《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》The holder of the fate chunchunmaru- tenchuusatsu! / The Detour


Both girls stared at Kiyopon, waiting for his explanation while Sudo was just confused and shocked that Ibuki was apparently Kiyopon's partner.

Kiyopon writes in his notebook....

It said.

Their faces morphed into incredulous expressions.

Kiyopon writes in his notebook again...

It said.

" There are multiple reasons on why this was a big mistake." Horikita said plainly.

" Yeah, with the number one reason being the fact that I HATE her guts." Ibuki says and glares at Horikita while Horikita merely sighed.

" Your petty rivalry against me is quite irritating, Ibuki-san. Grow up, will you?" Horikita jabbed at her.

Ibuki wore an irritated grin as she began to crack her knuckles, preparing for a potential fight.

" Oh? Is that so? Why don't we settle our rivalry right here and right now, hm? " she suggested. " I'll kick your ass this time." Ibuki added.

Horikita crossed her arms to her chest and shook her head as if disappointed by Ibuki's behaviour.

" A fight? Seriously, Ibuki-san. Real mature of you to suggest a FIGHT in PUBLIC." Horikita spoke.

" Oh don't worry. We can find somewhere else private and I'll kick your ass there! A fight is the quickest way to settle this type of situation, don't you agree?" Ibuki said coldly.

Kiyopon was starting to regret inviting Ibuki at the same time Horikita would arrive. Kiyopon just wanted to have a partner......not a random fight between these two stubborn individuals.

" H-Hey, would you two calm down-" Sudo tried to calm them down but they both turned their heads towards him.

" This is none of your business." They both spat out. Sudo immediately raised his hands up in surrender.

" Hey, are you four going to move?" One of the employees said.

The two ' couples' faced towards the employee.

" Are you all couples?" The employee asked.

Kiyopon writes in his notebook....

It said.

Horikita and Ibuki looked at Kiyopon with bewildered looks.

' WHY! WHY DID YOU WRITE THAT!' Ibuki and Horikita thought as they both planned to leave.

' Yes!' Sudo thought as he still felt some hope that this might work out.

" Then please move forward with everyone else." The employee gestured for them to go.

Before Ibuki and Horikita could protest, Kiyopon grabbed both of their wrists and basically dragged them to line up while Sudo followed.

The group of four had lined up silently with the two girls surrendering to Kiyopon and decided to just bear with it for now.

Still, the atmosphere felt awkward.

" Damn, this line is long...." Sudo muttered.

" I will pair with Ayanokoji-kun." Horikita suddenly stated, " Ibuki-san will go pair with Sudo-kun."

" HUH?!" both Sudo and Ibuki said in disbelief.

" Hell no! What makes you think I want to pair with HIM? Besides, " Ibuki points to Kiyopon and then to herself,

" Ayanokoji asked ME to partner with him." She said in a smug tone.

Welp, there goes the awkward atmosphere....

It now turned into a tense one.

Horikita narrows her eyes, " Let me share an important detail that you seem to not know of. Ayanokoji-kun technically asked me out first while I was resting in my room. He sent me a text, see?" Horikita said and immediately pulled out her phone to show the text messages that had indeed happened.

Ibuki glares at Kiyopon, " I thought you said Horikita WASN'T free...." she growled.

Kiyopon stared at her back, refusing to say anything nor write anything.


" See? I only came here since I thought Ayanokoji-kun had invited me alone, but it seems like he was.....asked to by Sudo-kun." Horikita says before looking at Sudo coldly, while Sudo tried to avert his eyes from her cold look.

Horikita sighed and then turned to look at Ibuki once more. " Give up. I will pair with Ayanokoji-kun, since I had already shown proof that he had asked me first."

" No." Ibuki rejected.

" No?" Horikita rose a brow.

" We'll let him choose. Right here, right now. Just to make things entirely clear for both of us." Ibuki said.

Horikita silently looked towards Kiyopon and Ibuki did the same.

Kiyopon tensed slightly as their stares became more intense. He tried to ignore it as best he could by focusing on the line which was in fact, getting smaller.

" Ayanokoji-kun.....who would you choose to partner with you?" Horikita asked.

