《HER NIKOLAI (Her Volkovs Book 1)》Chapter 9. The Wolf's Head.
The ride to the grocery with Alexei was painful. I couldn't even look at him. I hate him for not listening to me, but I hate myself more for putting myself in this situation. The two huge men from the restaurant are in the driver and passenger seats, while Alexei and I are at the back.
Alexei cleared his throat.
"Don't." I quickly interrupt whatever it is that he wanted to say or do.
I can feel him move uncomfortably in his seat. You know if I weren't so angry right now, Alexei acting like this is kind of funny.
"We're here. Wait for me first. "
Of course I did not wait for him. I quickly opened the door and walked my way inside the grocery. Alexei followed me from behind.
I decided to cook asian marinated chicken for dinner. How hard can it be? I have watched my mother cook many times before, I'm sure I can do it.
As we walk along the isles, I noticed that Alexei is quite the chick magnet and old women magnet. I swear, they are looking at Alexei like they were to devour him or something, they are not even hiding it. Geeez...
"I'm sorry princess."
I still ignore him.
"I'm sorry. Just at least say a word."
"You...you..did exactly the opposite of what I asked you!"
"I'm sorry but it's my job to know everything pertaining to you that might put you in danger. Nikolai is not only my boss, but he's also my brother. I just had to know what made you anxious all of a sudden."
That actually made sense. I somehow feel bad for treating him this way. One thing that bothers me is that why are they always thinking that I might be in danger? Is this one of the things that Nikolai has not told me about?
"Did you delete it?" I asked Alexei while looking him in the eyes.
"I did."
I looked at him sternly while squinting my eyes.
"You better!"
Alexei softly chuckled in response.
Several minutes later, Alexei is back in his comfortable self with me. "Just a thought, If you send him that picture, the crazy man will bolt like the flash no matter what meeting he's in right now."
I suddenly felt my face turn crimson.
"Listen to me A-lex-ei..." I pronounced each syllable for emphasis. "What happened must be between the two of us, get it? Don't spoil my birthday gift to Nikolai."
He then acted like he's zipping his lips. "Good. You better make sure or you will experience my wrath."
Alexei lets out a laugh so I smack him in his arm. "Now let's go before one of these women bring you home."
"Are you jealous my princess?"
I parted my mouth in disbelief. Arrogance level: Nikolai Vyacheslav Volkov
"I just don't want to walk back home, you are my ride remember?"
"Wow, at least now I know my value to you."
"Awww let's go." I'm clinging to Alexei's arm as we walk to the check out counter.
"What a sweet couple. Darling look at them. Reminds me of us back in the days. " An old woman and probably her husband are on the check out counter ahead of us. The old lady looks very sweet. Her husband looks pleasant as well. I just smiled at them in response.
I decided not to correct her. I noticed that Alexei is going with my plan. I don't want to burst her bubble. The old couple look like they are so in love. I want me and Nikolai to grow old together like them someday.
While in the car on our way home, I messaged Nikolai.
A while later my phone vibrated, it's a call from Nikolai.
"You're making us dinner?"
"Yep, what time are you coming home?
"Ill be there in an hour baby."
"I love you Nikolai."
"I love you more. Sleep with me tonight?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"None exactly."
"I'm doing this for my door actually. It needs protecting from you and Alexei."
I heard Nikolai laugh on the other side of the line.
"Be safe okay?"
"If I get home safe do I get a reward?"
"Yes." I giggled.
"What is it?"
"A full body massage."
"Coming home now."
"Hello? Nikolai?" Did he hung up on me?
"You just offered the man a body massage, expect that he'll be home anytime now."
Oh god, I think I have created a monster.
Alexei is with me in Nikolai's kitchen while his two other men are somewhere. Nikolai arrived with Yuri and Boris and immediately hugged me from behind.
"How's my baby?"
"Cmon Nikolai let's eat. I want the boys to eat with us." Nikolai signaled Alexei who immediately got what Nikolai meant.
"Humm that smells good." Yay, Nikolai liked the smell of my cooking! I'm soooo excited. I'm pretty sure they are going to love it.
: Hey Boss whatever it is that she's cooking, it doesn't look good.
: How bad?
: Yelena's cooking bad.
: Shit. All of you shall eat no matter what.
All of the men are accounted for in the dining table. I placed the asian marinated chicken on two nice plates. My seat is on Nikolai's right and to his left is Alexei while the rest of the boys occupied the other chairs left.
