《To The Moon And Back》Chapter 3
Chapter 3
THE FOLLOWING EVENING, Priya was sitting on a bench in the park as she watched Bobby skip across the yard. She welcomed the soft breeze on her face and the sense of calmness as fresh air filled her gills. Priya always found it mind-refreshing sitting here on the bench under the huge tree – her particular spot – with her eyes closed. She wasn't worried about Bobby wandering without assistance and getting lost. He knew not to go far from his mistress.
Whenever she felt low, she would come to the park, watch the kids play, enjoy the greenery around, and walk Bobby.
She bit her lip, reminiscing her day and the turn of events. Her day started with the landlord knocking on her door for the rent, a call from the bank regarding her brother's education loan, and last but not least, the conversation with Vijay Sharma. Not a pleasant conversation, she admits.
Until now, she wasn't worried about money. Not when she didn't receive her paycheck for the last two months. Despite knowing the current situation of the company, she had been an optimist. She had a nest egg that would be sufficient for household utilities for another three months. But, what about Aditya's loan? She bit her lip worriedly. Whatever happens, there shouldn't be a hindrance for Aditya's education, she thought determinedly.
Vijay Sharma was a humble man. In the past, he helped her many times. Firstly by giving her a job. The first time she met him, he was unconscious on a hotel room floor where she formerly worked as an attendant. She saved him, and when he learned about her financial condition, he offered her a job in gratitude. She worked her ass off to provide a good living for her family. She never had complaints. She enjoyed work and interacting with her colleagues. She knew the company was in a financial crisis in recent years. Though, she didn't see this coming, turning everyone's lives in the company upside down.
"Sharma textiles is going to be sold," Vijay announced that morning when he summoned Priya to his cabin. It was a big blow to her senses; she didn't know how to respond. Keeping her in his shoes, she could only imagine his condition. He was becoming old and his son, Kunal, wasn't a reliable person to have thousands of workers under his wing. It was such a saddening moment. The look on Vijay's face spoke volumes. When she voiced out he wasn't happy with his own decision, he agreed. Then he also said, "I don't have a choice. I am old. My son... he is a different story. A company needs positive and empowered management. This is for everyone's best."
Now, she sat here worried. Worried about her job, concerned about the company. When, if, the company was sold, nothing remains the same. Though, Vijay's decision was considering the welfare of the company in mind. When the management changed, there wasn't any guarantee for the employee to remain in their positions. At the moment, she couldn't afford to lose this job. She had bills and a sick mother, and a teenager to take care of. She only hoped whoever takes charge let the former employees be in their jobs. She knew each and everyone in the company, and they were all hard workers.
Her gut twisted with the same strange feeling. Something big was going to happen. She couldn't comprehend whether it was good or bad.
A soft hand touched her cheek, making her frown. She opened her eyes, and they widened in surprise when she saw a little girl in front of her. Instantly she recognized her. It's the little angel from the temple.
"Hey," Priya smiled warmly.
The little girl stared, a slow smile spreading across her face and the same curious look. She was dressed in a green jumpsuit, looking lovely as ever. Priya noticed a ball in her hand.
"What are you doing here, sweetie?" Priya asked, looking behind the little one to see if that old man or any other companion was there with her. The girl just continued to stare.
Priya raised an eyebrow. The little girl lifted her right hand and moved to Priya's face. Priya watched as she made her lips lift with her fingers, and then she made the same gesture on her face.
"Smile?" Priya asked, confused. The girl gave a toothy grin and nodded.
Priya was stunned. For her age, the girl was a sensible observer. Laughing, Priya pinched the girl's cheek, saying, "Well. Thank you." Then the girl sprinted off with the ball, her short ponytail dangling behind her. Priya shook her head, thinking she named her right. 'An Angel.'
A raindrop fell across her cheek, and she looked up at the sky. "Shoot!" she muttered as it started drizzling.
Priya looked where Bobby was and whistled high. In an instant, Bobby was in front of her, panting and dirt clinging to his fur. Priya patted him, linking the chain to his neck collar, ready to go. The sun had already set, and it was almost dark; added to that, it was raining. Soon she would be getting a call from her mother if she didn't speed up.