Kiyopon shook a bit due to her tone.

Ibuki also stared intently at our silent protagonist. Although she suggested out of pure spite against Horikita, it would be a lie to say that she wasn't even the least bit curious.

Sudo looked at Kiyopon and sighed. He felt bad now about this situation, the guy is trying to help him but Sudo is just doing it for himself.

" Hey! Stop pressuring him like that, will ya? Ayanokoji just wanted his fortune read and I basically started this whole mess . " he said and both girls looked at him.

Sudo released a sigh and facepalmed himself, " I messed up. This is Ayanokoji's first time getting his fortune read and even though we were just texting about this, he seemed excited to go but then I had to go ruin and it by planning to....well....er.....leave him. And that lead to him inviting Ibuki."

Kiyopon wore a slightly suprised look as he stared at Sudo.

' I can't believe I'm doing this....' Sudo thought.

" Let's just get our fortune read. I'm fine with whoever I partner with, let's just get this over with...." Sudo finished.

Both girls seemed to be deep in thought after hearing out Sudo's words and then they looked towards Kiyopon who returned his focus to the line.

Ibuki and Horikita looked at each other silently.

Finally, Horikita released a sigh before speaking, " As much as I dislike to admit it. Sudo-kun is right. We're both acting immature about this whole thing." She admitted.

" Tch....right. Then just for today, let's have a truce." Ibuki proposed.

" I can accept that." Horikita said before taking her hand out.

Ibuki stared at Horikita's hand before reluctantly shaking it with her own.

' Just for today.' They both thought.

Sudo released a sigh and felt a bit proud of himself for calming the situation down, though he probably still messed up his image in Horikita's eyes. At least he managed to save Kiyopon.

And with that, the group decided to wait patiently for their turns. Horikita had decided to accept being paired with Sudo and Ibuki with Kiyopon.

" Next please." The clerk said.

" Sorry to have kept you waiti- oh! Are you perhaps a group?" The clerk asked the four members.

They exchanged looks with eachother before nodding.

" Ah! If so, then the four of you may come inside. " the clerk offered.

The group was suprised but they accepted the offer and entered the dark barely-lit room.

Kiyopon was amazed by this atmosphere for fortune-telling. Everyone looked towards the elderly woman with a hood covering her head, you can barely make out her expression. She had a book and a


" magical" crystal ball on the table.

" Ah, a group, hm?" She said to us and gestured on the chairs, " Please sit down."

Everyone complied and sat down on the chairs.

" But first....you must pay." She commanded.

She pulled out a card reader from under the table and placed it before them. Kiyopon thought that such a product of modern civilization felt so out of place within this dark atmosphere but he shrugged it off.

" What kind of fortune are you going to read?" Ibuki asked the fortune teller.

" It can be about your academics, career, love life, or anything you like." The fortune-teller answered with an unsettling grin.

The fortune-teller then showed them the many plans sorted into multiple categories. The " Basic Plan" contained what she had previously mentioned while there were other plans that were related to something called Tenchuusatsu and another plan would let you " see" the end of your life.

" So, uh, Horikita. I got a ton of private points so pick anything you like and I'll pay!" Sudo said.

Horikita was suspicious towards Sudo after hearing that. They were so how is he condient that he possesses a " ton" of private points? Not only that, he also offered to pay for her expenses which only increased her suspicions.

Kiyopon poked Ibuki's arm.

" What?" She asked.

Kiyopon gestured to the plans.

Ibuki realized what he was ( probably) asking now.

" I'll just go with the basic plan." She said and Kiyopon nodded as he began to write in his notebook and then showed it to the fortune-teller.

It said.

The fortune-teller nodded and gestures for them to slide their cards on the reader, to which the duo immediately swiped it.

Horikita sighed, she'd rather not pester the matter about Sudo having a ton of points and just go along with it.

" I'll have the basic plan." She said.

" Huh? Really? You could go for something more expensive...." he insisted but Horikita stayed true to her word.

" I'm not too much of an enthusiast about this fortune-telling business. A basic plan will do fine." She said in a tone of finality.

Seeing that everyone else in their group was going for the basic plan, Sudo sighed and did the same and soon swiped his card, paying for both himself and Horikita's plans.

