《New Balance | COMPLETE.》T w e n t y - s i x


Aubrey placed the twins car seats into the stroller going into 1 AV, Danny and Zoie were the only two working today, and they promised Dave wasn't there. She hadn't seen her husband in almost a week, and she was okay with that. She meant every word when she said that she was going to catch Christina on sight.

Part of her questioned if she really should beat her ass, she didn't owe Aubrey no loyalty. Whatsoever. She wasn't the one that said her vows to her, David was, but then she scratched that thought and said it was the principal of it all, she knew Dave was married. She used some of her connects and found out she would be touching down in LA for an event in another day or so, and all Aubrey knew was that she was going to show out wherever she would be getting ready at.

"Hey babyyyy" Danny watched her walk in he met her half way to give her a hug, Lord knows she needed it. She was keeping herself together for her kids, but Aubrey didn't feel as strong anymore.

"Hey Danny boo, Where Zo?" Pointing to the bathroom, she nodded her head knowing he was going to be in there for a minute. They were going to close the shop down for a little so they could go on a lunch break. Aubrey told them to do it, she personally knew East was going to have a problem, but she was gonna laugh that he was losing money.

1Av was way more popular now than it was before the fam, and it's always been jumping. They always showed up hoping to run into Dave, as if he just sat his ass around the store doing nothing like he was Remy Ma.

Dave entered his store, his eyes glued to his phone. Aubrey looked everywhere else but at him. She was mad at herself for coming here, the one day she decided to show up, Dave would want to do the same. Yes, it was his store but damn bitch. He probably put a tracking device on her one day when they had sex. He was a crazy nigga like that.

"Yo Dann-" Dave looked up, his eyes stuck on Aubrey and the twins. He wanted to speak to her, but instead he rushed over making noises at his kids. Missing them more than anything in this world. His kids were his lifeline and he couldn't believe he lost his family over a regular ass bitch.

"How have you been?" He tried to make conversation with Aubrey, her facial expression brought his words to a halt and he just stop speaking all together. Before she could stop her hand she sent a strong punch to his face, his head flew back and now she was having a full blown fight. Thankfully there were no customers, and it was quiet for it to be a day in LA. The wildfires in Los Angeles kept people in their homes, or they were just at work.


Danny ran over pulling Aubrey off of Dave, he rushed her to the back in his office. Her bestfriend was pissed that she was doing all this in front of the kids and at Dave's place of business, she was better than that.

"You my bitch Aubrey, and I love you but you're not finna cut up inside this place where people can catch you on camera. Your kids is in here, act like you got some sense." He watched Aubrey shrug, her legs shook and her arms was crossed. She was mad, and all she seen was red.

Turning around she walked out Dave's office, mugging Dave. She blanked out again when the Devil walked in, throwing her hair in a ponytail she ran up on Christina, hitting her in the jaw blocking the fist that almost hit her face, Aubrey's hand came around punching her again busting her lip. Danny pushed the twins to the back office so no one could say that she was fighting in front of her kids. Dave reacted quickly pulling Aubrey — Christina grabbed her hair but stupidity got the best of her and she let Aubrey's hair go, East pull Aubrey away, her foot reached Christina's face kicking her.

Zoie came from the back shocked "Well damn, I went number two for a few and y'all in here fighting?" He jumped forward when Christina went to hit Bre.

"Yeet bitch. You thought you was finna swing. You should've known what was up when you walked into this Aubrey's Husband store. You only good for the neck, nothing more. Now shoo."

Thinking about it for a moment she walked out the store. She was only going to take another ass beating if she stayed. They knew she was going to tell the blogs, and Aubrey was okay with that as long as she included that she was the cause of her ass getting beat every time she seen them. Her neck buddy was going to catch it every time too. She wasn't giving head to Casper.

"Get the fuck off of me!" She struggled out of Dave's grip, fixing her hair. "You fucking dirty! I swear Crossing me is going to be the one thing you regret." Maybe she was talking out the side of her neck, but she was done.

Getting herself together she went and got her kids from Dave's office, walking out the store as if everything was normal and chaos hadn't gone on in 1Av just seconds ago. She was going to get back at him, and she was going to make him hurt the same way she was hurting. She didn't care who posted what or who said anything about her. She knew her loyalty to Dave, and she stood by it while he sat and let another bitch suck his dick. She hoped it was worth it.


Scrolling down her DMs, she tapped on a message finally responding back. Izzy had been asking her to go out on a date with him and today she was giving in. Part of her was doing it to get back at Dave when the other half of her wanted to feel better.

She was relieved when she got to the Ritz Carlton Hotel, and seen her mother waiting outside of her hotel. Milani felt as though she missed so much already, that she would be there whenever her daughter called her.

Heading up to her hotel room, Aubrey took a hot shower and climbed into bed getting much needed rest.

Dave sat inside of the house he once shared with Aubrey, the rings that she dropped off on their dresser still laying there hoping that she'd come back and get them. He was a fuck up and lost the one person that loved him flaws and all. In honesty he wanted to kill Christina for showing up to his store as if he was going to be happy to see her. He couldn't put the hotel incident all on her because he was a grown ass man.

He thought of ways to get right with his wife, he knew it was going to take more than just showing up at her doorstep, and trying to climb in bed with her because he was drunk, it probably wouldn't have worked anyways.

Truth is, Christina couldn't handle Dave the way Aubrey handled him. She couldn't love him the way that Aubrey loved him. It was crazy how he knew all of these things and still found a way to fuck up something good.

He prayed to Allah to bring his family back, it was one of the prayers where he released tears, and he begged. Begging for his wife back, begging for the family he never had. He knew Aubrey wouldn't take his kids away for good, but he wanted them to have the perfect family. The way Aubrey described hers to be when she was younger. He wanted to give his kids the love she once received and not the one sided love he got from his mother. Though, he was in fact appreciative of it.

His mind fell back on the store incident, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about sending a hit out on Christina. Mainly because Aubrey was probably even more done with him now than she was before seeing her in person. Dave had no idea that she was going to show up, he didn't even know why she showed up. He thought they had a pretty good understanding that nothing was going to happen between them two, and he only wanted to be with his wife. He didn't even give her any dick and she was cutting up. That's why he didn't cheat.

Hennessy, Patron, and Tequila could make a nigga do anything.

Dave decided to text Christina, and opted out on meeting her in person. He didn't need blogs turning nothing into something. Texting was something that she couldn't fake for the public especially if he kept his side of the messages. After typing up the message, and dismissing her after she responded he laid his phone down on the night stand and fell asleep.

Not too long after a call woke him up, and he could only hope that it was Aubrey. Answering it with a disgruntled "Hello" Danny's cackling was heard from the other side.

"I'M CRINE, DEAD, DECEASED. YOU FUNNY AS HELL FOR TELLING THAT GIRL SHE AIN'T BEEN HOT SINCE DIP IT LOW. Sis, theshaderoom doing a tell al. She sent a screenshot to one of her little friends, and they released it to theshaderoom now it's everywhere." Dave shook his head, hanging the phone up on Danny. Clicking Instagram the screenshot of his text message showed.

Shaking his head, he could only hope that Aubrey seen this soon. Maybe she would show a little bit of compassion and actually talk to him. For now, it was "Fuck Dave". It was crazy how something so beautiful could destroy and fall down in a blink of an eye.

It would get better in time. At least that's what he wanted himself to believe.


Me to Dave:

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