《New Balance | COMPLETE.》t e n.


"You are just what I prayed for, you are what I was made for, yes, I'm for sure,

Most all,

I just want to mean the most to ya. Most of all ,baby, I'm just tryna grow with ya."

Aubrey fought with herself all morning, she didn't know if she should walk out the house dressed in a black bandeau and shorts. She knew East would have something to say about how short they actually were. In her eyes, it was just too hot to NOT wear shorts these shorts. It was also too late now, she was already at the court.

The Miami heat was another level of heat, and it was bad enough East was forcing her to show up to the charity basketball game. Both teams put up a certain amount of money, and whichever team lost had to double it, and all of it would go to the YMCA program to keep kids off the streets, and into fixing the neighborhood up a little bit more.

Aubrey even pitched in to donate some, going towards students that couldn't afford college. To say Aubrey was wealthy as hell, was simply an understatement, things had went in her favor over the weeks. She would leave it at, her father really looked out for her.

"Y'all the two baddest bitches in the park" Aubrey walked over to Tommie and Danny. East had no choice but to keep the two from working today. Tommie had to be there to support Reek, and Danny was supposed to be on the schedule, but he convinced East to take him off.

"Y'all better not put my gay ass on the schedule, or they gone call me 1 Av booty bandit, cause I'm going after every fine man that walk in. You don't leave my crazy ass unsupervised like that."

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, so they decided to close it down for the day. East wouldn't lose no sleep from the money that was missing, but Danny would.

"Hey mami" Tommie hugged Aubrey giving her butt a squeeze with a laugh "You look cute, and naked. Wonder what your mans gone say about your little outfit." Tommie couldn't help but laugh, along with Aubrey. East isn' her father, so therefore, he couldn't tell her what she could and couldn't wear. He could voice out his comments, and concerns but that was Aubrey decision to make if she wanted to take them into consideration or not. Today, she chose not to.

"That's a grown ass woman, East better get right, before that ass get left. Change that name to West real quick." Aubrey tilted her head, never understanding what came to Danny's head at times.


Aubrey's face lit up when East walked over to her with a mic in his hand.

Moving the rose gold PINK cooler from off of her lap, she placed it on the bench, she wanted to be cute and bring him Gatorade's and waters. Possibly even for the thirsty bitches around. "Hey babe." East leaned in kissing Aubrey on her lips, she heard smacks from all over.

"Y'all bitches chewing gum? Something in y'all teeth? yall smacking ya teeth for why? Even if he wasn't boo'd up with my bitch he wouldn't go for you paint brush ponytail bitches." Danny pretended to wash his hands.

"That's him washing his hands with you bitches, You Miami bitches are different breeds, he ain't got nothing for ya, and he can't get you out them projects" Reek walked over giving everyone around high hopes again, until he kissed Tommie. The smacking of the teeth and groans were repeated.

Danny grabbed the mic "If you bitches smack ya teeth any harder, y'all gone swallow them things. These men are taken, with that being said I'm not. So if you a tall, dark and handsome top, hit my line at 305-678-55-" the mic was snatched out of Danny's hands, and once again in East hands.

"Now you know you wrong for tryna announce your number out Danny!" Aubrey shouted, shaking her head, Danny was clearly her favorite person in the group. She even hung out with Danny without Tommie sometimes. She was with Reek most of the time anyways.

"Jesus, you need to find him." East pointed the mic at Danny, in a "behave" manner.

"-58!" Danny leaned over quickly yelling into the mic finishing his phone number, catching everyone off guard.

"My bitch finna get her a man's today." Tommie hyped Danny up sticking her tongue out, East mugged him, before him and Reek said their goodbyes going to play the round.

"Hell nah, y'all out here playing street ball NBA? What y'all out here for if y'all not gone call shit!" Aubrey stood up arguing for Dave. She couldn't stand the refs, they always found ways to piss her off.

