《To The Moon And Back》Prologue
THE WINDOWS BANGED loudly, randomly, as a strong gale howled and left behind a cold ominous feeling around the house, followed by a loud baby wail. The room, just glowing in the early morning rays, was no longer calm with the increasing intensity of the baby's cries. It looked like nature was demanding the attention of the people inside, banging the windows more forcefully. A tiny infant laid in its crib and seemed more scared with the unpleasant sounds.
The room's door opened hurriedly, and an older woman in her late forties walked inside. Sharadha Sinha.
Seeing her crying granddaughter, Sharadha immediately reached to her, saying, "Aisha! You woke up already." Sharadha cradled her and whispered soft endearments lovingly while caressing her tiny back. When her cries had just gotten worse, Sharadha worried.
Her eyes cast outside the window while trying to calm her granddaughter. A sense of doom engulfed her as she noticed the misty sky and the sudden change in the atmosphere. She closed the windows with her free hand and walked outside the room carrying the still crying Aisha.
"Anjali," Sharadha called loudly to her twenty-year-old youngest daughter. When she heard no response, she called once again louder.
She was starting to get annoyed. Just then, her daughter came out of her room running.
"Mom! What happened?" Anjali asked. She smiled when her eyes landed on her niece, Aisha. "Awe! Why is my baby crying? Did she miss her Anjali Bua?" Anjali asked while taking the tiny infant in her arms.
Sharadha released a sigh of relief as Aisha seemed to calm down a bit. However, little sobs escaped out of her mouth now and then. "Did Rahul call?" Sharadha asked.
Anjali looked at her mother. "No, mom," she replied while jiggling Aisha in her arms.
Sharadha frowned and glanced at the wall clock hanging next to the room, from where she carried out Aisha.
8:00 A.M. It said.
It has been too long since they left, she thought.
"Where is your father?" Sharadha asked.
Anjali just shrugged in response. Sharadha held her head as she felt a slight headache.
"You guys don't come for a single work," Sharadha muttered angrily, making her daughter pout.
Sharadha rolled her eyes and asked, "At least did you get your brother's room ready?"
"Of course, Mom," Anjali said and squealed suddenly in excitement, "He'll love it."
Sharadha chuckled, forgetting her anger for a second. "Sure he will. No one can give names to my daughter's work," she said, keeping a hand on Anjali's head. "Ok. I am going to look for your father. You keep an eye on Aisha. Careful."
"Uff! Mom. I will," Anjali said, offended, and retreated back to her bedroom, taking Aisha.
Sharadha shook her head at her daughter and went to look for her husband. Inwardly, she cursed when she found him in front of the television in the living room.
"Forbid God," she muttered, stomping towards her husband. Shekhar Sinha. He was deeply involved in the business news channel that he didn't realize his wife was standing next to him.
Sharadha looked at him and then the TV show angrily. How did she even marry this man? She wondered, like so many times. She waved her hand in front of his eyes. In return, her beloved husband swatted her hand absentmindedly.
"Very good," Sharadha said sarcastically. That caught his attention.
Shekhar snapped his head in his wife's direction and gave an expression caught red-handed. He laughed hysterically, scratching his neck.
"Sharadha? When did you come?"
In response, she glared. "So this is what you planned to do sitting here at home instead of going to the airport." She didn't ask but stated.
He shook his head immediately. "No, sweetheart. Your beloved son and daughter-in-law disallowed me. You know how stubborn they both are."
"Ah!" she nodded her head as if agreeing and then retorted, "You say many stories, my dear husband. Immediately call them and know where they are," she barked by the last sentence.
"God, Sharadha! Calm down. They'll come. Why are you in so much of a hurry?"
"You can't understand a mother's agitation. It's been four years. I have been away from my son for four years, and you expect me to calm down."
"He's my son too. Remember? Even I am eager. I, too, want to take him close and hug him."
"Ha-ha..." she laughed sardonically, "I can see how eager you are. First, call them," she insisted.
"God, woman. Fine," he said, taking out his mobile and calling his elder son, Rahul Sinha, number.
A long beep came from the other side.
"Engage," he said and tried again.
Sharadha frowned. As she stood next to her husband, waiting, a foreboding sense of doom started to nag her mind. She glanced at the pooja mandir behind them and silently sent a prayer to God for her children's well-being.
"I'll go and check breakfast. But you!" pointing the finger at Shekhar and narrowing her eyes, "Call and tell everyone to come straight away home," she ordered. Shekhar saluted in reply, which made her chuckle a bit.
Sharadha headed towards the kitchen to see how far the preparations had come. But she couldn't ignore the feeling that was eating her. At this moment, she must be happy. Her second eldest son was returning from a foreign country. It's a time for celebration. Only she knew how much she had missed him. Not only her. Everyone missed the naughty troublemaker in the family. When they heard the news about his return, they were all ecstatic.