As she exited the park, with Bobby forcing her forward, something caught her attention at the corner of her eye. When she turned her head to her right, she saw the little angel in the middle of the road picking up her ball. Her eyes widened when she saw a car speeding in her direction.
"Oh, god." Priya gasped. At the top of her lungs, she shouted, "Hey!" and sprinted towards her. The girl didn't hear Priya, but except for a few onlookers. Priya picked up her speed as the car advanced all the time, shouting. She was almost near when the girl turned around. As a reflex, Priya picked her up, twirling around, just as the car drove past them, dashing Priya's elbow.
Priya gasped both in shock and pain.
"You bastard," she screamed, outraged, clutching the girl tightly to her chest. The pedestrians stopped and watched. Few curious and few shocked. Belatedly Priya realized she abandoned Bobby as he stood next to her, barking and panting. She looked guiltily at Bobby as she tried to get her heart rate under control. She glanced down at the little girl in her arms, and panic struck her when the girl didn't move or open her eyes. As the raindrops fell on her face, Priya hid the girl in her chest, trying her best to cover her.
Priya looked around frantically. "Does anybody know her?" she asked as people gathered around them. They shook their heads and dispersed quickly. For a few minutes, Priya stood there with the girl cradled safely in her arms and waited. No one came looking for the girl. She hoped the little one would gain consciousness, and even better, the girl's Kaka would appear.
"What should I do? I don't even know her name." Priya muttered, staring at the innocent face. Suddenly, she felt a protective feeling jolt inside her. Blood pumped in her veins as she saw no sign of her waking up, and she anxiously started toward her car, with Bobby hot on her heels.
She placed the girl in the passenger seat, let Bobby in the back seat, and then she jogged to the driver's side. A curse left her lips when her car didn't start immediately. She'd picked the car from the repair shop in the evening and now, another trouble.
"If not for that hot jerk," she mentally scolded the handsome stranger, her anxiety overpowering her sense of words, "Please start, baby. Please," she kissed the steering wheel and sent a small prayer. The second time she turned the key, the engine roared, making her sigh in relief.
She hooted, pulling out of the parking lot to the nearest hospital.
A peal of thunder rumbled across the sky as an expensive sleek black BMW entered the iron gates to the police station. Before it came to a complete stop, a suited man hurriedly stepped out of the passenger seat and opened the back door. As he did, a tall, black-haired man hopped off and advanced towards the police station with furious steps.
Once he entered, a superior official approached the man when he saw him.
"Mr. Abhay Sinha," Officer Subhash greeted, obviously stunned by his presence.
Abhay Sinha nodded at him. "Where is he?"
"In the interrogation room."
"Take me there."
Subhash frowned. "Mr. Sinha..." he hesitated as his mobile rang, "Investigation is going on. I- "
"You better answer that," Abhay said with a slight smirk.
"Thanks," Subhash said and took his phone out. Seeing the caller ID, he answered quickly as it was from his Commissioner, "Good evening, Sir." He listened to his higher official, and Abhay watched as the color fled his face and glanced at him. "Okay, sir," he said and hung up.
"Please, follow me, Mr. Sinha," Subhash said with an amiable smile.
That's what I thought, Abhay said to himself, wondering how the man could have been so naive as to believe that he could stop him from meeting the fraud who deceived him.
Fuck the system.
He never spared the one who has a mere thought to deceit him. Then, how would he leave the one who successfully executed?
Behind him, his bodyguard Tyagi scoffed, obviously thinking the same. Looking over his shoulder, Abhay nodded at him, a gesture to wait outside. From the looks, Tyagi wanted to object but thought otherwise, knowing his boss's current anger.
As Subhash led the way to a more darkened place with dimly lit lights, the officer seemed extra friendly and chatty. From his years of experience, Abhay recognized the apparent desire behind people for being helpful, promising, and extra-informative, a strategy to gain trust. It might well have been succeeded with a less skeptical person. Not with Abhay Sinha.
Upon entering the cold, bleak, and sordid, dark room, Abhay Sinha's eyes zeroed on the heavy, burly man, sitting on a wooden chair and cuffed to the table in front of him. An incandescent light bulb hung above from the ceiling showing the dull look on the man's face. An officer was interrogating the man, an irritated look on his face because of the accused taciturn.
"Mr. Anand," the investigating officer said, "If you give the names, there is a chance for you to get less punishment."
