《HER NIKOLAI (Her Volkovs Book 1)》Chapter 5. Dangerously In Love.
"Okay so tell me more about Nikolai."
Suddenly the smile on his face decipated like he's going to tell me a tragedy.
"Nikolai was born in Russia. He did not know his mother because his father took him from her when he was a baby. And the old man made sure that Nikolai did not have any connection with her. Eventually, his father met someone here. They had a baby when Nikolai was about three years old. Her name was Yelena."
"Nikolai was molded by his father to become like him. He was his only son and heir to a growing empire that the old man built. His father was a ruthless man. He taught Nikolai everything. Nikolai on the other hand looked up to his father with admiration. His father died when my brother was twenty one. He was devastated when his father died but he did not have much time to grieve, he knew that he had to continue the legacy of his father at a very young age. He knows that his father's enemies are just prowling around waiting for the Volkov empire to crumble down. At a young age, he was left with an enormous responsibilty and a huge shoes to fill in. At that point, Nikolai became known in our world as VOLKOV, only son of Vyachelsav Roustam Volkov, both respected and feared."
I feel like my heart is being crushed. My Nikolai has been hurting. I wish I was there for him during the darkest times his life.
I was still processing everything that Alexei said. "What do you mean your world? Are you talking about Volkov Holdings?"
"Princess, there are truths in life that are better told by the right person. I have already shared too much. Perhaps in the future you can ask Volkov yourself."
"What about Yelena? Nikolai's half-sister? Where is she?"
"She died two years ago. Nikolai felt responsible for her death. She was his only family left. He thinks it's his fault that she died. The media and the police think it was an accident."
"What do you mean?"
"We believe it was a hit. Same as what happened to Vyacheslav and my father."
The questions in my mind keep on piling. I'm more confused and curious now.
"You mean they were murdered?"
"We believe so. Let Volkov tell you the whole story himself in time."
Alexei's right. Maybe in time. All I know is that Nikolai is hurting. I decided to let it go.
"How about you Alexei. How did you and Nikolai know each other?
"My father was Vyacheslav's right hand. He was the only person whom Vyacheslav would trust with his life. My father died together with Vyacheslav. Nikolai and I grew up together. Were like brothers. I trust Nikolai with my life same as Nikolai trusts me with his."
My perception of Alexei somehow changed. I suddenly feel bad for being bitchy to him.
"Uhm, Alexei..." I hugged him tight. "Thank you."
"Thank you for what princess?"
"Thank you for being with Nikolai all these years and for saving me a while ago from those men."
"No problem. And since you somehow have an idea about who Nikolai is, you must understand that you are part of his life now. And he will be protective of you, perhaps overprotective. I have never seen him like this before. To be honest, your effect on him is quite scary."
"What do you mean scary?"
"Let me put it this way. When Nikolai puts his head into something, the man becomes relentless. This time it's different, with you, it involves the heart. I can't even start to imagine what Nikolai is capable of. I have seen him lost it when his father died and again two years ago when Yelena died. All hell broke loose. Before you came into his life, the organization was the only thing that keeps him alive but now he has found another purpose and it's you. Just give him a chance. I can see that you got it bad as well princess."
I stood up and placed my plate in the sink, I know that Alexei will see the truth in my eyes. Am I really in love with Nikolai? I remember his touch and his kisses. Deep inside me wishes what Alexei said is true.
I try to change the subject. "Uhm how old are you Alexei?"
"I'm twenty eight, Nikolai is three months older than me."
"By the way, you're not sleeping here since your door is destroyed."
"Hum I wonder why?" I retorted sarcastically. Alexei just smiled.
"Ill have this fixed tomorrow, meanwhile you have to come with me, your room is ready at Nikolai's."
I suddenly panicked. At Nikolai's house? Is he kidding me? No way!
"Uhhh well don't bother, I can sleep upstairs. There would be no problem, I'd be safe there."
"You mean with Sawyer? I wonder how Volkov would react if he knows that Sawyer is in fact in college and not just a little boy?"
"Who said Sawyer is a little boy? You mean Nikolai thought that Sawyer was a kid? I did not lead him to believe that. He just assumed. And besides, Sawyer is like a brother to me. "
Alexei snorted "Is there a brother who refers to his sister as his girlfriend?"
"Yeah, that's right. Your little brother has a crush on you princess. And he was highly territorial about it." Alexei snorted. "He's lucky he's on a wheelchair, I would have punch him in the face to put some sense on him."
"Alexei, I swear if anything happens to him I would hate you or anyone who would hurt him forever! You don't know what he is going through right now."