Sharadha and Shekhar must go to the airport to receive their son. But plans changed last night. Their elder son, Rahul, and his wife Ramya decided to go instead of them.
Now Sharadha was contemplating whether it was such a good idea. Since the time they left the house, something was happening around them, giving her a bad sign.
Why was she worrying unnecessarily over silly happenings? Sharadha admonished herself and tried to brush off those feelings.
A few minutes later, Sharadha was busy ordering the servants when Anjali came towards her with Aisha, who started crying again.
"Mom! She's not stopping. See. I think she's hungry," Anjali said worriedly.
"Maybe," Sharadha said, taking Aisha and gently feeling her stomach. "Your Bhabhi is not there at the moment too," she said even more worried, "Your father won't do a single thing said. I asked him to call your brother and know where they are. But, no response. What am I going to do with him?"
Anjali chuckled. She opened her mouth to defend her father but stopped when the house landline started ringing. Saying to her mother that she'd take the call, she ran up to it and answered. A bright smile appeared on her face when she heard the person's voice.
"Bhaiya!" she squealed, hearing her second elder brother's voice and continued without giving a chance for him to speak, "Where are you? How long will you all take? If you don't come now, then dad will become a roast to mom's anger," she joked and shouted out to her parents.
Sharadha immediately reached her side when she heard her daughter. She looked at her eagerly but then frowned when Anjali's smile fluttered.
"Anjali," Sharadha called, keeping her free hand on her shoulder while holding Aisha on the other.
Her daughter didn't respond and listened intently to the other side. Her eyes widened, and her hand flew to cover her mouth, muffling a gasp.
"Anjali? You are scaring me," Sharadha said worriedly and glanced at Aisha as she started to wail louder.
At the exact moment, Shekhar came and stood next to his wife. He seemed confused, seeing their tensed faces.
"What's going on? Sharadha?" he looked at his wife, but she shook her head negatively and turned again to Anjali. "Anjali? Who's on the line?" Shekhar asked and frowned as his daughter looked at him with teary eyes. He took the receiver from her hands and held it to his ear, but the line went dead.
"Who called actually?" he asked as he placed back the receiver in its place.
"Abhay," Sharadha said, "Is he fine? Where are they? Why are they not here yet? Why are you not saying anything?"
Anjali felt her throat heavy when she finally spoke.
ABHAY SINHA SAT in a chair in the hospital alley, staring at nothing but space. His gut pitched with anxiety, not knowing what more he would be hearing.
It's been three hours! Three hours since he arrived at the hospital, and heard the news about his sister-in-law. He closed his eyes and leaned forward.
She was dead on the spot.
No one said a word about his brother's condition.
When he exited the airport excitedly to meet his family, he found no one except his best friends, Ramesh and Varun. Before he boarded the flight, he was informed that his parents would be coming to receive him. But was then told by his friends that Rahul and Ramya were coming instead of them.
So Abhay and his friends waited for them in the airport while catching up on their old times. They waited for more than one hour, but there wasn't any response from his brother. Just as they had been wondering what happened, Ramesh received a call from Rahul's mobile. A call that changed everything.
Rahul and Ramya met with an accident. Panic crossed his features, and he, along with his friends, raced towards the spot only to hear that they were shifted to a nearby hospital. When they rushed to the hospital, the doctors gave him the sad news of Ramya passing away and no news about his brother, Rahul. Hearing it, Abhay went into a frenzied state, and he almost strangled the doctor. It took so much effort for Varun and Ramesh to pull him back.
Presently sitting here with his head held in his hands, he's going even crazier. How should I tell Bhaiya about Bhabhi? His brother was an excellent driver. He always maintained the speed. Then how could this accident happen?
Abhay was startled when he heard a woman's cry. He glanced towards the voice and saw an older woman around his mother's age and a teenage boy. The boy made her sit in a chair, just two rows away in front of Abhay and held the woman in his embrace as she wept uncontrollably.
"What happened to our lives, son?" The woman said, "How can this happen? Your father..." she sobbed.
"Please, Maa," the boy said, but Abhay could sense the sadness in his voice.
Abhay closed his eyes in pain. NO! Nothing would happen to his brother, he said to himself.
"Bhaiya," he heard a very familiar voice. He lifted his head and saw his sister running up to him. She hugged him tightly, sitting next to him, and cried.
Following her, his mother and father too arrived. He didn't speak. He stayed like a statue, just staring at them. A stab of pain erupted in his chest when his eyes landed on the infant in his mother's arms. Aisha. His niece. He didn't expect to meet this new member of his family in this way. He gazed as she slept peacefully.
"How did this happen?" Shekhar questioned him, but there wasn't any response from his son.
Abhay kept watching his niece. Ramesh, and Varun, who stood at a corner, came by their side. They took them all away from Abhay and filled them with information about what doctors had told them and that a police investigation was going on about how it happened.
