《To The Moon And Back》Chapter 5
THE ANNOYING SOUND of the alarm continued to buzz until Priya stretched her hand to shut the annoying thing. Sleepily she tried to get up, but she was curbed by some weight. Confused, she opened her eyes and saw Aisha snuggled into her side, sleeping peacefully, with a hand and leg propped on her. She recalled yesterday's events and slumped back down on her pillow tiredly.
She laid there holding Aisha and thinking about what she had to do. Indeed she has to find her folks, she thought and wondered how they were coping. She couldn't imagine herself being away from her family. She knew the pain of losing her father. She doesn't want this little one to be away from her father.
When the alarm snoozed again after ten minutes, she pecked Aisha's forehead quickly and climbed out of bed without disturbing the little one. She made her way into the washroom to get ready for the day. She wore a full-sleeved cream-colored collar shirt and a below knee-length brown color pencil skirt. Drying her hair with a towel, Priya exited the washroom and glanced at Aisha. She was still sleeping under the covers.
Poor girl, she thought. The girl talked about her father the whole night, and Priya smiled at how dearly she loves her dad. Strangely, Aisha didn't say a word about her mother. Only the 'Daddy' phrase came from Aisha. What happened to her mother? She thought.
'Why do you care?' her subconscious asked. She doesn't know the answer to that. She shouldn't develop affection towards this child. Or else it'd be challenging to be apart from her at the end. All she knew was that she wouldn't be seeing her again.
The thought itself made Priya sad.
Neatly hanging the towel over the hook to dry, Priya ruffled her hair. As she was doing that, she checked her mobile for any missed calls as she'd given her number in the police station but didn't have any. She sighed disappointedly. "Night only you gave the complaint, right. It'll take time," she tried to be positive.
She looked at Aisha and wondered whether she had to wake her up. In another hour, she'd be leaving for the office, and she doesn't want Aisha to feel scared when she doesn't find her. As she was thinking, she felt a movement under the covers.
She narrowed her eyes when she saw Aisha peeking through her eyelashes. When the little one realized Priya was watching her, Aisha closed her eyes tightly and acted as if sleeping deeply. Priya smirked. Without disturbing the covers, Priya climbed on the bed and hovered over Aisha.
"Aisha," Priya cooed in her ear and grinned as she took in Aisha's face, who tried hard not to giggle but was failing miserably.
"Oh, my Angel doesn't want to wake up, huh?" Priya asked, tapping a finger on Aisha's nose.
Aisha almost tittered. She opened one eye and snapped again shut as Priya gazed at her with a glint.
"Okay fine," Priya said, and then she announced. "Tickle monster!"
Aisha giggled when she felt Priya's fingers on her tummy. Tears formed in her eyes from laughing, but Priya didn't stop. "Hahaha... Aunty. Stop! Please!"
After a few tickles, showing mercy on the poor girl, Priya stopped and grabbed the girl in a bear hug. "Good morning, Angel!"
"Good morning, Aunty," Aisha kissed Priya's cheek. Both their giggles echoed in the room.
"Brush your teeth and come fast. We'll go for breakfast," Priya said. Aisha bobbed her head and ran off to the washroom. How much ever she told herself, she's undoubtedly going to miss the kid, Priya thought sadly.
Shaking her head, she quickly finished getting ready. She braided her hair and lined her eyes with kajol. Feeling presentable, she decided to check on Aisha and found her standing behind her in reflection. She started to smile, but it fell when she heard her question.
"We going to Daddy, now?"
Priya knelt to her level and cupped her face smiling softly. "Not now. But, soon," she said and lifted her in her arms.
Stepping out the room, they were greeted with a loud bark, and in seconds, Bobby stood in front of them, panting and waiting to be petted with a goofy grin. "Bobby. My boy," Priya cooed, just as Aisha wiggled down to give Bobby his treat. She couldn't help but laugh when Bobby licked Aisha's face and tried to tackle her down.
"Bobby, down," Priya ordered.
Bobby stood back on his paws, as commanded but still grinned up at her. "Bad doggy," she admonished, hands on her hips. In return, he barked, making Aisha laugh. Priya shook her head and pointing a finger in its direction, "Be good," she said and left Aisha with Bobby to play together.
When Priya entered the kitchen, she saw Indira cutting vegetables and greeted her. Keeping a vessel on the stove to heat milk, Priya turned to her mother and said, "Maa. Take care of Aisha. It's a new place for her, right. I don't want her to be scared. And I'll be home as early as possible."