"Let's eat!" I said with glee. I noticed that Alexei was clearing his throat and glancing at Nikolai. What is up with him?
"What are you waiting for guys! Dig in! Don't be shy, I made this for all of you. Here baby, this is for you."
I placed some for Nikolai. I stare at him intently as he slowly slices the chicken and puts it in his mouth. I want to see his reaction.
"Hmmm...not bad. The beef is delicious." Beef? But....
I can see the horror on Alexei's face, he knows for a fact that what I bought from the grocery was chicken and not beef. Now I know what's happening here.
"Stop!!!!! All of you stop eating!" Boris' piece of the chicken was almost in his mouth. "Don't you dare put that in your mouth Boris!"
I took the food from Nikolai's plate. I am soooo mad at him right now! He didn't have to pretend that he likes it! Let alone force his men to eat!
"What's wrong baby?"
"This is chicken Nikolai!!! Chicken!! Not beef!!!"
I collected Nikolai's plate and attempted to stand but Nikolai pulled me towards him, before I know it, I'm already on his lap. I buried my face on his shoulder in embarrassment.
"Whatever it is that you want me to eat, I'm going to eat it. Most especially if you want me to eat your pussy."
"Nikolai!" I smack him on his shoulder but he just lets out a chuckle in response.
"Now, I heard from Alexei that you wanted to kidnap the chef from Dile'?" I just nodded at him. "Do you still want to kidnap him for dinner tonight?" He said so gently.
"Uhuh..." I nodded. Oh Nikolai, no words can describe how much I love you.
When I'm finally not too embarrassed, I sat straight to face Alexei and others but Nikolai and I are already alone in the dining room. Well they sure moved fast.
The chef from Dile' did his wonders again. We all ate in the center island at Nikolai's kitchen. When we finished eating, I went back to my apartment to take a shower and change to my sleeping clothes. I was still on my bra and panties when Nikolai barged in my room.
"Hey sexy."
My heart jumped from my chest in surprise. "Nikolai!!! There's this thing called knocking FYI."
"I'm here to redeem my reward."
I quickly grabbed my shirt and short shorts to wear. Nikolai carried me in his arms back to his house and lay me to his bed.
"Hmmm you smell good baby." I can feel goosebumps every time his breath touches my ear.
"Nikolai, I'll give you the massage that I promised. It would be best that you lay on the floor." I placed the comforter on the floor so that Nikolai can lay down on it.
"Are you sure?" He said while sporting a wicked smile.
"Yes I'm sure. Your body will press hard on the floor while my hands will press on your body on top. Double the pleasure, get it?" I whispered on his ear. Oh my god I'm so nailing this seductress vibe right now.
I took Nikolai's shirt off. Oh god, he could pass as NIKOLAI THE SON OF ZEUS or something. He lie down the floor his face to the side. I spread my legs while on my knees, riding on Nikolai's back. I took the oil and placed generously on my hand. I then slowly press my fingers on his head, then to his nape, down to his shoulders.
"Do you like it?" I asked him.
"Were you at some point a physical therapist baby?"
I smack him on his shoulder but he just chuckles in response.
"Damn baby, you are so good." Nikolai said while his eyes are shut.
I noticed the tattoo that's usually peeking from his collar. This time without his shirt on I can clearly see that it looks like an image of a head of a wolf. I also noticed some scars, like stitches from cuts and what looks like a gunshot scar on his tattooed arm. Then I remember what Alexei told me about Nikolai's father. That the old man was murdered. I don't now what has happened to Nikolai and his family but no matter what, I'm not going to leave him. I'm going to be here for my Nikolai whenever he needs me.
A few minutes past, I heard Nikolai's soft snoring. I giggled. Wow, I find his snoring hot. Something must be really wrong with me.
I pulled the sheets and the pillows from the bed and wrap it around the both of us. It's almost two in the morning and it's already Nikolai's birthday. I kissed him on his forehead.
"Happy Birthday my Nikolai." I whispered.
"Good morning baby."
I was awaken by the sexy voice of Nikolai who is sitting beside me in bed. He is holding a bunch of red daisies in his hand and he is all smiles. Wow, every girl in the world deserve this kind of wake up call everyday. I can get used to this. The love of my life, half naked in all his glory, with those eyes that could easily melt even the coldest of hearts, holding my favourite flowers. Oh god, I must have done something good to deserve this.
"Happy birthday my love." I said to Nikolai while flickering my eyes.
"You know? Alexei?" Nikolai said. I just gave him a sweet smile.