"What was he supposed to call sis? You tryna cheat for your mans" Tommie argued back, making Aubrey side eye her playfully

"girl, you tryna cheat for Reek big ass. It don't help that he got them skinny ass legs to help him move faster. You dating a whole chicken, and he get a little bow legged when he shoot." Aubrey busted out laughing with Danny.


"Okay? Don't do my man sis! When your nigga look like he just canceled leg days all together. Your man shaped like Wendy Williams" Tommie fired back, making Aubrey cover her mouth.

"Oh you tryna roast? Your mans got a whole lisp! "YO! Easth cheating. Pay atenthin" face ass." Aubrey fired back at Tommie, while Danny just watched the middle.


"You should've just sat there and ate your food." Aubrey joked, pointing to the Nachos on Tommie's lap

Dave was on the court, it was indeed one of his happy places. He loved playing ball, and most of all he loved winning. He was carrying his team, not because they couldn't play but because his workers didn't even want to play, East forced them. Between him and Reek, they were equally as good but this was something East would've done for the rest of his life.

The heat got the best of everyone outside, so it made it seem like the game lasted forever, but no one left until the game had officially ended, because they genuinely wanted to see who won. Aubrey and Tommie yelled and screamed their men name the whole time, and occasionally cheered the rest of the team on. The whole game the two girls had their playful arguments, and Danny just cheered for whoever was winning at the moment.

Surprisingly there was no beef the whole game. She knew the hood appreciated it more than anything. She would've hated having to throw hands if somebody rolled up on her dude. Tommie, Danny, and Aubrey was always ready for that action and Aubrey was with that gunplay, she used to go to the shooting range for fun.

East walked over picking Aubrey up throwing her over his shoulders, covering the cuff of her butt with his hands. Wiggling in his arms Aubrey screamed "You're too sweaty for this!" She screamed out, Danny and Tommie looked up.

"Why the fuck your ass out like this Aubrey, I should drop you on your neck, this shit ain't cute" East spoke loud enough for everyone to hear, she lifted her head for Danny to defend her like he did earlier, but instead he turned his head with a laugh.

"Y'all tryna meet up after this? Or?" Tommie asked changing the subject, she was happy Aubrey came into East life. He was more active, and now he actually attended functions, before, he didn't go to anything but the club. If East didn't attend their little shindigs, Reek wouldn't either which only left Danny and Tommie.

Ever since Reek's kickback, East decided to start showing up to more, and she loved having all of them together, and loved having Aubrey as their new addition. The friends concluded that the kickback was East set up for Aubrey. That was the day the flame sparked, and they disappeared for the rest of the kickback, Reek bet Tommie that East was upstairs clapping them cheeks. He had to give up 200 dollars. He knew at that moment East actually seen something in Aubrey. Getting East to admit was the hard part.

"Dub. Me and Aubrey chillin' tonight. Feel like y'all always got my girl. I'm keeping her today." Dave placed Aubrey on her feet, they all stood by her white Mercedes-Maybach. "Reek, Imma ride with Aubrey — Give me your keys ma." Aubrey nodded handing her keys over to him.

"Damn, well just tell us how you really feel. It's not our fault your girl like being with us more than she likes being with you." Tommie stuck up her middle finger, before everyone said their goodbyes.

"Awww, you want me to hang out with you more?" Aubrey crossed her legs eyeing Dave as he drove, he side eyed her quickly looking back at the road. The seat was leaned back, but he sat up closer to the wheel driving. Something she didn't understand, but it made butterflies form in her stomach, his hand was placed on her thigh and occasionally he would give it a squeeze.

New Balance blasted through the speakers making her smile. She loved this song, any song by Jhene Aiko just made her feel at peace. Her voice just made everything seem like it would always be okay.

She looked over singing the words to Dave.

"Then there's you, you've got something I've been wanting ooo, you're so new, oooh, you're my salvage, you're my Balance, ooooh, you're so new."



I don't know if I want to make Danny a transitioning male, @gia_gunn or like a regular gay guy. I need it to match his personality.

I'm going to do another East and Aubrey chapter, just then to.

Then, we're going to do a Tommie and Danny's.


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