Indira paused what she was doing and raised an eyebrow at Priya. "I raised two kids. I think I can handle a small child."
Priya blushed. "Maa. It's not like that. Remember what all abuse she went through by her Aunt. She might be uncomfortable with new surroundings. So..." She shrugged. Yes! She said everything to her mother last night, and to tell her mother was angry would be an understatement.
"Hmmm... Did you notice?" Indira asked suddenly, "Aisha must be at least five years. She should be talking a whole sentence fluently by now without stuttering," she said.
"You too did," Priya asked, surprised. She leaned over the counter and said thoughtfully. "Yes, Maa. I feel like she has trouble opening up. Plus, she is not in school. Kids her age are in upper kindergarten. I wonder what her parents were thinking," she shook her head disappointedly, crossing her arms.
"Let it be," Indira said, "It's not our place."
Priya twisted her mouth in displeasure.
"Go to work. I'll take care of Aisha."
"Thanks, Maa," Priya hugged her mother.
"Shut up. You'll thank your mother too," Indira scolded, smacking her head.
"Ouch!" Priya pulled away, laughing, "Okay. I am taking it back. Come on. I am getting late for the office."
She helped her mother in making breakfast. When it was ready, she carried a glass of milk for Aisha and a coffee for herself outside. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the sight in front of her.
Aditya was bouncing a giggling Aisha up and down in the air while Boddy circled them restlessly. Priya almost dropped the glasses in her hands when Aditya threw her in the air again.
"Aditya!" Priya shouted, keeping the glasses on a nearby table, and rushed towards them. To her annoyance, her brother didn't give any heed to her shout and continued. She snatched Aisha in her arms and glared at her brother.
"What?" He asked innocently. Bobby stopped his patrolling and stood next to him with the same expression.
"You're asking me what?" Priya snapped incredulously, "Don't you know? What if you'd missed catching her?"
"But, I didn't," Aditya rolled his eyes, "Don't be such a Drama Queen. We are just playing. Look how much she's having fun."
"Shut up!"
"Aunty, don't scold bhaiya," Aisha defended, "I asked bhaiya to throw me up." Aditya smirked at Priya.
This time Priya rolled her eyes. She looked at Aisha and realized that she had feared the child. "Do you know how scared I was when I saw you like that?" She kissed her cheeks soundly.
Aisha giggled. "You are so silly. Just like my dad," she said.
"Yeah?" Priya mentally rolled her eyes.
Aditya said, "He must be worried. Seeing her not found."
Priya worried her lip, thinking the same. Since last night, she had been wondering what might be the situation at Aisha's home.
"You are not going to like what I say now."
Abhay stopped pacing when he heard Ramesh's voice. Ramesh was the Assistant Commissioner of Police, and he was a sincere and dedicated officer. Even when he dealt with hardcore criminals, he was always centered and in control of his emotions. Now, hearing the distress in Ramesh's voice, cold fear gripped Abhay.
"Riya is not home since last night," Ramesh continued, "There is not a single soul in Saxena residence."
A heavy truck blared the horn while passing Abhay at full speed. He stood like a statue on the highway, waiting for Tyagi to fix the tire as his heart was racing with fear and anxiety.
Last night, the second he hung up the call with his best friend, Ramesh, Abhay hopped in the car and immediately started to head towards Delhi, dropping all his work behind in Mumbai. Ever since he left Mumbai, he had been berating himself for leaving Aisha with Riya, who was Aisha's maternal aunt.
Big mistake! He realized.
Since no immediate family or friends were available, he had to ask Riya to babysit his beloved daughter. He already knew that Riya was an irresponsible person, but, with everything that was going on, he couldn't take Aisha with him and had to leave her with Riya.
"What about my home?"
"It was exactly how you left it," Ramesh responded, "The entire night, constables were waiting outside your house, and even Saxena's, to check if Riya or Jagdish would show up there with Aisha. But they never did."
Abhay inhaled deeply. His brain was numb, and he gripped the phone in his hand.
"What about Riya's or Jagdish's phone?"
"None answered the calls. I told them to track their phones."
"Where are you now?"
"Reached Delhi and on my way to control room. When will you reach?"
"Flat tire. I am nowhere on the highway. Maybe by midnight," Abhay responded as he started pacing on the cement pavement.
