《Kiyopon Can't Communicate!》Horikita cares about Kiyopon!


Kiyotaka stood outside of the dormitory, waiting for his new friend.

" A....Ayanokoji-kun...?" He hears the familiar voice and instantly turns his head.

Kiyotaka gave a little wave.

" What are you...? " Horikita was once again stunned by this boy.

They've only been friends for a few days. She could still remember his 'introduction' to the whole class and it was engraved in her mind as a cringe yet funny memory

Kiyotaka wrote on his notebook and showed it to her.

It said.

" I see....wait, how long have you been waiting here?" She asked

Kiyotaka only stared at her silently.

Horikita sighed

" Whatever, let's go." She said and they immediately began walking together.

Kiyotaka watched as Ike and a few other boys discussed about the girls breast sizes.

In fact, they were betting and planning to record them using the professors help.

Kiyotaka had a chance to be invited into Ike's little group chat, but for some reason, he was immediately pulled away by Horikita.

He asked her 'why' and she replied with .

Now he understood why. Ike and his friends were quite perverted and talking shamelessly about the girls' boob sizes, much to the girls disgust.

Kiyotaka slowly drifted away, in order to not be labelled as a pervert.

" There you are, Ayanokoji-kun." Horikita said.

Kiyotaka turns around and waves to Horikita.

Kiyotaka silently inspects Horikita's look with the school swimsuit.

Horikita notices this and glares at him.

" What are you looking at?" She snapped.

Kiyotaka tilts his head in confusion and points to her as if it was an obvious answer.

" I know that! But aren't you inspecting me a bit too much?" She fumed

Kiyotaka widens his eyes a bit.

He had wanted to apologize, but his notebook wasn't here.


He also did not deem it too necessary to talk.

So he resulted in his 2nd form of communication .

Kiyotaka used sign language.

he signed.

Horikita looked suprise.

" Now you're using sign language...?" She said.

Kiyotaka nodded.

Horikita sighs.

" It's fine. I forgive you." She said.

He signed

Horikita raises a brow.

" Yes, I do. I was obligated to. " Horikita said as she remembered a special event during her family life.

He signed.

Horikita's eyes flickers towards Kiyotaka's well-built body.

" Ayanokoji-kun, do you workout?" She asked curiously.

he signed

" I see..." she said

Suddenly a new voice entered their space.

" Oh! Ayanokoji-kun and Horikita-san." A certain voice from a certain girl greeted.

Kiyotaka waves at Kushida.

" Are you and Horikita-san having a little date~?" She teased.

" We are not. Stop making assumptions." Horikita said.

Kiyotaka nodded his head in agreement with Horikta.

Kushida then says that she's joking and then proceeds to try and get along with Horikita, but of course she failed.

Kiyotaka pokes Horikita's arm and she turns to look at him.

" What?" She asked.

Kiyotaka showed her his notebook.

It said

" Why? Couldn't you go by yourself?" She asked.

Kiyotaka shook his head 'no' and quickly wrote in his notebook .

it said.

Horikita sighed and agreed to go with him, once again.

Currently, they were in front of the register.

Horikita had already ordered her drink, but it's been 5 minutes since Kiyotaka stared blankly at the menu.

" Hey....order already..." The girl at the register said.

Kiyotaka looked lost in his little world as he calculated the best possible drink.

Horikita was getting fed up with it, so she took a quick glance and noticed that Kiyotaka's eyes had been flickering to a certain drink and decided to order for him.


" He would like an iced white chocolate mocha." Horikita said.

Kiyotaka shot her a look of suprise at her accuracy.

" Your eyes were looking at that drink for most of the time that you've been reading the menu." She simply stated.

" Will....that be your order, sir?" The cashier asked.

Kiyotaka nodded in affirmation and the cashier sighed in relief.

Currently, they were sipping their drinks while sitting in their table.

" How is it?" She asked.

He signed

They both went back to sipping their drinks, until Kushida stepped in and interrupted their time.

" Oh! I didn't expect you two to be here!" She said in suprise.

' Not again....' Horikita thought

Before Kushida could say what she needed to say, Horikita immediately stood up.

" Let's go, Ayanokoji-kun." Horikita said.

" Eh? Wait! Where are yo-" Kushida couldn't finish her sentence since Horikita cut her off with one of her cold glares.

" Leave us alone. " she said.

Kushida was stunned by her tone of voice and she glanced at Ayanokoji-kun.

Horikita noticed that and immediately pieced together on why Kiyotaka wanted to go here and why Kushida went to their table.

She silently cursed the gods.

" Ayanokoji-kun and I have some business, She stared at Kiyotaka with expectant eyes.

Kiyotaka slowly nodded, grabbed his drink and went with Horikita, but not before giving a small wave of goodbye to Kushida.

They were currently walking back to the dormitory, but Horikita wasn't talking to Kiyotaka.

It made him worried, so he grabbed her hand gently which made her stop.

" Horikita....?" Kiyotaka said slowly.

Horikita turned around to look at him

" Did you and Kushida plan all of that?" Horikita said.

Kiyotaka nodded.

Horikita sighed in disappointment.

" No wonder..." she muttered to herself.

He signed.

" You of all people, should know that I don't intend to get along with everyone else." She said.

Kiyotaka slowly nodded in understanding.

Horikita sighed.

" Im telling you this because....you are my friend.....and I care....so listen to my advice, alright?" Horikita said.

Kiyotaka stared at her.

" Kushida might not seem as nice as everyone else thinks......so please, don't get close to her. " she said.

Kiyotaka sensed the seriousness in her tone and nodded in agreement.

They began walking again.

Kiyotaka gave her his notebook and she read it.

It said.

Horikita turned red in embarassment and walked a bit faster.

" Shut up...." she said.

Kiyotaka slightly smiled and began catching up to her.



Also, how do you like this Horikita?

Vote please! Do it for Kiyopon!

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