《Lieutenant Garrett》Epilogue: Part I
Lieutenant Garrett
Epilogue: Part I
Chris and Ryan were gone on a golfing trip for the week, so Addison and Dominic were staying with me until they got home. I didn't want to be alone, and apparently, they didn't either. Dominic was six months old now and he was getting so big. I loved him a ton and treated him like my own son. He had a little bit of hair on his head which looked like a mix between Ryan's brown and Addison's red. Chris and I spoiled him rotten. We bought him tons of clothes and his crib. Addison and Ryan tried telling us that they would buy the crib but when they were at a doctor appointment one day, Chris and I brought over the crib we had already bought and built it in the nursery. I also took that time to hang all of the clothes we got Dominic in his closet. They originally freaked out but quickly got over it. To say the least, the were very happy.
Since Chris and I got married, we were still trying to decide whether to buy a new house and sell my mum's, or just keep mum's the way it is and maybe get some new furniture. We made a bit of a compromise and decided to tear mum's house down and build our dream house on the same property. The only reason I would really want to keep mum's house would be for the location. And since she technically left the house to Chris and I in her will, we owned the property. I did love the house, but it had too many memories of mum and dad in it and I wanted to start fresh with Chris and Jasper.
We stayed with Addison and Ryan until the house was finished, which was only about a month and half to my surprise. We moved back into the house and Addison, Lena and Kara helped me pick out furniture and paint colours and helped us move in and get settled.
I was currently watching The Wiggles with Dominic while Addison had a shower and I hated to admit that I knew all of the songs on that show. This was a new level of low for me. I wasn't even Dom's mum and I knew all of the songs on his favourite show. Just goes to show you what I do with my time.
Addison had gotten out of the shower and was warming up a bottle for Dom in the microwave as she started reheating some leftover eggs. My stomach churned and I ran to the bathroom and emptied its contents into the toilet. I stood up, took in another waft of the eggs and threw up again. Addison came into the bathroom and pulled my hair back into a loose ponytail while she rubbed circles on my back.
"Nicole honey what's wrong" she asked, concern evident in her voice.
"I don't know I guess my body doesn't like eggs anymore"
"Maybe I didn't cook them enough yesterday and I got some food poisoning"
"Maybe. I wish I could help"
"Well, you can. Turn off those eggs and light a few candles" I laughed.
"Okay boss" she said, saluting.
I stood from the bathroom floor and brushed my teeth. I walked back into the living room and scooped Dominic up into my arms. I bounced him back and forth and went to the microwave to get him a bottle. The rest of the night went by pretty well and I didn't end up throwing up anymore. Addison went to bed early and I fed Dominic and put him down as well. I watched a little TV and I headed up to bed.
I woke up around six in the morning; my stomach flipping once again. I ran to my bathroom and spilled my guts into the toilet.
"Nicole are you sure it's just food poisoning?" Addison asked standing in the doorway with Dominic.
"Yeah I'm pretty sure it is at least"
"Maybe we should go to the doctor. You have thrown up enough to get whatever bad food that was in your stomach out. I'm worried about you" she said.
"No Ad I promise it's fine. It'll pass" I said waving her off.
"Okay" she said walking away.
I got dressed and came downstairs to the smell of coffee. I took in a small breath and my stomach felt a little queasy but I pressed the feeling down.
"Yeah love?"
"I'm going to run to the grocery store. Do you need anything?"
"No I'm good but Dom could use some more diapers please"
"No problem" I said grabbing my keys "Love you guys"
"Love you too"
I walked out to my car and drove to the store. I grabbed Dom the right diapers and headed to the pharmacy section. I grabbed two pregnancy tests and headed for the checkout. Once I paid, I shoved the tests into my purse and put the box of diapers in the passenger seat.
I got home and put the diapers down in Dominic's temporary room by the changing table.
I ran into my bathroom and took the tests. I was pacing like a madman, waiting for them to be done.
After a couple minutes, they beeped, signaling that the results were in. I closed my eyes and too them in my hands. I slowly cracked my eyes open and looked at the little screen.
Positive, and positive.
I was pregnant. I dropped the tests to the floor and slowly followed suit. I leaned against the wall and slid to the ground. Tears streamed from my eyes. I know Chris and I had talked about having a baby and all, but I guess the fact that it was actually real scared the heck out of me.
