《Royal sonic ( sonic x reader)》Finale


when you saw hom all you did was glared at him " leave me alone " you said and walked off .He appeared,and appeared again then you embarrassed him by beat him up in front of everyone because he wouldn't take the hint then you an hecsaba had a victory drink on the boat on the way to cameolt.

(Present day)

All of you we're back at the castle preparing for the dragons to attack you were a little nervous. Sonic came in "hey you alright ( y/) he asked looked at you worriedly "I'm okay just preparing for this battle me and hecsaba been through a lot of things but we never fought an army of dragons ... Sonic I really like you and I've grown to care for you I just want everyone to make it I .. want us to make it " Sonic looked at you an all of a sudden kissed you and pulled you close to him and you kissed back . "Don't you worry ( y//n) we can do this And I'm stronger than I look , now common everyone else is waiting on us you too held hands and met with the others " we are evacuating the people migrating them to the South ,we are setting up canons and men to the middle setting them to the east and west and some of the middle and we'll- "Lancelot was saying but interrupted by an by some type of earth quake and you all heard someone screaming 'dragons' "we might just have to take are chances.. but we'll be in the positions as planned now common for CAMELOT! " You all return the battle cry and headed outside were the battle cry . But deep down you were nervous you never been in a what before let alone a dragon war you put on a little extra armor on . You quickly stopped getting lost in your train of thought as a dragon charged you . You had a sword and a shield your helmet was more in shape of a crown . You rolled out of the way and put your shield from getting hit from the fire breath. You managed to get behind the dragon and jumped on it's back then severed his head . All around you were the sounds of chaos ashes floating in the air . You started running to be with a group , you didn't want to get jumped by dragons . But all of a sudden a large dragon landed right in front of you making dust come off the ground harder for you to see then you gotten tail whipped making you rammed into a building felt like you might've broken something having you crashed your arms and ribs against the building the dust cleared you saw a form that wasn't a dragon it was she'rom ! You looked up at him with a straight face with him returning an evil smirk "I thought that was you in that cave... You know I'm glad that we got to meet again .." he looks around " where's your little friend or better question where's the king of Camelot " he said meeting your eye level " how about I embarrass you again this time around your little dragon friends " you smirked painfully he growled at you and then stop then started to chuckle " well I think your in no condition to do that besides I can't kill you now.. I saw the way you looked at that blue hedgehog I think you'll be the perfect volunteer to lure him out . He grabbed you by your injured arm and you help in pain. Mean while Sonic and the gang were fighting and slaying the dragons he stopped for a second and looked around "where's (y/n) ?! " Everyone had no idea where you went he turned to your friend hecsaba " HECS ! wheres (y/n) ?!" She stared up in the air and pointed " they got her .." he looked up and started chasing after you .she'rom landed in front of the castle you thrown on the ground making you go in and out of consciousness and sonic caught up easily and wasn't happy "King Sonic ,king of Camelot I'm here to take your crown and wipe out your people and make this world a dragon dominated world if you do not accept this challenge I'll eat (y/n) in front of your eyes and and just kill you anyway " he said then then all of the dragons that were still living circle around him and he was absorbing them turning into a huge dark black dragon with purple aura "I accept your challenge! Prepare to have your butt handed to ya!" Sonic said closed his eyes and he started glowing and golden armor covered his body fully and golden aura and they took the fight to the skies . Hecsaba found you going in and out" don't worry old friend well take good care of you " she said " but Sonic is he.. " you manage to say " he's fine but right now I don't think I can move you you took quite a beating just rest I promise Sonic will take care of this the others joined you two and looked up in the sky looking at the battle . Back and forth hit were being blown back and forth from each other Sonic powered up even more and managed to damage the judges dragons wings and it was crashing on to the ground while it was crashing to the ground he kept hitting it with heavy blows . The deal dragon was weakened but still wanted to fight "it's time to finish this " sonic said is sword started having an aura and slash the beast on it's chest and then one final slash on its back and then it turned back to a regular dragon then slowly back into a mobian at it's most weakened state . Lancelot, Gawain, and Percival met up with sonic . " What are you going to do with him Lord ?" Percival asked sonic shook his head and shrugged "I'm not sure ..I think we should keep him.. Im kinda interested about this dragon uprising thing ." Later you were finally fully conscious and you realized that you were in a bed " hey sleeping beauty you finally woke up" sonic said smiling widely holding your hand you smiled back at him "you had me worried about ya (y/n) ." You giggled "yeah well I'm stronger than I look " you said he leaned in for a kiss and you kissed him happily. You were happy together and you stayed with him and help home build the kingdom after the dragons had did some damaged and after a year you two were married and you became the new queen .



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