"You got me flowers. My favourite!"
"This is also my sister's favourite. You two are alike in so many ways."
Nikolai is slowly opening up on me. I could not ask for more.
He opened the drawer near the bed and pulled a picture from a box.
"This is Yelena." He showed me a picture of him sitting on a chair while a girl is behind him wrapping her arms around his neck while kissing him on his cheek. Wow, Yelena is beautiful. She's got Nikolai's eyes. I can see why Nikolai said that me and Yelena are alike. Yelena and I have the same built. She also has long wavy brunette hair. The only difference is our complexion. Yelena has Nikolai's complexion.
"She was the same age as you when she died baby." The joy on Nikolai's face is now gone. Oh Nikolai, what can I do to make you feel better?
"I'm sure she's looking after you Nikolai. She loved and cared for you and that will never ever change."
Nikolai looked me in the eyes and touches my face with the back of his hand. "You are too good for me. I don't deserve you."
I quickly climbed on his lap."Don't ever say that again Nikolai. I think we are just perfect for each other. See, of all the people in the world, we have found each other. It's like a fairy tale, were like my favourite characters, Beauty and the Beast."
Nikolai snorted, "You have no idea how accurate that is."
"Why do you always think worst about yourself Nikolai?"
"It's because you don't know the real me."
"I think I know the real you Nikolai. This is the real you. You are you when are together. The things that you're not telling me wont matter anyway because I already know the real you Nikolai." I meant every word that I said.
Nikolai caught my lips with his. "I love you baby."
"I love you Nikolai. Happy birthday! Geee you're so old baby."
Nikolai lets out a booming laugh. He then throws me to bed and climbs on top of me. He has this mischievous look on his face. Oh my God, I'm having goosebumps again. To my surprise, Nikolai dangles a shiny object in front of me. It's a gold necklace with six small diamonds perfectly lined an inch apart from each other and right in the middle is a gold heart shaped pendant. It's so beautiful!
"This is for my beauty."
My lips parted in awe. Is he kidding me? It's his birthday but he's the one giving me a gift.
"Nikolai, but...."
"Open the heart baby." I did not protest anymore. When I unlocked the pendant, there's a gold monogram V inside it. Oh my god. This is so pretty. I am speechless.
"Do you like it?" The word like does not give this necklace justice.
"I love it Nikolai."
He then puts the necklace on me.
"I know it would look good on you. Don't remove it no matter what okay?"
"Okay Nikolai, but you really didn't have....." He did not let me finish. He planted another long sweet kiss on me. Oh Nikolai.
"Come on, your favorite chef is here he'll make us breakfast."
"He's still here?"
"Yup." Nikolai grabs my hand as we walk downstairs.
The chef is cooking something in the kitchen. Alexei is also in the center island, drinking his cup of coffee while holding his phone on his other hand. He's also half naked like Nikolai and I immediately notice his tattoo. Alexei's tattoos are exactly like Nikolai's except the wolf's head. Alexei doesn't have one. Alexei is almost the same height with Nikolai and almost the same built. These two could pass as brothers, twin brothers even.
Nikolai is on his phone talking to someone. Alexei looked at me teasingly. I just ignore him. I looked for a vase for the flowers Nikolai gave me.
"Good morning princess." I know what he's trying to convey. Ughhhh!!! Alexei!!! I swear I could strangle him to death.
Since I don't want Nikolai to notice what's happening, I decided to text Alexei instead.
He continues drinking his coffee while he reads my text.
"Happy birthday brother." He said to Nikolai when Nikolai finished talking on his phone.
"Thanks brother."
"I see that you have slept well."
"Belle knocked me cold last night." Nikolai said teasingly. Alexei lets out a laugh in response. My god, these two are enjoying my misery right now. I can feel my face blush.
"Oh by the way, they are planning to throw you a party later at the beach. If you want to come, just say the word brother."
"What do you think baby?" Why is Nikolai asking me?
"Uh, who are they?" I asked.
"People I work with, some old friends of my father and others." Nikolai said while being handed by the chef his cup of coffee.
Uh what time is the party Alexei?"
"Depends on the Boss."
"Depends on my Boss." Nikolai looked towards me for an answer. My heart instantly melted.
