《A True Rogue》Chapter 10


this Chap is dedicated to @xXSilentFearsXx, I'll always appreciate constructive criticism.

"Arrest her, she's an Impostor!"

At Luna's words my hands stilled, my mate's blood dripping from in-between my fingers. I halted my attempts at giving attention to a person who kept pushing my hands away and wiped my hands on some tissue paper.

I couldn't dwell on whether JJ was refusing my help because of a bruised ego or not, not when it became clear that my leaders were now using me as a scapegoat.

"Send the guards here, quick!" My Luna carried out orders, this captured the interest of the remaining guests who were my ever silent father along with his mate, the Hardings, Alpha's family and Emmery's company.

The guards in question came down from various staircases leading to this hall, marching, heading for me. "Luna what are you doing?" I asked, a question she pointedly ignored. "Answer me! Is this plan B? What do I do now? Lilly?!" My panic mounted as the mountain built men made their way straight to me. To make things worse, my mate wasted no time in dragging his bloody self away from me, publicly abandoning me. Lilly scoffed at the pathetic tears that glistening my eyes before walking off to her son's side.

None of the chaos voice could override Emmery's anger at her son however.

"Let me go John, I need to teach this mutt a lesson, how dare he tries to steal my woman?!" I heard him grunt and growl as he took a violent step towards JJ's direction. "Brother I'm certain there is an explanation for all this, there is no need to fight the Alpha's family over some woman!" He spat, I was no longer 'beautiful' then.

"You best release me little brother, I'm not above going through you to get to him."

"Oh calm down before you blow a vessel you ugly grump, you'd never do that." John nervously retorted to his brother's growls, looking to Lilly for a second and I swear a silent message passed between them cause John strengthened his restraint on his brother. Shortly after, Jackson rushed down the stairs with a book in his hands.

Not just a book, a scrapbook.

Not just any scrap book, scrapbook that Shelly used to destroy my life. While all this happens I'm rooted to the floor, shaking, trying to accept my fate yet again.


He nodded in his mate's direction, before cautiously making his way to the giant. He then offered the book to a confused Emmery with shaking hands.

"What is this?" Emmery gruffed out, ceasing the struggle his brother's arms. I quickly dodged the guards widely surrounding me, attempting to reach his side before he reached for the book. "Ignore it Emmery, it contains nothing but lies!" I yelled out in hopes that he would listen to me and maybe my behavior seems suspicious, I still couldn't let another person believe such things of me. Emmery looked like he was having an internal battle with himself, one he was losing.

"Just take it brother." John said, plucking the book from Alpha Jackson and slamming it to Emmery's chest. His brother eyed me as I rushed to him with the guards hot on my heels before looking to a seemingly nervous Alpha Jackson with his brow raised in question.

"That Emmery, is all the evidence we have against her. Perhaps you'll grasp why in her plan to seduce you, she un-thoughtfully posed as your beloved late mate." I couldn't discern if it was false sincerity or resentment towards the giant with how rigid he was with every single lie spewing out of his mouth. "Even more proof is how she randomly claimed to be my son's mate ." The Alpha gulped, licking his lips. He looked in my direction for a second, meeting my begging eyes before looking at that of his family. They won, he turned back to Emmery and sealed my fate. "She's a social climber with no ounce of morals in her."

At his damning testimony I saw my family and the Hardings nod in agreement. Shelly only smirked, of course she would; my life just fell apart her help.

I was so close to Emmery yet I wasn't fast enough because he'd already opened book, already going through the pictures.

Pictures. The word had me stopping in place as embarrassment blanketed me in. The pictures in question were very graphic, my nude young self in many sinful positions with just as many partners. So elaborate were they that it still shocked me how a 15 year old could've thought up or even known those types of ... Scenes? And perhaps I could understand everybody else's shock at how a 15 year old could participate in these acts. The photos


were believable because well, it was me; and now Emmery would see that.

Seeing Emmery's shoulders slouch with every page he flicked broke a sad reality down for me, he believed them. I couldn't hold back the defeated sigh that escaped my lips.

"I said arrest her you imbeciles, what are you standing around for?!" Lilly yelled at her guards who all along were more interested in the scene unfolding before their eyes rather than arresting me.

They jumped into action this time, grabbing a hold of my forearms unnecessarily rough since I did not struggle, knowing resistance was futile.

Emmery slammed the book shut, in his eyes pure and utter disgust. So much so that he spit my way and I thanked the powers that be for the distance between us.

Still, I ducked my head in humiliation.

An expectant silence settled around the room as he trudged closer to me, dropping the thick book at my feet. I didn't dare raise my head, not now.

"You dare present yourself as mine you un-befitting disgusting mutt?!" He boomed, painfully grasping my chin and forcing my gaze to his with his fingers painfully digging into my skin.

I blinked my tears back, gulping down the lump in my throat. As wrong as it was, I preferred it when the giant was molesting me cause this here was a side telling of the ruthless Alpha I've heard so much about, and it scared me.

"You think you could stand by my side as Luna? That you could replace MY mate?!" Wide eyed, I quickly shook my head as much as his hold would allow me to move.

"You are not worthy you hear me?! Nothing but filth is what you are!" The words stung me so deeply that I tried lowering my gaze in shame but, Emmery wouldn't have it.

He kept his hard gaze trained to mine and my chin in his grasp.

Look into my soul Emmery, you'll see I'm not that kind of person, I'm sorry.

In his fury he ignored my silent plea, instead letting go of my chin in favor of grabbing a large clump of my hair in his meaty paws. The pain resulting had me whimpering like a kicked puppy. Even Lara cowered from the pain. "I'm scared Lara, what's gonna happen to us?"

At her words I peaked a glance in my mate's direction and there, on that far wall my mate rested in his mother's care not once looking to see if I was alright. This saddened me because I am certain he heard everything. He should be defending me.

"I don't know Lara, he doesn't seem like the hero type."

Emmery tightened his hold on my hair so much that some strands pulled loose, well, he did succeed in snapping me out of my fairy-tale-gone-wrong pity party. He brought his face down to mine, our foreheads nearly touching. I could feel the heat of his breath on my face see the full fledged rage swirling in his eyes.

"It's a shame she-wolves like you still exist," He said lowly in my face, I worked on keeping my breathing steady because he was pushing so much of his Alpha power onto me it was suffocating. "if it were up to me, I would ensure that ALL you harlots were wiped off the face of the Earth; unfortunately it isn't." He then proceeded to force my lips into a bruising kiss, swallowing all my protests before shoving me into the guard's arms with a nasty sneer. "I hope this night was everything you wished it would be, ."

With tears in my eyes, I looked around the room for help yet my parents merely stood beside the Hardings with nothing but hard expressions on their faces.

I've never felt more alone in my life.

"Jackson, she is mine to punish." And there Emmery walked out of the room, leaving his words to hang heavily in the air.

"Take her to the cells, now!" Luna Lilly set out the final order and the guards obeyed, rudely nudging me in the direction of the basement cells.

I cursed the day I was born.


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