When they told them about Ramya, Sharadha almost collapsed, but Ramesh held her in time, saving her and Aisha from falling. Anjali immediately took Aisha in her arms while the elders took a seat next to Abhay. Sharadha sobbed tremendously, thinking about her daughter-in-law. Ramya was a sweetheart to everyone in the family and a kind-hearted soul.
"I must have gone to the airport. Then it'd have been me. It's my entire fault," Shekhar blamed himself.
"No, Shekharji," Sharadha hugged her husband, "Don't blame yourself. Please," she cried. Shekhar embraced his wife tightly and cried silently.
On the other hand, Varun noticed Anjali leaning on a wall with closed eyes and holding Aisha to her chest. Slowly, he moved towards her and stood by her side. Suddenly, she hugged him and bawled. He didn't object to her and hugged her back as a lone tear escaped his eyes for Ramya. She was like a sister to him, and he couldn't bear that she was no more in this world. Not only him, even Ramesh.
Everyone looked up when a doctor walked up to them. Abhay jumped up immediately and strolled towards him, with his family and friends on his lead.
"How is he?" Abhay demanded.
The doctor looked at him and shook his head. "I am sorry, sir. We tried our best, but..." as the words left out of his mouth, everything seemed to stop for a minute.
Sharadha once again broke down then and there in her husband's arms while Shekhar stood rooted in his place. Varun hugged Anjali as she stumbled back with tears. He held her and Aisha as he tried to calm his raging breath. Ramesh was also in the same state, staring at the doctor.
On the other hand, the guilt consumed Abhay. He blamed himself. If he'd not returned from the U.S., they'd not come to pick him up. This accident couldn't have happened, right? He thought with remorse.
"Your brother," the doctor said. Abhay looked at him anxiously. "He wants to tell you something. You better hurry up," he said.
Everyone rushed into the room but stopped midway at the sight of Rahul. Rahul looked pale and lifeless, lying on the hospital bed with wires attached to his body. Everyone's heart broke seeing him like that.
Rahul slowly opened his eyes and looked at his family and friends. He struggled to raise his hand. He almost succeeded in his attempt but lost balance. Abhay instantly reached over and grabbed his hand, watching his brother's battle.
Rahul gave a weak yet happy smile and squeezed his hand. "Hello, my champ," Rahul said to Abhay, calling him by his nickname. His voice was hoarse, and he had difficulty in forming words.
"Hey," he said to everyone. "Why... Why are... You aaa... All so mo... moody," he fumbled, "Don't. I am not going... anywhere too far."
"Rahul," Sharadha cried.
"Mom... Please. Don't cry," Rahul said, "If you all be like this, how can I go happily?" he tried to joke.
"RAHUL!" Shekhar tried to sound stern but failed miserably as his voice croaked.
"Dad. Please. You are all thinking that I am going away from you," he talked slowly, "But I will always be with you all. Ramya and I will always be with you... In your smiles," he said. When he gained his consciousness, the first thing he asked was about his wife. When he found out that she was dead, he was also dead at that moment mentally.
No one uttered a word and listened to him.
Rahul continued. "Abhay, will you promise me?" He asked, gazing at his younger brother.
Abhay instantly replied, "Bhaiya! Anything for you. Order me," he gave a squeeze to his hand.
Rahul inhaled deeply. "Take care of my Princess, Abhay. Take care of Aisha. Don't let her feel our absence. Also, take care of Mom, Dad, Anju. The company's future is in your hands. Now only you have to take care of them and everything. Will you?" he asked. He started to breathe fast.
Ramesh immediately rushed out to call the doctor.
Abhay held his brother's hand in between his and promised wholeheartedly. "From this second, Aisha is my daughter. My Princess. She's my responsibility now. I promise." He was honest with what he said.
Rahul smiled triumphantly. His eyes landed on his daughter, who was squirming lightly in Anjali's arms. "She deserves every happiness, Abhay. Don't let her," he inhaled again, "suffer like Ramya."
Abhay didn't question him about what he said. He just squeezed his hand and assured him, saying, "I won't, Bhaiya. I promise I'll always keep her happy."
Rahul had a big smile on his face as Abhay said those words. "Love you, everyone." His eyes trailed on everyone slowly, just as Ramesh rushed inside with a doctor. Rahul's eyes lastly landed on his daughter. "Love you, my princess."
With those last words, Rahul stopped breathing.
"Bhaiya," Abhay panicked, "Get up, Bhaiya," he shook his hand that he held. The doctor checked Rahul's pulse and breathing.
"Sorry, sir."
Everyone broke down then and there, hearing the doctor. Their world turned upside down.
Hearing a baby wail, Abhay turned his head. He saw Aisha squirming in Anjali's arms, crying. Gently placing his brother's hand on the bed, he strode towards his sister. He took Aisha in his arms and softly stroked her face and head. Surprisingly, she stopped crying and opened her eyes, staring at him.
He had a small smile as she reached out her hand to his face. He swayed her in his arms and whispered, "I will never... ever let any harm touch you, sweetheart. I promise."
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