"What is so important in Mumbai that you can't wait for aunty, uncle, or me to reach home?" Ramesh said frustratedly.
Abhay was silent.
"For that, you left Aisha with that good-for-nothing woman. Now see the consequences."
Abhay stilled. His friend wasn't wrong. He shouldn't have left his daughter alone under someone else's care.
"Sorry, Abhay," Ramesh immediately said regretfully.
"You are right. I failed," Abhay said in a low, dejected voice.
"See you soon." With that, Abhay hung up on his friend. He knew Ramesh didn't mean those words, and it only reflected concern for Aisha. But, he blurted the truth.
Once again, Abhay tried for Riya's number, like he had done since last night. His calls went to voicemail. "Yes," he fisted air as he heard the ring from the other side. But she didn't answer.
After five tries, she picked the call and said groggily, "Hello."
"Where the fuck are you?" Abhay shouted.
"Who the fuck are you?" she asked back.
Abhay couldn't believe his ears. "Have you been drinking?" his voice was low and dangerous. There was a second silence at the other end and then shuffling noise.
"Abhay..." Riya started hurriedly, but he cut her off angrily.
"Where is my daughter?"
"Start talking..." he barked.
There wasn't any response from her, and he was losing his patience.
"I have tried to reach you, but," she paused, "Aisha's missing."
He felt like his world toppled around him. His last hope was gone. He didn't move and breathe until he heard Riya's voice again.
"I am sorry..."
He cut her off in a deadly voice, "I promise you. You will surely, be sorry," he said. "Speak up what happened." He crumpled the fear inside him. Nothing will happen to her.
He heard Riya's sobs from the other end, and he moved the phone away in irritation. They did nothing to tamp down his rising temper and anxiety. "I... Yesterday I took her to a park knowing she was bored. I just turned away for two minutes, and she's gone. I don't know where and how she disappeared, just like magic. Your bodyguard and I searched for her everywhere. I was so scared."
Magic? My foot! "Did you report to the police?" he gritted his teeth. Again silence.
"You..." he cursed, never having to shout or hurt a woman, "My daughter is missing. And you are out there drinking..." His voice sounded disgusted.
"No... Abhay..."
He hung up on her. There wasn't time to waste his energy with a dumb woman. It was all his fault, he thought. If he didn't leave Aisha with Riya, then... he shook his hand. He once again dialed his friend, and he lifted on the first ring.
"Call Riya," Abhay said before Ramesh could say anything, "Her phone is on. Call her down and ask for the details. Meet you at your station."
"Sir," Tyagi said, gaining his attention. "The car is ready," he said, opening the door for him.
"Twenty-four hours," Abhay said into the phone and hung up. He knew Ramesh got the message.
Abhay noted the time. 1 P.M. With determined steps, Abhay prowled to the car and closed the held door. As Tyagi didn't expect, Abhay took the driver's seat.
"Sir... I..."
"Get in the car, Tyagi!"
Without a word, Tyagi scrambled to the passenger seat. Once he clipped the seatbelt, Abhay accelerated the car, and Tyagi held on to the door handle for his dear life. The big man looked at his boss in shock and saw an angry lion.
"Sir..." Tyagi almost cried. But it only fell on deaf ears.
"I am coming for you, baby. I will not leave you again."
Priya tapped her well-manicured finger on the table as she waited for someone to lift the call. It was mid-afternoon, and she had been checking her mobile since morning, thinking someone would call about Aisha. She had particularly double-checked the details when she had given a written complaint at the police station.
But why wasn't there any call? She thought. The offensive words of the police officer were hard to forget. The rational side of her mind almost wanted to consider his words. But she couldn't get herself to think that way. Something says the officer was wrong. Hearing the way Aisha described her father, Priya was like she already knew him. She wondered how a person like him left Aisha under someone else's care.
"Hello. Thank you for calling AS Groups. How may I help you?"
Priya's face brightened. "Hi. I am calling from Sharma Company. Can you please connect me with Mr. Krishna Iyer?"
"Sorry, ma'am," the receptionist said, "Mr. Iyer is not available. He is on leave for a week."
Priya's face fell. She thought she could talk with Krishna Iyer and get some information about his boss Abhay Sinha. "Okay," she said lowly, "What about Mr. Sinha?" she asked hesitantly.