"Nicole baby are you in there?" Addison asked from the other side of the door.
I just cried louder and moved away from the door. She nearly broke the door down and wrapped me in a hug.
"What's wrong? I haven't seen you like this since Chris left for the army and I know that didn't happen again so what's bothering you?"
I grabbed the tests from the floor and showed them to her.
"Nicole!!!! You're pregnant??? Oh my god that's awesome!! How can you be upset with news like that?"
"I...I don't wanna...screw up this baby's life Ad"
"Honey you won't! You're gonna be better at it than me!"
"No Ad, you're an awesome mother!!! I don't wanna screw it up"
"You won't I promise. And if you do, Ryan and I will adopt the baby" she laughed "you'll be fine"
"Okay fine. I'll pretend to believe you" I laughed. She hugged me.
"Now, we have to tell Chris"
"I thought about getting him a father's day present since father's day is the day after they come home" I said.
"That's so cute! I wish I came up with that" she said looking at the floor. Just then, Dominic began crying from his room.
"I'll get him" I said standing up.
"See? You'll be fine" she said patting my shoulder.
The next day rolled around and I felt oddly good. Chris and Ryan were coming home today and I couldn't be more excited. Their car rolled up and I ran out the door. Chris grabbed his bag out of the trunk and I mobbed him. I jumped into his arms as he spun me in circles. He kissed me before setting me down on the pavement.
"I missed you" I said hugging him again.
"I missed you more" he said kissing my forehead.
We walked into the house with Ryan on our heels. He walked in and ran to his wife and son.
"I missed you guys so much!!" He said hugging them and taking Dominic in his arms.
Chris put his suitcase in the bedroom and sat on the bed with me, wrapping me in his arms.
"Aren't you going to unpack that?" I asked him.
"I have better things to do" he said kissing me passionately.
The next day came around and I woke up in Chris's arms. My stomach flipped and I ran to the bathroom. I spilled my guts into the toilet and felt Chris clip my hair at the back of my head and rub my back and neck.
"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked kissing my hair.
"I haven't been feeling good all week. I don't know why" I half-lied.
"Should we go see the doctor?" He asked rubbing my neck.
"No it's fine it'll pass I'm sure" I wasn't totally confident but this baby wasn't going away that's for sure.
"Okay" he kissed my head. I stood and brushed my teeth in the sink.
"I'm gonna go run some errands" I said "Tell Addie and Ryan not to leave until I get back" I kissed his cheek.
"Okay don't be too long"
I drove to the hardware store and got Chris the tackiest father's day gift ever. A drill. I also got him a custom dog tag like the ones you get in the army and had 'Daddy Lt. Garrett' engraved in it. I got some wrapping paper and wrapped it in the car. I walked back into the house with Chris's present in hand. I was happy to see Addison and Ryan's car still here. I stepped in the house and Chris came and kissed my cheek handing me a glass of water.
"What is this?" He asked.
"It's for you" I said leading him to the couch "c'mon open it"
Addison smiled and Ryan made a face. Chris made a face at Dominic which made him burst into a fit of baby laughter. That little incident made the stress ease a little.
"Open the present first" I said removing his hands from the envelope.
"Okay officer"
He opened the drill, a confused look across his face. He took the dog tag and examined it. But he didn't flip it over. He just put it on his neck. I handed him the letter and he opened it anxiously. Addison and Ryan had their eyes glued to Chris and Dominic was playing with Ryan's dog tag.
He read the card aloud:
"Happy Father's Day? You're the best dad in the world. We love you! Love, Nicole and...baby Garrett????" He said his face lighting up when he said baby Garrett "is this a joke?" He asked.
"No" I said suddenly becoming scared. He scooped me up in his arms and spun me until I almsot threw up. Ryan cheered from the couch and Jasper barked.
"Chris baby put me down I'm gonna throw up" I laughed.
"I'm sorry baby I'm just really happy"
"You are?"
"Of course!! We are going to have a mini us running around!! I couldn't be happier!!"
I jumped into his arms again and wrapped my legs around his waist. He buried his face in my neck and kissed it.
"I love you" he said "and I love you too" he kissed right below my belly button.
