《To The Moon And Back》Chapter 23
Priya decided to face it on her own, despite the protests of Kunal. She knew that she's risking her life. But she couldn't risk others. It's her or...
"I still don't think it's a good idea, Priya. Listen to me please..." Kunal said. Concern itching his voice.
She looked at the man sitting next to her in the driver's seat and wondered was it the same man. He's looking better now. So much more from his old self.
"No," Priya denied, shaking her head. "You have already done so much for me without asking any questions. I can't put you in more danger. I don't know how..."
"You think I would let you be in danger?" He asked incredulously. "I didn't ask you any questions before. But knowing this could be a danger. I can't allow you alone. I only gave you this bit of information because I promised you that I would. But I didn't expect you to be here on your own. God! What a fool I am..."
Priya shook her head. "You promised me..." Yeah, when she received the message last night, she decided herself to take the matters in her own hands and here she was, in the mid-afternoon, hiding in a car outside a warehouse.
"Yes. Now I regret it," he said, looking at her. "I am not allowing you inside." He said starting the car.
"No!" She exclaimed. "Please."
He looked at her in disbelief. "Why the hell are you so adamant to go inside? What the hell is going on? Who is that man you asked me to investigate about?"
She sighed, biting her lip. "He killed my father..." she told him the whole story. "I would have left him to suffer for his own sins. But a few days back, when my mother was in the hospital, I accidentally went through old records while working. There was a letter amidst them. A letter to Rahul, the former boss, about an illegal business going on in one of the branches. I am not sure what sort of illegal business. But I went through the old records, I felt something fishy going on. And to my shock, that branch was led by Vineeth. I wanted to tell to Abhay sir. But would he believe me? Something tells me that it was all that bastards doing. But how to prove it? Nobody believes my assumptions. I need a strong proof."
"That fuckward!" Kunal gritted. "I think you should inform Abhay first."
"He will not believe it..."
"What makes you think that way?" He asked.
She shrugged. "I am no one..."
"Bullshit!" He scoffed. "Anyway, I am turning back."
"No!" She exclaimed, "Ok... I promise that I will not put myself in danger. I'll just go in and see what's going on."
"You aren't giving up do you?" He asked, even though he knew the answer.
She shook her head. "I am coming with you..." she was about to protest but he held his hand up. "I admit I am a fool. But not a complete fool."
Priya sighed. They hoped out of the car and slowly made their way to the gates. As Priya reached the gate, she gasped. It was an old abandoned building of Sinha factory.
Priya stayed behind Kunal as he led the way inside and to the side of the building. They slowly crept toward a window, keeping close to the wall. She couldn't see anything except for the streaks of sunlight entering from the roof tops. Then suddenly, she heard a thud echo inside. From the perked up ears of Kunal, she knew he too heard.
They both creeped to other side of the building slowly and froze. There inside, they saw Kunal surrounded by a few rugged members. He was half sitting over a rusted pipe like thing and looked deep in thoughts.
At a distance from them, she saw a table filled with various equipments such as drugs, chemicals, glass tubes, flasks, etc. To her even more utter shock, there were women, five in number, unconscious couch.
What the hell was going on? She wondered.
"This looks more than you opted for," Kunal muttered.
Priya gulped. She returned her gaze back to Kunal and wandered her eyes around. Her eyes froze on one particular person. He looked familiar. As she stared at him, she recalled to see him a few days back at her apartment, while she was in a hurry to enter her home.
Is he...? Her thought was halted, when she felt a slight pain at her neck and saw black spots.
She looked around the room, which she was sure was an office, like a Doe. Her big eyes showed fear. For her life.
Oh, what all she has in life to fulfill? But to end this way... Her biggest regret is for not confessing her feelings to Abhay. Now she could never.
She must have listened to Madhu and Kunal. Kunal? She bit her lip as her throat tightened. He was no where in sight. She hoped he was fine.
Where did they take him? Why only she was kept here? Not that it was scary. But strangely safe. But she couldn't stop worrying about the person who tried to help her. By the time she gained consciousness, she found herself alone in this room.
She put her head on the table in dismay. Before the tears she held at bay rolled down, the door opened. She sucked in a breath.
Oh God!
She closed her eyes tightly, faking sleep. Go away... she just need time to escape.
"I know you are awake," a familiar voice whispered in her ear.
Her eyes snapped open and she jerked her head up. A relieved sigh escaped her lips when she saw the person standing in front of her. But then, her eyes widened even more in shock.
"Abhay sir," her voice a small whisper.
His eyes were of cold ice, as he looked down at her. His jaw was clenched and his hands were fisted at his sides as if he was controlling himself.
What was he doing here?
She spoke out her thoughts. "What are you doing here? How?" She stood up, standing in front of him.
"I think," he gritted, "I should be the one asking you that question."
Uh-oh. She gulped and looked at anywhere but at him.
"Look at me dammit!" He barked. She flinched.
"What the hell are you doing there at that old building?"
She didn't speak, unaware of how edgy his patience was. She jerked back closing her eyes when she saw one of his hands lifting. She waited for the sting of his hand but instead felt the gentle warmth of his hand. Slowly she opened her eyes and stared at him in awe. There was worry and something unknown emotion flashed in his eyes.