"Well what?!" Im confused. And I'm really tired both physically and mentally. I did not argue with Alexei anymore. We went to Nikolai's house after I took a shower. He brought me inside a huge room in the second floor adorned mostly with brown and black leather furniture. The room looks simple yet elegant. The floor is made of shiny wood and right in the middle is a king size bed covered with white pillows and a combination of white and dark green sheets with gold monogram V embossed on them.
After what has happened today, this bed is a nice consolation. I quickly took off my bra. Uggghh that feels so damn good. No bra day should be everyday. I turned off the lamp to my right and just a few minutes past I drifted off to sleep.
My eyes flickered from the small amount of sunlight peeking through the curtains. I was awaken by a familiar scent from behind me. I wanted to move but a tattooed armed is wrapped around my belly. I can also feel someone breathing on my nape. I panicked and quickly removed the arm from me. I struggle to find something to protect myself with. I was able to grab an alarm clock.
"Hey what's wrong?" It's Nikolai, he still looks sleepy and tired. It was however too late as I was able to hurl the alarm clock towards his head before I could even realize that it was him. Dammit, I hit him like a pro!
"Owwwww." Nikolai exclaimed. Oh god, he looked seriously hurt.
"Oh my gosh." I quickly ran towards him. "I am soooo sorry Nikolai. You startled me, I didn't know it was you. Oh my gosh you are bleeding."
"It's okay. Good morning baby." He said while looking at me with a smile on his face. Oh Nikolai, I have hurt you and all but you still manage to be sweet.
"Where's your medicine kit?"
"Over there at the cabinet to the right. The bottom case."
When I opened the bottom case I see a gun and beside it is a small pouch with a green cross on it. I quickly grabbed the kit and paced back to Nikolai. We are now sitting face to face on the corner of the bed. The blood is dripping from his left side of the forehead down to his cheek. I took a generous amount of cotton and put it directly to the wound.
"Here put pressure on it to stop the bleeding." I took his hand and guided it to the right spot. "There." I can see from the corner of my eye that Nikolai was staring at me but I did not let it bother me, I went back to unwrapping the gauze and the bandage. I was able to put a stop to the bleeding and cleaned the wound. I also wiped clean the blood on his left cheek.
Now that my panic is gone I noticed that Nikolai is wearing a white cotton shirt and a dark blue boxers. His hair looked disheveled but it still suits him well.
Does this mean we slept together last night? Was I that tired that I didn't even notice him cuddle me all night?
"Come here." He signaled me to sit on his lap.
Suddenly I feel the blood rush to my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck while I try to gaze down in embarrassment.
"You were ignoring me last night." Nikolai's voice is sweet and still husky. Goodness, he smells so damn good!
I did not even try to deny it I just stayed quiet. I dare not to look at his eyes. I didn't know what to say.
"I was right to worry because from what I have heard, you got yourself into trouble again." Nikolai said so gently.
"Alexei is really talkative." I retorted. It made Nikolai laugh from his stomach.
"What am I going to do with you?" He said, while wrapping his arms around me.
"I miss you." Is all I can answer. I didn't know what else to say. I feel like I'm floating in the air.
He removed me from his embrace and he slowly lowered me to bed. "Look me in the eyes baby." Nikolai is now on top of me. He slowly lowered his head to kiss me. The feeling was just like the first time. It is surreal.
"You're mine. These lips are mine." Nikolai said while giving me small kisses. "Ya lyublyu tebya."
"Hmm?" I murmured, trying to figure out what he just said to me but he just softly chuckles in response.
Nikolai's body pressed me even harder to his bed. He then cups my face and landed a long sweet kiss on my lips. "You have no idea how much I want you. You're mine."
I feel like suffocating as the weight of his body squishes me hard against the bed.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Uhmm, I can't breathe Nikolai." I swear I feel like I'm turning purple already.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry." He releases me from his tight arms and he rose to his knees. "Are you okay?"
While I still lay on his bed, I notice his tattoo peeking outside his collar down to his right arm reaching to his wrist.
"Enjoying the view yet?" He said teasingly.
"Ha! I can ask you the same question, sir!"
"Hahaha, trust me I have been enjoying since last night."
I gasped in horror. "What do you mean?!? What did you do to me?"
He crossed his arms and acted arrogantly. "What can I do, when I got home I found sleeping beauty on my bed. It's the opportunity of the lifetime."
"Nikolai! What did you do!" I said, almost yelling at him.
"Hahaha! Knock knock."
"Seriously? I was asking you a question Nikolai Vyacheslav Volkov!"
"Just humor me Mary Arabella Galves."
"How did you know my full name? I don't have social media accounts and I'm sure as hell I didn't tell you that information."