"I love you two so much" I said kissing him "now check the back of the dog tag"
He shot me a confused look but he checked it.
"Daddy Lt. Garrett?" he kissed my head and hugged me.
"Well, I guess we should get going" Addison said "congratulations mummy and daddy" she said hugging us both.
I took Dominic from Ryan and he kissed my cheek. "Congrats guys. If it's a boy, his name will be Ryan" he 'man hugged' Chris. I grabbed Dom's stuff from the floor and headed to the door.
"Bye Dom" Chris said kissing his forehead.
I moved him from my hip to my stomach and threw him in the air a few times before kissing him. "I'll miss you little man" I said tickling his stomach. He let out a little laugh and I handed him back to Ryan.
"Bye guys" Chris said slinging an arm around my waist. I waved and closed the front door.
"We're gonna have a baby!!!!" Chris exclaimed picking me up and spinning me again.
"I know!" I laughed kissing his head.
He set me down on the couch and laid his head in my lap. He turned to face me and kissed my flat belly. Then, my weird husband began talking to our little baby. I turned on a random movie and slowly fell asleep, Chris still talking to my stomach.
I felt a flash of pain and then water run down the inside of my legs. I stood in my bedroom door shell-shocked.
"Chris!!" I screamed.
"Baby what's wrong?" he asked running up the stairs and to my side.
"My..water broke" I stuttered a tear running down my face.
"Stay right here. Don't move"
He returned after what felt like an eternity with my hospital bag over his shoulder. The car seat was already in each vehicle. He picked me up bridal style and ran to the jeep. He set me in the front seat and booked it to the drivers side.
We got to the hospital in ten minutes and I was given a room and an ugly gown of my own. Chris called Addison and Ryan and they left Dominic with Ryan's sister before they came.
Addison was excited as ever and sat beside me while Ryan was trying to get Chris to calm down.
"Ad, I'm scared" I admitted.
"I know baby. But, by the end of this, you'll have a beautiful baby for me to spoil" She said quoting me. Chris and I decided to wait to know the gender of the baby.
Chris came over and lied down next to me. He kissed me temple and rubbed my knuckles with his thumb. A contraction set in and I squeezed his hand senseless trying to rid myself of the pain. He moved a strand of hair from my forehead before kissing it and lingering there.
"Alright" Dr Stevens; my doctor came into the room "Mr and Mrs Baxter I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the room as Mrs Garrett here is just about ready to push"
Addison kissed my forehead and Ryan kissed my cheek before they left the room.
"How are the contractions Nicole?" Dr Stevens asked.
"They're quite awful" I answered chuckling a little.
"Well, you're fully dilated so when you feel the next contraction, I need you to push good and hard for ten seconds okay? I'll count for you"
I nodded and braced myself for the next contraction. It set in, the worst one yet and I cried out as I began pushing.
"Breathe baby. You're doing great" Chris said kissing my forehead. He was on his knees beside the bed.
"Alright your baby hasn't made an appearance yet but do the same thing next contraction okay?"
I felt another contraction hit me at fill force and I pushed again.
"1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10. I can see the head! One more big push honey and your baby will be out!!"
I set out a cry as I pushed one last time. It felt like forever before I heard a small baby cry fill the room. I breathed a sigh of relief and Chris kissed my forehead.
"Great job baby. I love you" he said kissing me.
"Does daddy want to cut the cord?" one of the nurses asked.
Chris lit up and walked to the end of the bed. He took the scissors and cut the umbilical cord.
"Nicole, it's a boy!!!" Chris cheered as he ran back over to me and giving me a kiss.
"What should we name him, daddy?" I asked him smiling.
"Chase Jackson. Chase Jackson Garrett"
"I love it" I said hugging him.
The nurse brought him over and laid him in my awaiting arms. Chris lied next to me and wrapped me in his arms.
We stared down at our beautiful son in admiration and knew that we were more than ready for him to come home with us.
Aw Yay!! Baby Chase! How do you guys like the name? I personally love it. I accidentally gave Chase the same middle name as Chris. :) Next Epilogue is honestly my fav and I can't wait for you guys to read it!!!
Keep commenting and voting!
Happy reading!
Eagle_Eye_13 xx
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