"You could have get hurt," he whispered as if talking to himself. A dark look passed his features.
She couldn't help but reach out to cup his cheek and assure him. "I am good..."
He closed his eyes and leaned into her touch. She watched as he took a deep breath and turned his eyes back to her. Holding her arms, he made her sit back in the chair. He pulled another chair for himself and sat too close to her.
"Now tell me," Abhay said calmly, but she could see that he's trying to control his anger. She opened her mouth but stopped when he gave her a look. "Dont even think to lie."
She sighed. Think it's time for him to know the truth. But will he believe her? She'd put her life at risk to gather sufficient proof.
"What do you want to know?"
He stared at her for a while. "Tell me why you put your life at risk when you know that Vineet can harm you."
She was stunned. She bit her lip and gave him a sad smile. "Will you believe me if I tell you that he killed my father and," she paused, looking into his eyes,"your brother and bhabhi."
To her even more surprise his reply was instant and honest. "Yes."
She blinked. Before she could ask, he continued, "I know everything what happened to your father. How he'd put himself in danger to save my brother and bhabhi. Everything." His jaw was set hard and his eyes glazed over with something dark. "All because of that bastard," he grit his teeth.
She was shocked. He knew? "How?"
He looked at her. "I saw him in the hospital talking with you. Saw the fear in your eyes. Then I know something was wrong. I pulled my strings and made my men to look into you. Found a guy whose connected to this bastard in a big way. He revealed the rest. I put two and two together and found how much you have suffered." His one hand reached up to cup her cheek and held her fisted hands. "You tried to save my brother," his eyes glazed with slight tears.
Her own tears flowed down freely at finally getting everything out. The next she knew, she was hugging him like her life depended on him. She buried her face in his neck and let out everything marvelling in the soft caress of his touch.
"Ssshhh... Its ok," he cooed softly in her ear.
It seemed like forever when she finally calmed down and she realized she was in his lap. The whole time he held her like a baby. She pushed away from him, hastily wiping her tears.
She apologized and tried to get up from his lap. Tried. As she was about to get up, he held her hips and made her sit tight.
"Don't..." he just said, making her stop. She looked at him under her eyelashes and sucked in a deep breath. He cupped her cheek and wiped away the stray tear with his thumb.
"What I want to know is... Why did you put yourself at risk, when you can tell me everything?"
"I didn't think you would believe me..." she whispered.
He snorted. "He is family. But I knew he is a bastard..."
She stared at him. Sitting so close, just a breath away, she wanted to soak up in his warmth. She relaxed in his hold and asked the one question that confused her. "How?"
He brought her even closer and rested his chin on her shoulder. "One of my brother's former assistant came to me months before. He told me about a rift taken between my brother and Vineet. And know what I found out?"
She looked at him with curious eyes.
"Not only was he involved with drugs. He also tried to pursue my brother wife."
Priya's eyes widened.
"But Ramya bhabhi loved my brother. Vineet was always jealous of Rahul bhaiya. I never thought it was too deep to kill him." His voice turned icy at the end and his fingers digged into her skin. But she didn't care. He was hurting and she want to take all his worries. She hugged him tight. She knew she should not but she couldn't bring herself to move away from him.
To her relief, his strong arms molded around her. She heard him smell deep into her neck.
"Don't ever try to put yourself in danger," he whispered.
"Why?" She wanted to hear. From him. Say that he loves her. Finally after all the insecurities and barriers in between them has washed away, a sudden hope built inside her.
The intensity in his eyes heightened her hopes. His actions, his touches never seemed to faze. His eyes hold an emotion that made her heart race. But she need him to say it. To believe it was all real. Not just an illusion.
She waited. Waited for him to say those words. But there was a knock at the door.
Abhay inhaled deeply her scent and placed a light kiss on her shirt clad shoulder. Something fluttered in her gut at the gesture. Yes, this was real.
"Our discussion is not over yet. I am still disappointed for not talking to me at first. For keeping your life at risk. We are going to talk." At the last words his voice fell an octave, promising something.
She nodded. She thought for him to release her instantly. But to her surprise, he kissed her forehead before letting her move. She stared at him wide eyed. She touched the place where he kissed her. Their first kiss. Even though its on forehead.
The door opened revealing Ramesh who glanced at her and released a sigh of relief. For the first time she saw him wearing his holster.
"From the looks of it, I guess he didn't give you hell..." Ramesh smiled.
Abhay scowled. "It's nothing compared to what she gave us..."
Her eyebrows were pulled together. He was acting as if she did some crime.
"You..." she opened her mouth but stopped.
"What? Got angry?" He mocked, "What should I do when I found you in that shithole with the help of that idiot?"
She gasped. "Oh my God!" Her mouth opened in realization. "Kunal.
Where is he?"
Abhay's gaze hardened. "Don't even take his name."
"What the!" She glared at him, "How could you say that?"
"What did you expect from me when he put you in danger?"
