《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》Ryuuen's move / Desperation


Currently the final day of the exam, and tomorrow will be the final role call.

And so far, Class D had played safe and stuck together up to this point.

Ibuki asked through the walkie talkie.

Ryuuen took a bite of his bland fish and then responded.

" Find a way to get the name of Class D's leader. Are you really that dumb?" He taunted.

She yelled.

' Kuku, narrow-minded as always.' Ryuuen thought.

" That's because you wait for the opportunity, while I create it." Ryuuen said.

Ibuki said confused.

" KUKUKU! You'll see what I mean. Be sure to be ready." Ryuuen responded before turning off the walkie talkie.

' All the classes are going to be destroyed....kukuku how exciting!' Ryuuen thought as he imagined the shocked faces of the school.

' Suzune and that other girl have already checked out our base 2 days ago, though I doubt they've figured out what I had planned.' Ryuuen thought while taking another bite.

" Kuku....this damn fish is still fucking bland...." He muttered.

" Caw!"

" Huh?" Ryuuen quickly looked up and saw that white bird on the tree.

" You...." Ryuuen remembered that bird clearly.

It was the bird he tried to kill, but it fucking escaped.

" Caw!" The bird flapped its wings.

Ryuuen's smile tensed.

' Is....it mocking me?' He thought.

" Caw!" It said.

' Thats it. Im gonna kill that bird.' Ryuuen thought while getting a rock to throw.

Ryuuen turned around only to see that the bird has disappeared.

" Fucking bird...." He muttered before sitting down again and eating his fish.

It was now currently night time.

" Yes! I can already smell those points! " Ike yelled.

" Finally, we can have more private points!" A few of the girls cheered.

" Maaannn, all of this is starting to feel worth it!" Sudo said.

" Haha! I can finally buy that new game!" Yamauchi said

Class D was celebrating loudly around the fire.

Where is Kiyopon and Horikita you might ask?

They were currently at the same spot where Kiyopon let Horikita rest on his arm.

They were sitting down and staring at the moon.

" This exam is finally coming to an end...." Horikita suddenly said.

Kiyopon nodded in agreement.

He signed.

Horikita nodded and let out a small smile.

" Yeah....." she said.

She looked back to the moon.

In all honesty, Kiyopon truly thought that Horikita did a great job being a leader.

She did well in keeping the class together, preventing potential conflicts and played it safe.

But there was one thing Kiyopon had been expecting but never got.

Horikita hasn't pieced together what Ryuuen had planned.

Not one bit.

But she looked quite relax right now, so Kiyopon didn't bother to give her a clue.

" H-Horikita-san! Ayanokoji-kun! The camp is burning! " Mii-chan screamed.

Annnd....that didn't last long...

Both Kiyopon and Horikita eyes widened in shock and they quickly got up and went to the camp.


" GET SOME WATER!" Keisei yelled.

" SHIT SHIT SHIT!" one cursed.

The girls were also panicking and trying to help the boys extinguish the fire.

Meanwhile, Ibuki was also helping out in order to blend in.

' SERIOUSLY?! IS HE FUCKING SERIOUS?!' Ibuki thought as she couldn't believe that he would actually try this.

Sneaking in while they were distracted and creating a fire to burn their tent?

She couldn't believe it.

' Tch..... But this might work...' she admitted in her thoughts.

This will create the perfect distraction.

She just needs Horikita to be here now....

" What happened." Horikita said as she arrived with Kiyopon.

" I-I don't know! The tent just set on fire!" Shinohara said in a panic.

" The boys are trying to extinguish it, but it's overwhelming!" Matsushita added.

" Tch..." Horikita looked at burning tent and " What about our stuff?" She asked.

" All the boys managed to get it out before it got worse...." Shinohara said.

Horikita nodded in response and then looked to her side.

" Ayanokoji-ku-"

But he wasn't there.

' Where is he- no wait, not the time!' Horikita thought before turning to the boys and giving them instructions.

Ryuuen went to the other tent and lit up a match.

' Kuku, it seems like Ibuki needs another opportunity.......this will do the trick' Ryuuen smirked at that thought and then lit the other tent on fire.

He then quickly retreated back to the forest.

This was Ibuki's last chance.

" H-HEY THE OTHER TENT!" Yamauchi yelled.

" Ike-kun, Sudo-kun. Come with me! Let's get more water!" Hirata yelled.

The two boys agreed and followed him.

Horikita's eyes widened as she froze.

Why was this happening? Are the other tents going to be the same?

All these thoughts ran through her head.

' My chance!' Ibuki thought as she swiftly bumped into Horikita and using the time to sneak her hand in her pocket and immediately snatched the card.

" Egh!" Horikita let out a sound as she fell on the ground.

Ibuki looked at her with a fake concerned look.

" S-Shit! Sorry about that!" Ibuki apologized and ran off.

Suddenly, everything clicked into Horikita's mind.

She quickly got up and chased Ibuki down.

' I CAN'T LET HER ESCAPE!' Horikita thought as she chased Ibuki down through the forest.

Meanwhile, Class D tried to extinguish the other fire but it was still going.

" WHY?!" one of them yelled in frustration.

Suddenly, rain droplets started to fall from the sky, and as each second passed, it started to rain a bit heavier.

" T-The rain!" Miyamoto said.

The rain successfully extinguished the fire.

Class D sighed in relief but then they realised something else.

" OH FUCK, IT'S RAINING!" Ike yelled.

" Everyone! Get under the trees!" Hirata said and everyone immediately followed.

