting out of the cab. She brushed her hands over her dress. It didn't need to really be smoothed down, but it was helping her calm her nerves. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the shop with a fake air of confidence around her. She scanned the room and noticed a man in the corner that looked close to what her fuzzy memories of Vincent were. She put a smile on her lips and walked towards him.

As she reached the table, Vincent saw her and stood up. "Rebecca," he said holding his hand out to her to shake.

"Vincent," she shook his hand.

"I didn't order yet," he told her, "what would you like?" He asked her pulling his wallet from the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

Rebecca raised an eyebrow at him, "Um... I asked you to meet me remember. The whole point of this was so I could repay you for your kindness. You are not paying," she said walking towards the counter. "What do you want?" She asked over her shoulder.

Vincent followed her and looked at her as she gave her drink order to the barista. She was beautiful. She wasn't beautiful like the women he normally dated. She was a different kind. The kind that you could be proud to have on your arm. The kind that when you walked in the room everyone looked at and spent the rest of the night watching trying to figure out exactly what it was about her that had caught their eye. "Vincent. Are you going to order?" Rebecca's voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, just black coffee and a scone," he said sending a smile to the barista who in turn, bushed a deep shade of red. He turned to Rebecca, "why don't you go sit and I will bring the drinks." He held up his hand to stop her when she opened her mouth to protest, "let me do something somewhat manly," he smiled. Rebecca nodded her head and laughed before walking to the table he had been sitting at when she had arrived.


As she sat down she heard her phone ding and she looked to see that she had gotten a text from Joni, rolling her eyes she opened the text:

Rebecca shook her head and laughed as she hit the button to turn the screen off and put her phone back in her purse. Adjusting herself so she was sitting up in the chair properly, she saw Vincent walking to the table with their coffees followed by the barista with his scone. She felt a little bit of possessiveness deep in her gut, but she pushed it away. She had no claim on him and she couldn't blame the girl. He was gorgeous. She was almost certain he had to be a model if not, he most defiantly was the guy dating all of them. She looked up at him as he stopped beside the table and handed her the coffee. "Thank you."

"No thank you," Vincent said sitting down across from her. He turned and took his scone from the girl who was standing beside the table with a look of hope. Hope that he would notice and think of her as more than the girl who got him his coffee. "Thanks," he took the scone and turned back to Rebecca. The girl's face fell before she covered it with a smile quickly, but not quick enough that Rebecca didn't catch it. "So, Rebecca, what is it you do?" Vincent asked her as he took a small bite of his scone. The scones were the main reason that he came to this place the coffee wasn't anything special but the scones reminded him of his first trip to the UK and that was his favorite trip he had ever taken.

"I am a nurse practitioner at the hospital. Today is actually my first day," she beamed. She was actually really excited and nervous about starting today. Thinking about it made her stomach flip and she wondered why she had chosen today to meet Vincent. "Too much for one day," she thought.

"Why not a doctor?" She heard Vincent ask her. He was actually really impressed, but a part of him felt like he needed to know more about her and he figured this would be his only chance.

She smiled down at her coffee. This wasn't the first time that someone had asked her that. She understood why people didn't understand it. "I was ready to get my life started. I didn't want to do another four years. I just want to be able to help people," she shrugged and looked up at Vincent who was staring at her intensely. He looked to her like he was actually listing to her answer and she was a little shocked. He didn't seem like the type to actually care what anyone had to say.

"What made you want to go into medicine instead of helping in another way. I mean I am sure that your parents could have set you up a nonprofit. Or got you a job on the board of a friend."


Rebecca raised her eyebrows at him in a questioning manner. Was he meaning to be this rude? "Excuse me?" She asked him. "My father owns a small construction business. Mostly remodels and my mother is a nurse in a small doctor's office," she finished crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not just some little rich girl that wants to help the world just to get on the cover of some tabloid."

Vincent felt that smile coming back again, but he didn't stop it this time. Her reaction wasn't expected, but deep down he was happy that it was the one he had gotten. He knew she was different. As he opened his mouth to respond, he heard his phone go off. Picking it up from beside him, he saw he had a message from his father. He looked at Rebecca and sent her an apologetic smile. Rebecca waved a hand at him to signal that she didn't mind him answering his text so he went back to it.


Vincent rolled his eyes before putting his phone face down on the table. He wasn't going to worry about his father and his demands right now.

"If you need to go, I completely understand," Rebecca said.

He shook his head, "no, it isn't important," he took a sip of his coffee.

Rebecca nodded showing she understood, "So, what is it that you do?" she asked him catching his eyes and looking right into them to show that she was interested in the answer. Vincent always dreaded this question. It was another reason not to date. Especially if the woman wasn't Italian. Normal women had no ability to understand the extreme importance of family. "Actually, the club we were at last night... I own it," he shrugged. That was true so he wasn't lying and he could live with that. Normally he didn't care, but he didn't want to lie to her. He felt bad that he hadn't told the whole truth though. "She wouldn't understand and she would run away," he told himself.

"Wow. That's awesome!" she said with excitement. "Wait that means you know my friend T."

Vincent was thinking back to the group of people she was with that night. Tobin D'angelo's face flashed into his mind. Must be who she means. "Do you mean Tobin?" he asked her. She nodded her head a huge smile crossing her face. What was he to her he wondered. He felt a bit of jealousy and a slightly larger need to talk to Tobin... with his fist. Clearing his throat, he continued, "he works under his father who works for mine, our fathers have known one another for many years," he finished.

"Tobin's a great guy," she smiled and Vincent wished it was him that had her smiling like that. He just nodded in agreement and tried to douse the flames of jealousy before they burnt him to a crisp.

"Rebecca," he said her name and waited to get her attention. When she looked at him with a questioning look he continued, "what are you doing tomorrow evening?"

She looked to him, to be thinking for a minute. In reality, she was slowly freaking out. "Is he going to ask me out?" She asked herself. "Who knows, maybe you should answer him and find out," she replied to herself. Mentally rolling her eyes, she smiled at him, "I'm not really sure that I am ready to start dating just yet," she said. As soon as the word left her mouth she froze. Why had she said that? She could feel her face heating up.

Vincent laughed a little, "that's good. Like I said on the phone yesterday. I don't date." Rebecca let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and nodded. "I have this gala to go to tomorrow and need a date," he added looking at her.

She looked down at her hands and started picking at her nails. "I. Um. I don't know," she stuttered. She seemed to do that a lot around him. Which led her to question even more why he was asking her to some fancy gala.

"I would really love it if you would be my date," he said bringing her attention back to him.

Rebecca didn't know what to say. She didn't know why he was asking her to go with him. She was pretty sure he could get any girl he wanted. "Why me?" she finally decided to ask and satisfy her curiosity.

Vincent laughed, "because you're beautiful," he shrugged.

Rebecca gave him a look of disbelief, "please. You could find a million beautiful women to ask. I'm sure you have a little black book you can call someone from that," she crossed her arms. She would be lying if she said she didn't want to go. Any girl would want to go anywhere with him. Add a fancy dress and most likely an open bar and some good food who would say no?

"Maybe that's true, but I don't want to go with any of them. I want to go with you," he pointed at her with a smile.

Rebecca blushed a little before deciding to just go for it. "Okay," she sighed, "I'll go with you."

He smiled at her, "great! I will pick you up at 8," he stood up and reached his hand out to her.

She shook his hand, "I will see you tomorrow night," she said before turning around and walking out the door.

Vincent watched her walk out and felt a slight pain in his chest that grew the further away she got from him. Shaking the feeling from his head he threw down a couple of bucks on the table for a tip and walked out of the coffee shop.

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