《Insane》Chapter 9


"I told you that you shouldn't pull off something like that again, Alice. Such a shame......" I tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He chuckled. "Trying to leave so soon? Where are your manners? And....." He raised his knife. ".....shouldn't you be happier?" My eyes widened and a surge of adrenaline rushed through me. I pushed him off with that and quickly ran to my next class. Mixed languages. It's this lesson in my school where we learn languages, and the language we speak varies every week. I walked in, and guess who was there? Patrick was sitting there, right next to the only free spot in the room left. I walked over, and sat down. "D'you know which language we're having?" I asked.

"Nah, I thought you'd know." he answered. I shook my head. Soon after, the french teacher walked in.

"Bonjour, enfants! Asseyez-vous!"(sit down)

Me and Patrick were walking to the apartment, when he noticed I was always glancing around myself.

"Are you ok, Alice?" I turned to him.

"W-what? Oh, yeah, I am."

"Sorry, you just looked so worried." I just shrugged it off, and we went to my house.

"Hello, dear." I heard my mom, but her voice quivered.

"Can you.....can you maybe sit in the living room, Patrick? It's just down the hall, and I'll be there in a second." He shrugged, but agreed. I went to the kitchen, but she wasn't there. I went to her room to find her sitting on the bed, crying. "M-mom? Are you ok?" She looked at me with her teary eyes.

"First your dad, then Louise. Why is this happening to me? I can't believe it, Alice. I'm probably going to turn around one day and find you gone, too." It broke my heart seeing her like this. It's heartbreaking to see your own mother cry. I thought at first that loss of a friend wouldn't be that bad, but then I thought what life would be like without Tara. It would be ruined. My life without at least one person other than my mother? The one person who can always cheer me up? It's just....unimaginable. Especially since Tara really changed my life, and even my mother's, for the better.


** Here I am. Eight years old, and my father's dead. Just...dead. He has been for two years. It was as if my mom had told me only yesterday, though. Just....so much pain. I was in the local park on a bench, crying as I held a picture of my dad. I swear to god I will kill whoever did this to him. Why? My dad....was murdered.

"Hello!" I heard a bright voice. I looked up and saw an auburn-haired girl standing in front of me. I forgot that people can still be happy. "Are you ok?" I nodded a bit. She frowned. "I don't believe you." She looked at the picture. "Is that your dad?" I held the picture close to me, and nodded, only to start crying again. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see that girl again. "It'll be ok, I bet. He's still with you. That's what mommy told me when uncle died. What's your name?"

"A-Alice, and your's?"

She smiled. "My name's Tara! I bet we'll be great friends! Do you want to come over to my place?" I thought for a bit, then nodded, smiling a bit. She smiled again, and led me to her parents. She introduced me, and we went over to her house. I seriously thought that she's the happiest person on earth. She's really fun to be around. She walked with me to me and my mom's apartment, and we were laughing when we walked through the door. Mom had never quite gotten over daddy's death, but she was always happy. She's a really optimistic person.

"Is this your new friend, Alice?" I nodded, smiling widely.

I don't know what my life would be like if she hadn't brightened it up. She really always laughs, always listens. She's just a great friend. I tried to be the same with my mother.


"It'll all be alright. We can always do something! Should we go to the movies tomorrow? The Christmas break starts then!" She looked a bit happier when she heard my enthusiasm. It was still just heartbreaking. Her eyes were still so red and puffy. It was sad. "Mom, I...I have a friend with me. Is it ok if we go to the park?"

She nodded. "It's great that you're managing to find new friends so quickly, Alice!" I smiled, and walked into the living room. Patrick was sitting there, skyping with someone.

"Hey, Patrick." He looked up. "Is it ok if we go to the park?"

"Alright." I heard a voice from his phone.

"Awe, man, did you already get a girlfriend? Take it easy, you've only been in the place for a day!" I laughed a bit.

"She's not my girlfriend, man. Alright?" He pointed the camera at me, then back at himself.

"Alright." His friend replied. They then hung up.

We were at the park when Patrick noticed my glances again.

"Are you being stalked or something?" I froze. He looked confused for a split second, but then his eyes widened. "By whom?" he whispered.

"Didn't I tell you that I prefer the term 'followed'?" I heard that voice. I didn't think he'd come in broad daylight. Why would he risk being seen? I turned around to see him, a gray hoodie covering his face. That question's answered. A wave of rage went through me.

"YOU!" He tilted his head, and asked with a mocking voice. "What did I do?" I seriously walked up to him and punched him right in the stomach. "You're the one who brought my mom into this state. You're the one who did this. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO RUINED MY LIFE!" With those words I punched him again. And again. Until he caught my hand. He looked up, and his eyes were literally like black holes. They were fucking intimidating. "Do you really think that hurts? I haven't felt any physical pain in years, Alice. None at all." He pushed me, and I fell onto the ground. "You'll regret this." He spoke with, not as much insanity anymore, but with such dark, pure rage, and then, suddenly, he was gone. I stood up, and Patrick was standing there with wide eyes, and he was leaning back a bit, as if he would be ready to fall at any moment. He just looked at me. "W-what the fuck did I just see?"

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