"Mr. Sinha is also not in the office," the receptionist said, "If you want, I can connect you with his assistant, Tina."
"Yes, please."
"Okay. Thank you for calling. You will now be connected to Ms. Tina Shah," the receptionist said in a highly professional manner.
Priya raised her eyebrows, impressed. Then, she heard a beep.
"Yes," an annoyed voice said.
The same eyebrows creased. "I have to speak to Mr. Sinha."
"Who are you?"
"I," she trailed off. It won't be good to use her company name always. "I am Priya. And-"
"So..." the woman cut her off rudely. Priya was irritated with her manner of talk.
"Ms. Shah," Priya said with the utmost calmness, "I need to speak with Mr. Abhay Sinha about an important thing. It's highly beneficial for him if he talks with me. So, please connect me with him." She heard her scoff from the other end.
"He's busy. And he doesn't bother petty things in the office."
Priya's mouth opened wide. This rude woman was testing her patience. "Then give me his home address." She heard her laugh.
"What did you think? You will ask his address, and I'll give it to you..."
"Listen, it's-"
"Try your tricks somewhere else..." Then, Sinha's assistant hung up.
Priya gaped at her mobile, shocked. "How rude!" She slammed her mobile on the table and held her head in her hands. She decided, trying from the billionaire Abhay Sinha's side was a waste. What if she asked Vijay Sharma's help? That day too, he went to meet with ASO people. Thinking, she ran a hand through her silky tresses.
"Someone is busy thinking today."
Priya lifted her head, frowning at the tone of her friend.
"Why?" she snapped, surprising Madhu with her tone. "Do I not have the privilege to think too?" she retorted, leaning back in her chair.
Madhu looked at her scrutinizing. "Well, it's not every day I find my friend thinking too deeply," She replied and took a seat in front of her desk, "Please tell me it's about a guy," she gushed.
Priya's eyes widened slightly at her friend's enthusiasm. "God! It's always about a guy for you," she admonished.
Madhu shrugged. "When a woman is thinking too deeply, then it's only about two things. Either a guy or a career. You already are good at what you do. So there was nothing to think about it. The only one left is a guy. It surely must be about someone. Did Aunty confirm the ticket, whom she was talking about, without your consent?" she wiggled her eyebrows.
Priya stared at her annoyingly as she ended. "God! How much do you talk?"
"Thank you," Madhu chirped, fanning her face with her hand.
"That's not a compliment," Priya scoffed.
Madhu glared, twisting her lips. "You still didn't answer me," she complained.
Priya shook her head. "It is about a girl," she said calmly.
"Girl?" Madhu mumbled, and all of a sudden, she screeched, "Oh my god!"
Priya stared at her friend wide-eyed, "What happened?"
"Please," Madhu looked at her, horrified, "Don't tell me you are an L," she squealed, making faces.
Priya just looked at her bemused, "What L?"
Madhu rolled her eyes and spelled each letter, "L.E.S.B.I.A.N," She said.
Priya gasped, horrified when she registered what she said, "I am gonna kill you," she yelled, standing up.
Madhu jolted out of her seat as Priya rounded the corner, chasing her. This continued for a good five minutes, with both the women laughing like crazies. By the end, both the friends slumped down in the visitor's chairs, laughing hard. Priya felt relaxed slightly and forgot her conversation with that rude woman.
"Now tell me. What's the matter that is bothering you?" Madhu asked seriously.
Priya sighed. She told her friend everything from the point of meeting Aisha and her stay at her home. She even confessed her confusion about Aisha and her father. But she didn't mention Abhay Sinha's name. When she completed, she looked at her friend and frowned as Madhu stared at her like she'd grown two heads.
"Hello," Priya snapped her fingers in front of her.
"Seriously, Priya," Madhu asked, "Are you out of your mind?" Priya gave her a bemused expression. "What if she has a dangerous background? What if someone is behind her?" Madhu asked thoughtfully.
"You seriously watch serials too badly," Priya gazed at her friend, shocked. "I am already having a headache about finding her family. You... please don't even start giving unnecessary tension to me."
"No, Priya, what if-" Madhu was cut off sternly by Priya.
"Shut up, Madhu. You are over thinking. How do you get these ideas?" she said, standing and going back to her seat. She started arranging the files neatly in order, ignoring her friend's gaze.
"Think about it once," Madhu said.
Priya dropped the file in her hands on the table and gazed at her friend calmly.
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