"I have ways." He quickly brushed off my question and pinned both my hands tight to the bed effectively immobilizing me.
"Knock knock."
I let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine! Who's there?"
"The man who placed a hickey somewhere on your body." He suddenly unpinned my hands and went to the bathroom.
I opened my mouth in disbelief. "What!?! You're lying! And by the way, that's not how a knock knock joke works!" I yelled at him.
I looked at the mirror and scanned my body for any sign of hickey but I see none. He's bluffing.
He went out of the bathroom and sat on the chair directly behind me. I can see his reflection in the mirror and he's smirking like a puppy. Suddenly his phone rang and he went to the other side of his room near the windows.
"Set the meeting before lunch." He then closed the call.
I am now scanning the room looking for my bra. It's around here somewhere.
"What are you looking for?"
"Uhh.. something private."
"Like this?" He's holding my black lace balconette bra on his right hand.
"Give it to me."
My mouth parted in horror when he puts my bra on his nose and sniffs it like a maniac.
"Nikolai!!!!! You're sick!" I yelled at him but he ignores me and continues to sniff it like it's some kind of a drug.
"Hmmmmm....You're right baby, I'm sick. Love sick."
I'm glad to see a playful Nikolai. He looks carefree and genuinely happy. I recall what Alexei told me about Nikolai and I have already decided. I will make this work with him.
"What time is it?"
"It's almost nine."
"What?! Oh my gosh I have to go." I run my fingers through my hair and collected my hair to a messy bun.
"Have breakfast with me first? My head aches." He's pointing at the bandage on his forehead. I can't believe he's using the guilt card right now.
"I promise Ill make it up to you. Now hand me my bra."
"No! Why are you on a hurry anyway?"
"It's Sawyer, I'm sure he's been expecting me like two hours ago."
Nikolai's mood suddenly changed. Geeez..
"I want you to stop with whatever you're doing with that Sawyer."
"Nikolai, Sawyer needs my help. And besides, Lorraine, his mum would be arriving today from the trip. I wont be spending as much time with him anymore. And I will start teaching at St. Mary's tomorrow so you don't have to act all grumpy about Sawyer."
"I still don't want you to see him from now on."
Alexei must have told Nikolai about his encounter with Sawyer last night. Dammit Alexei! Sawyer is just a lonely kid. I'm sure he didn't mean a single word that he said about me.
"We'll talk about this later, I promise. Now my bra please? Unless you want me to go downstairs bra less"
"Put this on." He handed it to me at once.
"Good boy. Now turn around I'm just gonna put this on, no peeking!" I scolded him.
"What, no way!" Said Nikolai like a stubborn child.
I looked at him sternly. Nikolai lets out a sigh and finally gave in. I gave him a kiss hoping it would somehow ease him down.
"I have to go."
"If you will not do it. I will have to do it my way." Nikolai sounded certain. I ignored his words. Ill deal with him later. As of now, Sawyer must have been starving and most importantly he has to take his meds on time.
As I walk downstairs, I see Alexei and Boris in the kitchen.
"Hey princess, you're leaving?"
"Yep. I have to go. Good morning." I went past them dashed to the front door and ran towards Sawyer's.
Is this really happening? Volkov left by a girl in his own fucking bedroom. Wow!
Shut the fuck up.
Hey bro, I'm just saying. I never thought that this day would come. And what the fuck is that in your head? Is that blood? Did she?
She hit me with the alarm clock.
Unfuckingbelievable! Not even one day in the relationship and you get battered. Damn Boss. Do I have to call Marcus? It looks pretty bad.
I don't have time. I have a meeting at VH in a while.
You know for a man who got hit by an alarm clock, you look disturbingly happy. You really got it bad don't you?
This Sawyer kid...
He's not gonna be a problem. I mean at least for now, since he's on a wheelchair. It looks like he's into her but your girl is completely oblivious about it. When I took his phone, I found pictures of Belle, lots of it. The kid is obsessed with her. When I asked him why he had her pictures, he told me Belle's his girlfriend. He's completely lost it bro. Reminds me of you. Ha!
I told her to stop seeing him but she's too stubborn.
Do you want me to take care of it?
No, I got this. How about that Dylan you met in the clinic?
I found out he's an mma fighter. He once made it to mainstream but went back to underground fighting. He's under Arkady. We can have him destroyed. Just give me the signal.
No. Not now.
When are you planning to tell her? She's been asking me questions, and your girl can be quite persistent.
In due time.
By the way, Yuri will be back from Boston tonight. I heard he's got some news. Let's just hope it will finally lead us to whoever screwed us over.
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