"He did not," she gritted through her teeth, "I was the one-"
He cut her off, "He could have stopped you..." again she opened her mouth but was stopped when Ramesh gave her answer.
"He's fine, Priya," Ramesh said reassuringly. "Just a few things to take care with him."
"What is it?"
"Nothing for you to worry about," he replied.
She would have argued but the reassuring smile he gave kept her at ease.
"Ohk," Ramesh clapped his hands, looking at both Abhay and Priya expectantly. "Time for action." He smirked.
The whole ride Priya was utterly quiet, staring outside the window as Abhay drove her to her house. The tension in the car was obvious to both of them, but none said a single word. The silence was picking at her but she told herself that he should speak first.
But the damn man was more stubborn than her. She was anticipating for him to at least look her way. But he was behaving as if she wasn't there in the car.
If he decided to behave as if she didn't exist at all, then why go caveman demanding that he'll take her home. In fact, why did she let him go on bossing her, when she could deny him? Surely, it's her fault to follow his every word.
He didn't even say that he like her. But she already fell too deep for this man.
Her thoughts came to a halt when she realized he was parking the car in the parking lot. Her brows were furrowed. Did he want to walk her to the building? Nah!
"Thanks for the lift," she said sounding polite. But only she knew how much pissed she was with his silent treatment. She waited a second hoping he'll say something. But no... Pissed she unbuckled her belt and hoped down the car.
Just as she closed the door, she heard his side of door open. She gaped at him as he adjusted his suit jacket and turned to her. She shivered as his hard gaze met hers and raised an eyebrow.
"You coming..." he asked.
Frowning, she started toward her building with him following closely behind her. She has the urge to turn around but she continued on her way. She thought he'd leave her alone once they reached the gate but he followed her up to her flat.
When Priya reached her door, she turned to him. He just stood there as if waiting.
"You can go now," she said.
He shook his head. "Nope. We have some unfinished talk."
Her breath hitched. She was both curious and nervous. Will he confess?
With trembling hands, she unlocked her door. As soon as she did, Bobby was at her feet, almost pushing her backward. Back into Abhay.
She felt his hands on her hips as he made her steady and her hands landed on his. She looked over her shoulder him and her breath hitched at how close his face was. If she'd moved a little their lips would have met. But he pulled away and cleared his throat.
Was she disappointed? She thought he'd liked her.
Keeping her insecurities aside for the moment, she patted Bobby head and kissed him. In her line of sight she saw Abhay hand come and pat the dog, saying, "Hello big guy."
Priya wasn't shocked as Bobby leaned into his touch. She walked inside and waved a hand toward the sofa. "Please have a seat. I'll be out in a minute."
Walking inside the kitchen, she opened the fridge and took out a Maaza bottle. She prepared two glasses for them both and set it aside. Then, she removed Pedigree packet and went out to fill Bobby's bowl.
She stopped mid in her tracks when she found Abhay on her sofa, way too relaxed. He got rid of his suit jacket and his first few buttons were undone. His head was leaned back in a resting position, an arm extended over the sofa while the other lightly caressing Bobby, who perched down his head on Abhay's lap.
There was a crease on his forehead, like he was thinking something unpleasant. She wondered what he was thinking about.
She whistled. Abhay opened his eyes at the sound and looked at her.
Bobby came barrelling towards Priya seeing his food in her hands. She concentrated on the hungry dog, instead of on the man sitting on her sofa. Once she finished filling up the bowl, she went inside the kitchen to retrieve their drinks.
When she turned away from the counter with drinks in both hands, a small gap escaped her lips when she saw Abhay standing at the doorway. It was same like the time he came to pick his daughter.
"I was about to come out..." she said. Her voice sounded breathy.
He nodded. But instead of walking into the living room, he stepped inside the small kitchen. Heart pounding against her chest, she took a tentative step backward but stopped when she realized there wasn't any way to keep distance. Shakily, she extended her hand with juice forward to him, waiting for him to take.
He looked down at the juice and then at her. He took it from her hands and leaned forward placing the juice at the counter behind her.
It seemed hard to breathe with him so close to her. He said he wanted to talk. Then why wasn't he not saying anything? Was he as nervous as her?
"Don't you want it?" She asked, taking a long sip of hers. Her tongue peeked out to lick her upper lip, drawing his eyes to it.
"I know how I want it..." he said and the next she knew his mouth was on hers.
Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in shock, giving him the chance to drive his tongue into hers. She didn't know how to react. But when he plunged deep and gripped her hips to his, a need engulfed her senses. She kissed him back with the same ferocity. She pulled at his hair with one hand and clutched his shirt with the other. He groaned
Wow! She thought, as he lifted her off her feet and placed her on the counter. He rested between her legs and pulled her to the edge pressing his body against hers. She never knew kissing would be this amazing. They continued to devour each other without a gap. Priya ran her hands over his shirt clad chest and wanted the shirt out of it's way.
She wanted to feel his taut muscles underneath her hands. Now!
Before she could rip his shirt off, he pulled away. She almost whined. He kept his forehead against hers and inhaled deeply. She was in a daze but she thought she heard him say, "Marry me."
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