《New Balance | COMPLETE.》t w e n t y - f i v e. ( o n e )
Short just a filler chapter.
Aubrey frowned her face up, they were back at home from the hospital and Dave had to leave to go sign his record deal. It was a huge milestone in his life.
However, Aubrey was pissed off, yes, she supported his career, but she didn't know it would consist of him traveling so early on. Especially because the twins were newborns.
Luckily her kids were sleepers just like their mama, or she would've cussed Dave out for leaving. "My lawyer just going to read over some shit, and then we gone discuss my contract and I'm on my way back to LA to my babies. I promise. My flight leaves late tonight. I'm not even taking extra clothes other than the ones I'm changing in."
Dave tried to plea with her, Aubrey did nothing but shrug her shoulders. It wasn't about what she wanted, this was the future for her, Dave and the twins. Yeah, they would always be set, but the twins had to live comfortable long after their gone.
"I guess. We'll see you when you get home." She smiled softly. It was 12 in the afternoon, and she just wanted to finish cooking while the babies were sleep, but she didn't want her hubby to leave. Wrapping her arms around his waist tightly she frowned.
"I don't want you to go babe." She wanted to start crying, but she didn't have an excuse like she used to. She wasn't pregnant with the twins anymore. Postpartum emotions? Is that even a thing?
"you going to miss me fat lip?" Dave joked, placing a kiss on her bottom lip. Slapping his arm hard she tried to hide her smile.
"Yes, I'm going to miss you Patchy."
"I'm going to miss you too mamas. You need to go finish cooking. I got all my necessities. You ain't gotta worry about papa bear anymore."
She was going to invite her mom, Danny and Zoie over for brunch, it was really to help her with the twins but who wouldn't agree when there's good food involved? After Tommie didn't show up to the hospital, she decided to block her from her life all together. She wasn't fucking with no fake bitches.
She would hate to have to throw hands with Tommie for her smart ass remarks, seeing as though she was a step away from bitter. Aubrey noticed over her pregnancy Tommie's mouth got slicker as if she wouldn't punch her in it.
She didn't want to be one of those woman that got bold while she was pregnant, because she knew they couldn't do anything to her. So instead she would say something smart back and let it go but, now she dropped the baby, and would be healing soon.
Any smart comment just meant Aubrey's fist to her mouth. Danny had also cut her off, because she went out her way to accuse him and Reek of sleeping together, what type of lame shit?
She claimed that's why Reek was so okay with Danny being around. She was too grown to be acting out the way she was acting, but someone had to put her in her place.
Reek almost snapped her neck, and Dave stopped him unlike the time Dave almost killed Aubrey at their event.
She wasn't apart of the group anymore, and everyone just acted as if she wasn't important anymore. As if we never knew her.
Maybe she went back to Miami, maybe she didn't.
She needed space, and that's what everyone was willing to give her. Aubrey had once accepted the loss of her parents and her old life, you think she was pressed over a bitch she just met?
Yeah, their friendship was great. Yeah, they had memories, but it wasn't something she would stress about.
If someone decided to walk out her life today, she was going to tell them to step. She was in such a good place in her life, she wasn't letting anyone ruin it.
"Give me kiss babe, I'm gone"
Kissing his lips repeatedly Aubrey frowned when he pulled away. If she had been healed, she would've convinced him to stay by seducing him. Since she was still in the healing process, she decided to just let him go.
She followed Dave out the room, on his tail. He walked in the twins nursery kissing them goodbyes, and made his way downstairs "Be safe, I love you baby. Make wifey proud."
Saying their goodbyes, he left for the airport and her company pulled in.
"Where my God babies? They asses better not be sleep again. Where my pans?" Danny walked to the kitchen as if he was going to get the pans out like Tanisha.
"I just want you to realize they're newborns." Aubrey giggled, and Danny shrugged his shoulders.
"And you telling me this for why? Them folks away sleeping like they did a eight hour shit, they knew I was coming over." Danny rolled his eyes playfully, he spoke in a quiet tone not really wanting to wake the twins up.
"Y'all I miss my baby already, I wish he could come home. I just want to cuddle. I mean y'all cool too, I just want my baby."
Aubrey pulled the dishes out to finish their brunch off.
"Y'all lazy asses not gonna help? All y'all do is eat and sit on y'all asses." Aubrey shook her head, flipping over the pancake.
She was going to enjoy her Brunch with some of the people that meant most to her.
1 AM.
Aubrey had finally put the babies down, cleaned and showered and now she was EXHAUSTED.
Turning on the television her heart dropped realizing it was a story about a plane crashing.
"FLIGHT 2790 NEW YORK TO LOS ANGELES HAS CRASHED! PLEASE CALL IF YOUR LOVED ONE WAS ON THAT FLIGHT." Aubrey began to panic, she tried to calm down calling Dave's phone which was already turned off.
Aubrey resorted to pleating in God, even the ones she didn't believe in.
Knowing TheShadeRoom had everything, she clicked on Instagram to see her comments in an uproar. She had over 1,000 and her phone began to glitch.
That was her Red flag it was something bad.
Tapping on the heart, her heart dropped realizing it was pictures of Dave East and Christina Milian touchy at an event.
He had her fucked up, he was going to wish he was on that plane coming back to Los Angeles. Aubrey was about to give him Hell on Earth
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Някой смятат, че в човешката природа е да надграждат, да се адаптират, създават и отглеждат, но колкото по-дълго населяват земята, губят положителните си черти. Оставят само разруха след себе си и унищожават, всичко, до което се докоснат, включително и самите себе си. Планетата умира, а земята е пренаселена. Настъпва хаос и се разпространява зараза, която изменя гените на хората. Не е известно, кога се появява, как се разпространява или симптомите. Единственото ясно е, че обикновено засегнатите са с умствени проблеми или преживели нещо тежко в миналото си. Хора, позволили на света, който са създали да ги промени и корумпира сърцата им. Няма имунизирани, а единствения начин, да се спасиш, е да успееш да запазиш сърцето си чисто, което е невъзможно да се случи, когато си в центъра на световна война. Заразените го наричат еволюция, а незаразените го определят, като прочистване и решение на проблема с пренаселването на планетата. Във всеки случай, и двете страни са решени да елиминират другата. Земята умира, всичко бива унищожено, а хората най-сетне получават, това което винаги са искали-само
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The Cruel Tyrant
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