Kiyopon was still standing in the rain, staring at path where Horikita left to chase down Ibuki.


" Ayanokoji-kun?" Hirata called.

" Oi Ayanokoji! Get under here!" Ike yelled.

" Ayanokoji-kun, you're going to get sick! " Some girls said.

" Ayanokoji-kun!" Mori called.

Kiyopon turns his head to look at his classmates.

He shakes his head and then runs to where Horikita went.

Everyone was shocked by his speed.

" W-WHAT THE- HE RUNS SO FAST!" Sudo said in shock.

' What is he doing?! Wait....Horikita-san isn't here.....is he....' Mori thought.


" Shit, should we go after him?" Sudo asked.

" But it's raining really hard....won't you guys get lost? Are you that dumb?" A Class D girl said.

Ike looked at her with a disgusted look.

" So you want us to sit here and let Ayanokoji get " he said.

" What?! That's not what I'm-"

Hirata cut them both off and tried to de-escalate this.

" Please, we must not fight at this moment....but I agree with Ike-kun. We need to find Ayanokoji-ku-"

" Wait, Hirata-kun. I don't think we should chase him." Mori said.

Everyone looked at her with a suprised look.

" What do you mean?" Hirata asked.

" Ayanokoji-kun....he doesn't want any of us to follow him.....I just know it..." Mori said with an unsure tone.

" Hah?! You don't seem like you know at all!" Ike retorted.

Mori sighed and looked at him.

" I know Ayanokoji-kun. Did you see the way he looked at us? He shook his head and ran off! Don't you think that's his way of telling us to stay put?" Mori said.

Everyone was silent as they took in her answer.

" I......But...."

" Look, Ayanokoji-kun will come back....right now, he's just looking for Horikita-san...." Mori said.

" W-WAIT! HORIKITA'S NOT HERE?!" Sudo yelled in suprise.

The rain got even more heavy and currently, Horikita was almost in reach of Ibuki.

' Almost...!' Horikita thought.

' Shit! She's getting close!' Ibuki thought but then she slipped on mud and fell to the ground.

Horikita stopped and looked down at her.

" End of the line....Ibuki-san..." She said while panting.

" Heh....not bad..." Ibuki said but then she looked up at her with a defying look " You want this card?"

Horikita narrows her eyes.

" Then you're gonna have to fight me for it!" Ibuki said before tripping Horikita into the ground.

" ?! " Horikita fell to the ground and Ibuki stood up .

" Don't let your guard down, Horikita!" She yelled before preparing to kick Horikita's side.

Horikita quickly rolled to the far left and stood up.

' She's not going to negotiate.......' Horikita concluded.

Ibuki smirks as she got into a stance.

' I have no choice.....I'm desperate.....I must not ' Horikita thought before getting into her own fighting stance.

Immediately, Ibuki extended her slender leg towards Horikita's face.

Horikita stepped back and dodged it but then Ibuki quickly recovered and stepped forward to do a roundhouse kick.

Horikita blocked it and grabbed her leg to throw her off her balance.

Ibuki noticed this and quickly used her other leg to kick Horikita's torso and Horikita's grip released the leg.

" Fwah!" Horikita was caught off guard by that.

" Is that all you got?" Ibuki asked mockingly.

Horikita glares at her and goes back into her stance.

She quickly charges at Ibuki and engages in close-quarter combat.

Horikita threw a quick right hook at Ibuki but she blocked it.

Horikita then aimed for her torso, but Ibuki dodged to the side.

' Wrong move.' Horikita thought before swiftly kicking Ibuki's knees which caught her by suprise.

" AH!" She yelled and instinctively bent down.

Horikita took this opening and quickly ended the fight by kicking her by the jaw.

" Hwah!" Ibuki let out a noise of suprise and went down.

Ibuki clutched her jaw as she glared at Horikita.

Horikita had won this battle.

" It's over." Horikita said.

" Kuku, you sure about that, Suzune?"

Horikita's eyes widened in suprise but before she could react, Ryuuen kicked in the abdomen which made her gag.

" I'm suprised that Ibuki lost to you. Kukuku, interesting.......but I'm going to have to you." Ryuuen said before shoving Horikita to the ground.

Horikita was panting, the shock she felt from that sudden strike in the abdomen.

' I....I cant...' she thought as she clutched her abdomen.

Ryuuen looked at Ibuki with a smirk.

" The mud suits you, Ibuki" he said.

Ibuki glared at him.

" Shut up, you bastard..." she said.

Ryuuen cackled while Ibuki stood up slowly.

" Where is the card?" He asked.

Ibuki pulled out the card from her pocket.

" Right here." She said and handed it to him.

Ryuuen grabbed it and examined it with his flashlight.

" It's legit." He said.

" What? You expected me to grab a fake?" Ibuki asked in anger.

" No. It would be funny though." Ryuuen replied and then looked at Horikita.

" I had a fun time playing with you and your class, Suzune. Hopefully you'll make things even more interesting, next time." He said before turning away.

Horikita watched as he turned to leave.

' No.....I....I need to get up!' She thought while slowly standing back up.

Ibuki quickly noticed this and kicked her on the chest, which sent her back down.

" Stay put. We'll have our rematch next time. You got lucky." She said before leaving with Ryuuen.

" No....." Horikita said.

" I.........I lost....." she said before clenching her fist in frustration as both Ryuuen and Ibuki disappeared through the forest.

Horikita gritted her teeth.

" Horikita." A voice called her.

She slowly turned her eyes to see Kiyotaka.

" Ayanokoji-kun....."

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