"Officer Ajit," Officer Subhash called. Ajit and Anand both turned their heads.
Instant recognition crossed Anand's eyes when his eyes landed on Abhay, replacing the dull look with a frightened one.
"Sir," The officer, named Ajit, saluted his superior and stood straight.
Subhash nodded as he walked towards them. "Any progress?" he asked Ajit, glancing at Anand's anxious face.
"No, Sir," Ajit said stiffly and then glanced at Anand, "It's hard to get a name out of him. To whoever he works, he's very loyal."
"If this is how you are trying to get information from him," Abhay said with contempt, "I pity."
Ajit frowned at his words. "Excuse me?"
"Did I say anything wrong?" Abhay lifted up an eyebrow.
Before Ajit could retort, Subhash intervened. "Ajit. He's Abhay Sinha. Chairman of the AS organization."
Who doesn't know the name? Ajit's eyes widened at recognition. Abhay had his eyes fixed on Anand, who squirmed under his scrutinizing gaze.
"Uncuff him," Abhay ordered, keeping his hands in his pockets, "I want a few minutes with Mr. Anand."
Anand's eyes widened. The man, who everyone wanted to be noticed by, was calling his name. If it was any other situation, it would have been an excellent opportunity. But, now...
He was doomed.
Subhash nodded while Ajit tried to protest, "But, sir. We can't leave an accused unmonitored with someone."
"I am someone," Abhay said firmly, looking over his shoulder, "and I am the one to whom he should give an answer."
"Remove his cuffs," Subhash said.
"But sir-"
"Do as I say."
Reluctantly, Ajit did as he was ordered.
"Now, if you can... get out!" Abhay said.
Angered by his command, Ajit gave an annoyed look to Subhash and stomped out of the room, followed by his superior. Both of them had heard about Abhay Sinha's arrogance and now, they had personally experienced it. The door shut quietly behind them.
No one spoke. Abhay continued to stare at the traitor while Anand continued to avoid his boss' gaze.
Finally, unnerved by the silence and Abhay's scrutinizing gaze, Anand spoke. "I am... I am... sorry... sir," he stammered.
"Oh, now you are saying sorry..." Abhay's deep voice echoed in between the walls, "You think a 'sorry' will be enough? Enough to forgive you and your betrayal?"
Anand visibly shivered, and his throat dried at his former employer's calm yet chilling tone.
"Who set you up with this?" Abhay asked.
No answer.
Abhay slammed his hands on the table, making Anand jump and look at him.
"WHO THE FUCK SET YOU UP!" He repeated with palpable anger.
"Me!" Anand almost squeaked, "Me, sir!"
"A simple manager... With all the embezzlement and smuggling dealings, still living in a rented apartment in a middle-class community," he clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
"Believe me, sir."
Abhay's eyes reddened. Slowly, he walked behind Anand, and he rejoiced at the fear in his eyes with each step he took. Abhay placed his hands on Anand's shoulder, and he jumped again.
"You asked for it..." Then, Abhay grabbed Anand's left arm and twisted it behind the chair in a snap, breaking his bone.
Anand's scream reverberated inside the four walls, and he cried as the pain shot through his left hand. He knew Abhay Sinha was a hardcore businessman. But, didn't expect him to be this... merciless.
But he couldn't open his mouth.
"Remember Prachi?"
"Prachi!" Anand craned his head to look at Abhay, and it's a wonder Anand had his head still intact after the force he used. "Is she fine? Don't do anything to my daughter," he pleaded, touching his shoulders in pain.
A sinister smirk grew on his face. "So much love for your dying daughter," Abhay sounded impressed. "In which hospital is she getting treatment? What's the hospital name? Yeah... J.S.Hospitals. Isn't that a hitech hospital?"
Anand stayed silent, swallowing painfully.
"Don't you want to see her?"
Anand was crying now at the thought of his daughter.
"Now, do you want to start talking or..." he left the question unasked.
"Sir, it's me who did everything. I am the one who did forgery. And when a good deal came with those dealers... I brought those drugs into our factory-" He trailed off when he saw the murderous look behind Abhay's eyes.
Abhay harshly made Anand face him by making him stand and shook his head. "You are leaving me no choice left. And yes... I should take the interest rate at least, for all the money you took from me," With that, Abhay punched him in the gut and then, square in the jaw.
