《Pyar Ki Love Story | Short Stories | 1st Book |》ℕ𝕚𝕜𝕜𝕒𝕙 💐 |✓|(Requested.)



Mehek Arif, grown up in Western country doesn't know any of her relatives, now suddenly her father wants to travel back to India but why? That's the question she was asking herself in whole duration from Canada to India.

She heard the announcement that they have reached India, when she stepped out from plane she was met with the gentle wind that blew her hair, it instantly made her mood cheerfull she loves it when wind blows her hair.

When they entered the house she thought whole village is there to meet them but she was wrong it was a joint family, her family?

Everyone welcomed them with open arms she thought she will faint if she had to meet yet another family member. For a introvert like Mehek she couldn't stay in a room with more then three people.

When everyone went to their respective room, two brothers who had met after decade decided to talk.

"If Mehek come to know about this she will hate me." Arif Hussain said

"What we did wasn't wrong, our kids are will understand it in time." Atif Hussain said, they talked for some more time and decided not to tell anything to their kids.

In the middle of the night she woke up because of power cut,

With groan she opened the window of her room that she was sharing with her cousin sister Esha,

"What happened?" Esha woke up from her slumber

"Mehek?" When she saw Mehek, her sleep flew away. Mehek knew right now she is looking like a clown with the sweat falling from her forehead and her cheeks and nose red that was given by mosquitoes.

"Wait let me get some repellent." Esha said and left the room, few minutes later Esha still hadn't returned and now Mehek was thirsty she also left the room to get some water.


In darkness only moon luminous helped her to reach kitchen, she opened the fridge and take water bottle, she didn't bothered to take galss and drank water from bottle,

When she placed the bottle again in the fridge she grab an apple and was about to left when she saw a figure.

"Ghost." She shouted throwing the apple on the figure she quickly left,

"Where were you?" Esha asked when she saw Mehek in the room, panting Mehek narrated her everything,

"I think it was Imad Bhai not ghost." Laughing Esha said,

"Oh no." As the words left Mehek's mouth the fan on the ceiling started.

"Lo light aagai." Esha said,

"Esha please don't tell him it was me." Mehek has not met Imad yet but she heard from some members being an IPS officer he is hot-tempered


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