《Insane》Chapter 17


"Sh-show her?" I asked uncertainly. I didn't quite know how to react to that. I mean.....talk to a dead person? Talking to dead people is unnatural. It's just unnatural. I still nodded. She suddenly snapped her neck back, which frightened me. She then slowly, just slowly, turned back to me, her eyes shut tight. "S-Sophie?" Her eyes suddenly opened, revealing, not her usual blue, but dark green eyes.

She smiled, and spoke in a different voice than her's. "I'm not Sophie. My name's Catherine, or Cathy, and you're Alice, right?"

"Y-you know my name?"

She nodded. "Just as Sophie can see what I do, I can see what she does. It's normal for us." It must be so weird to be sharing a body.

"Umm....so, Cathy, how did you react when your dad put you into Sophie's body."

She frowned, and her neck suddenly snapped back again. "THE PAIN! THE UNBEARABLE MORTAL PAIN!" She shouted.....but it wasn't her. It wasn't Sophie's or Cathy's voice. It didn't even sound human, let alone childish. Cathy, or Sophie, just screamed in a low, demonic voice. Cathy turned back to me, and she just smiled, as if nothing happened. "It felt weird to be brought back. I wanted to convince my daddy that I shouldn't be there. That I would just cause him, and others, pain. It's because, if you bring back someone from the dead, a piece of them.......isn't them. It's something that shouldn't ever be in this world, you know? In the.......after-world, as you'd call it, there are souls like me, yes, but there are other things. There are the balances between the good and bad. There are angels and demons, as they are so well presented. The angels represent good, and the demons the bad, also known as life and death. This is why, when a soul is pulled back here, a piece of a demon is attached to the soul. It reminds them that they are still dead. The soul in the world of the living doesn't belong there. The demon causes me pain sometimes. it says, your home isn't this world anymore. I could choose to come back to that world, but I want to wait here a bit with Sophie. She's such a nice friend. She talks to me a lot."


It's really cute that a dead little girl has friends, but........wait.......how did it come to this? "C-Cathy......h-how........how did you get brought back into this world?" She looked suddenly frightened, as if she remembered something terrible. S

he looked down. "D-daddy......why? Why? Why did you do it?" she whispered quietly.

"Cathy, what did he do?"

"I-I....h-he.....he.........daddy did something terrible. He killed someone. He traded a soul for a soul. I told him it was wrong, I told him! He shouldn't have done that! But he wouldn't listen. He thought it was the only way to see me...." She looked down again, as tears slipped from her eyes. It is terrible. To kill someone just to see his own daughter. Then again..........wouldn't I do the same for my father? He's gone, yes, but if there was any way to see him, I would do it.

"What are you thinking about, Alice?" I looked up quickly. She was smiling again. I looked closely to see it was Sophie again. ".........my father......"

"What happened to your father?"

"He.......he was.......h-he was murdered."

"By whom?" I clenched my fists. "I don't know............" But if I find out, I swear, if I find out, whoever did it better start to fucking pray.

"I know." My eyes widened. It wasn't Sophie who said that. It was.............. I looked up. Sure enough, it was him. I didn't care if I was sick. I swear, I jumped out of bed and stood directly in front of him.

"Did..............did you do it?" He laughed insanely. My eyes widened again and I slammed him into the wall. I was standing there, pushing him against the wall. "I swear to god, I will kill you if it's the last thing I'll do."

He laughed again. "It wasn't me, Alice." He sang. I backed away from him.

"Then.....th-then who was it?"

He laughed. "The guy's dead now, anyway."

I clenched my fists again. "Yes, but who was it?"

He pointed at Sophie with the tip of his knife. "Dear old Cathy's father used him to get her back."

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