" Wonderful. Let's start with the young lady. What's your name?" The fortune-teller asked Ibuki.

" Ibuki Mio." She replied.

" When I tell the fortunes, I see the face, the hand, and then the heart of the person I'm reading, I may see something that you won't like. Are you prepared for that?" The fortune-teller said.

" Do whatever you want." Ibuki replied.

Everyone had managed to get rather positive predictions from the fortune-teller, of course there negatives here and there like a few warning here and there but overall good.

There was only one person that had not gotten his fortune read just yet.

" Las but not least, the young silent one. May I ask your name?" The fortune-teller turned to Kiyopon.

" Ayanokoji Kiyotaka...." Kiyopon spoke.

The fortune-teller was taken aback by his voice.

" Wow, your voice is melodic. If I were still a young woman, I'd be head over- Ahem, sorry, off topic." The fortune-teller excused herself.

I guess Kiyopon can charm people....no matter the age.

Horikita and Ibuki were suprised by the fortune-teller being also taken aback but they quickly accepted it and moved along.

While Sudo was just flabbergasted to the point where he couldn't say anything.

The fortune-teller began reading Kiyopon's fortune. Kiyopon received fundamentally good things from the fortune-teller but then the fortune-teller said something which caught everyone else's attention.

" I see.....it seems that you had a harsh childhood." She spoke.

Everyone looked at Kiyopon to check his expression but to their disappointment, he wore the same blank expression, seemingly unfazed by the fortune-teller's words.

But then, the fortune-teller abruptly stopped moving her hands. " This is......you're the holder of the fate tenchuusatsu!" She exclaimed in shock.

The holder of what? Kiyopon wondered since he has never heard of that in his entire life. Almost anything related to fortune-telling was new to him, after all.

" Wha- seriously?" Ibuki said in disbelief.

Horikita and Sudo looked at Ibuki.

" What is fate tenchuusatsu, Ibuki-san?" Horikita asked curiously.

" To put it simply, it means that Ayanokoji has lived a life of constant misfortune since he was born." Ibuki clarified.

' Misfortune...?' Horikita thought as she glanced at Kiyopon who returned her glance.

' It's.....hard to believe....' she thought.

" This is incredible! A rare one indeed..." The fortune-teller marveled.

Kiyopon stayed silent on the situation at hand. But he did acknowledge the fact that the claim was accurate, at least in his own mind. Still, he determined that it was too much of a broad generalization.

" So...is Ayanokoji going to continue living with bad luck or something?" Sudo asked.

But the Fortune-teller shook her head

' no'.

" The little girl wasn't quite right when she said that the tenchuusatsu meant you lived a life of misfortune." The fortune-teller clarified.

But Ibuki seemed a bit put-off by the

" little girl" title.

" Fate Tenchuusatsu is certainly rare. However, that doesn't mean your entire life will be full of misfortune. It's true that the overall outlook is bad. There are negatives: you won't have the blessing from your parents, or your family. And....." The fortune-teller suddenly paused.

" What is it?" Horikita decided to ask for Kiyopon.

" Ayanokoji Kiyotaka......it seems that in the future you might experience a certain loss, it might affect the way you think, the way you feel and the way you see yourself." She spoke ominously.

Kiyopon was confused by what she had meant, it was skeptical at best.

" But....despite all these misfortunes...in your past or your future." Her grim tone turned to a lighter one,

" Everything depends on you and you alone. How you see and act on these misfortunes is entirely up to you. So chin up, not everything will be negative." She said.

" You alone decide what you can do and can't do." She finished.

It was silent for awhile as everyone, especially Kiyopon had let those words sink for a bit before nodding.

The fortune-teller was about to end her guidance but she had one last thing to tell.

" Oh....and a last piece of advice: Go straight home without taking any detours. If you stray, you might get stuck for a long time. Even if you do get stuck, don't panic. If you can stay calm and work together, you should be able to overcome it."

Sudo had split off from the group due to Ike calling him for something important.

Currently, Kiyopon,Ibuki and Horikita were making their way to the main elevator, they realized that tons of people were waiting in a line.

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