The Child of Ebon
Wealth and power, what would you do to gain such possessions as that? Would you murder? Would you steal? Would you scheme? Would you utterly use people in order to get those things? What if you needed wealth and power to save those you hold dear? Your loved ones who can't survive unless you take that single step into oblivion. To be a criminal, a murderer, or a plotter who would do anything to achieve one's own goals. What lies before you is that kind of story; a young man who seeks to climb the fierce ladder to nobility. To ease his loved one's pains, to do what must be done, even if he has to become the most loathed man in his own aching heart. — WARNING: A VERY slow paced story. —
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World Fusion-When A Fantasy World And Earth Combine
Earth was dying, that was painstakingly clear to the God that ruled over it. In order to save his most precious creations, he had to fuse it with another planet going through hard times, Mystova. A planet ruled by Demi humans and monsters. It started with a simple text. God said he was changing everything. He was taking Fossil fuels, gun powder, and nuclear material to prevent man from destroying his new creation.In exchange, he offered unique skills to the lucky few who took his text seriously and responded. In a new world with a level system like an RPG game, how will man adapt?Jordan Cain will navigate this new world as he seeks to find something he has never had before. He will have to overcome obstacles and fight for survival as he grows.
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Vampire and the Implausible Cube
Valerie finds herself stranded in a fantastical land of magic, with unknown dangers and no possessions aside from a mysterious, Rubiks Cube-looking silver object that follows her around no matter where her adventures take her and proves to be an invaluable, albeit stoic travel companion. However, things aren't as simple as they first seem, as she soon discovers a newfound thirst for blood, a society built upon strength to combat the oddly intelligent and cunning amalgamations of various creatures cropping out of the woodwork, as well as a hatred for all creatures magical; including her. Author's Note: Just a fun little side project that popped up in my mind after reading a bunch of isekai and wanting to write my own. If there turns out to be demand, however, then I shall turn this into my main project and deliver content more regularly. Join me on my brand new community discord server: https://discord.gg/HDWXyRVQAQ
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Indomitable Marvel
-This is a wish-fulfillment story that is in the MCU universe and will follow the MCU in my own way. The goal is to blend my story in and around the MCU. -It will be a while, a very long while before I get to the actual MCU storyline. -The story may seem a bit slow depending on what you're after. -Updates will be slow. -He does not start op. -Be warned I'm a below-average writer, I need to work on my details and wording, and probably everything else. Expect quality fluctuations. -((( Useful feedback is much appreciated. ))) -This will have a harem since my last story didn't have one. --Expect badly written lemon scenes. They will be marked for an easy skip for those who don't want to read it. If you can handle all that, then welcome aboard. -The Asgardian Theoric is about to get a second chance. [[[ https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Theoric_(Earth-616) ]]] -The story starts before the MCU where he will grow his abilities on his way to becoming indomitable. -1st volume: Prologue -2nd volume: Troll War - (ch.12-59)-3rd volume: Hidden Forces - (ch. 60-???)-4th volume: Olympians-5th volume: Mutants-6th volume: MCU-7th volume: Darkness???-8th volume: ??? ___________________________________To help answer some questions people might have. - No beast companions and as of right now no plans for beast companions. (But then again Hela does have Fenris...)- No kingdom-building,- The beginning of the story puts a lot of people off because I didn't go the normal route people would like, and they don't tend to like the troll arc.- He also starts a little rash and seems a little weak because his powers easily drain him, some of this is explained later though and fixed by Gaea, but many miss this and only concentrate on the fact that he isn't being and doing what they think he should.- I should also explain that he has some memories that were locked away and then deleted because of his rashness. This was simply a way to end the whole locked memory thing, the Acanti soul was a plot point to give him future memories of the MCU, beyond that it served no more purpose so I got rid of all the other useless knowledge, He was in no way nerfed as some would like to believe.- I made him a little more emotional then I would like at the beginning, it was my attempt at trying to give him a personality after being criticized for the lack thereof in my last story. - Ruthless? I don't think so, I'm going more the route of a fair Mc. He'll do more of an eye for an eye type stuff, gender does not matter to him when it comes to this.- While the harem isn't the end all be all goal, it's true that he's going around getting women.- I do have a story beyond the harem though and will not focus too heavily on the harem beyond the obvious. Mostly he just goes around sleeping with them and beyond that is anyone's guess whether they stick around or not, I do try and make it feel a little more real, but it is a harem. ___________________________________ -I have also posted this story on Royal Road and Wattpad.
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blood tax
It's a huge world with magic, chivalry, adventure, war, and insurmountable transparent barriers.It is a world of sword and magic, love and betrayal, soul and steel.
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you're mine.. forever~ (obsessive yandere boyfriend x reader)
It's my first story so i hope you like it <>(English is not my first language)
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