A scream traveled outside the cell, and Ajit and Subhash, waiting outside, got startled. Sharing a look, they walked inside to find Anand limply sitting in the chair while Abhay flexed his hands.
They were confused. There was no sign of blood or violence, then from where did that earsplitting scream come for.
"Mr. Sinha?" Subhash said.
"He's going to talk now. I want every minute detail on record and him behind bars." With that, he walked out of the cell, leaving the stunned officers. One thing they didn't come across was how he made the man spill the truth.
As Abhay walked out of the station, his stride determined and confident, he noticed the night was dark and drizzling. He mentally cursed. He still has to go to the factory, and he can't delay it for another day. He was met halfway with his bodyguard and driver Tyagi, holding an umbrella and a knowing smile on his face. Abhay rolled his eyes.
A glance at his watch told it was 6:45 P.M.
"Did you call Jagdish?" Abhay asked as he prowled towards his car, Tyagi following him.
"Yes, sir," Tyagi responded, "Just after you went inside, I called. Miss was in the park happily playing."
"Park?" He stopped, opening his door. "Who the fuck told to take Princess to the park? Dial them and tell them to immediately get back," he said, irritation clear on his face.
"Yes, sir."
"Fire that idiot."
Tyagi expected this and had already thought to do so when they returned. "Will do, sir."
Abhay climbed inside and settled down. His heart didn't. He rubbed a hand over his chest as he felt a foreboding feeling engulf him.
Priya paced outside the waiting area of the emergency department, her heart beating furiously. It's been fifteen minutes since she arrived at the hospital and admitted the girl. A part of her mind was on Bobby, whom she left in the car with windows opened slightly. He'd be restless being alone for a long time. And then, there was the little girl, about whom she doesn't know anything. Not even her name.
She wondered whether the hasty decision to leave with the girl was right or wrong. But, she doesn't have any option, seeing the girl unconscious and there wasn't a single family member or friend insight. She had two options: one, abandon the girl on the road and be on her way, and second, keep the safety and health of the child a priority. She chose the second.
"Excuse me," a voice said.
She swirled around, startled. A doctor was standing in front of her with a notepad in his hands.
"How is she?" she asked immediately.
"She's fine. Quite a bit weak and shock," the doctor surmised.
"Thank god," she breathed a sigh of relief.
"I have a few questions," he said, opening his pad, and without waiting for her response, he continued, "When is the last time she ate?"
Priya frowned. "I don't know."
The doctor stared at her as if she was an idiot. "Does she have any allergies?"
"I don't know," she repeated.
"What kind of a mother are you?" The doctor snapped.
Priya stared, shocked. "What?"
The doctor snapped his pad shut and gave a stink eye. "You! What kind of a mother are you? You leave your kid on the road without assistance. You don't know when your kid had a decent meal. You don't know her health record," he shook his head and asked, "Why don't you people change?"
Even though she was infuriated with his words, Priya said calmly, "You are mistaken."
"Oh! Yeah..."
"Yes," she asserted firmly. "She's not my daughter." If she was, then Priya bet her life that the little one would never see a hospital bed. Though, Priya didn't share that with the nosy doctor.
Doctor frowned. He looked at the ED door and then back at her. "Then, what are you to her? Where are her parents?"
"That's what I, too, want to know. So that I can give a piece of my mind," Priya muttered.
The doctor looked at her and gave a startled laugh. Priya shook her head and explained, "I don't know who's she. Saw her in the middle of the road, alone, and a car was about to strike her. That's all I know."
The doctor nodded. "Sorry for coming to assumptions. I thought...with the way you are worried..."
Okay, Priya would give him that. She overreacted when she carried the little one in her arms and demanded to check her out.
She just nodded. "Can I see her?" she asked.
"Yes. After we shift to the observation room. Fluids are being administered. When the fluids are done, the kid can be discharged. But miss..." he hesitated. "Kid's parents? It'd be a missing case if a child..." he trailed off, "And we..."
Priya cut him off. "Don't worry, doctor. I'll take care. You just worry about the girl's health."
"We have some rules," he interjected.
"You want me to take her just like that," she argued.
For a minute, he didn't say anything. "Miss..."
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