《His Ava》Chapter 9


As I leave the room, I keep thinking about what just happened inside. Adrian's sister, Lydia saw me at the party. I didn't think anyone else other than Ben's friends would have noticed me. Then I hear someone call me.

"Ava, wait". I turned around to see that it was Lydia.

"Yes, do you need something? ", I asked her

"We are having a welcome home party for my grandfather tomorrow and my grandfather told me to invite you" she said.

"Me?" I was confused.

"Yes, he told me that you took good care of him and wants you to come to the party"

I was still confused about what to say. "Please don't make him upset. He will be happy if you come, " She said again.

"Umm...Ok," I said, still unsure.

"Great, give me your number, I will text you the address"

I gave her my number and she texted me the address.

"Okay Thanks, meet you tomorrow. Also, don't worry, we are nice people, we won't bite you", She said laughing and I too laughed at that.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Checking on the patients and then I assisted in one surgery. After that my shift ended and I decided to meet Ben to ask his opinion. I know I said ok, but I am still unsure if I should go or not. So I quickly typed a text to Ben.

Ava: Are you free? Can I come over now?

Ben: Yeah. Sure

I get in the car and go to Ben's home. I ring the doorbell and Ben opens the door.

"Hi Ben"

"Hi, Ava. Come in", he said hugging me

I go inside and see Daniel in the kitchen.

"Hi Daniel"

"Hi, Ava. How are you"

"I am good. How are you? How was your LA trip"


"I am fine and the trip was good. Had dinner?", he asked me

"No, just coming from the hospital", and at that moment my stomach growled.

"Ok so do you want to have spaghetti and meatballs"

"Sure", I grinned. We started having dinner.

"So what brings you here on a weekday", he said sitting on the chair

"Can't I come to visit my best friend", I replied acting hurt

"You can, but you rarely do. So what's bothering you". I was about to tell him but he asked again. "Is it Josh? Did he do something?"

"It has nothing to do with him"


"I told you that Henry Kingston had surgery right"

"Yes", he said scrunching his eyebrows

"He got discharged today and Adrian's sister, Lydia..." but Ben cut me off.

"Wait, Adrian?", Ben asking raising his eyebrow

"Yeah, we talked and he told me to call him Adrian", I replied blushing.

"And you thought that it wasn't important to tell me that first. Tell me what happened Ava, I want all the details", he said rubbing his hands

"Nothing happened Ben, I was the attending doctor and he just asked me about his grandfather's health"

"Are you sure there is nothing else? ", he asked

"What else would be there? It's not like he is interested in me or something", I sigh. "So back to the point, Lydia told me that they are having a party tomorrow for their grandfather and that his grandfather invited me to the party."

"Oh and one more thing she told me that she saw me at your office party", I said remembering that.

"Wow, so what did you say? "

"I said I will come....." and I trailed off.

"Yeah, I am sending a but here and I don't like that"


"I am not sure if I should go or not", I said scratching my head.

"It's just a party, Ava. Just go, don't overthink it", Daniel said. I looked at Ben and he nodded his head to that.

"You can wear that peach dress we bought last week. It will be perfect.", Daniel said smiling.

"Ok I will", I smiled.

After that, I went home. I went to my closet to check the dress that Daniel had told me about. It was good that I recently did some shopping. I quickly took out a peach dress. It was floor-length, sleeveless, and had a halter-neck. He was right, it would be perfect.

I woke up the next day and got ready to go to the hospital. As I started the car it wasn't starting. I tried for some more time but it was of no use. Out of all the days, why should my car stop working today? I groan inwardly. I don't have time to take it for repair so I leave it and take a cab to the hospital.

After my shift, I quickly came back home. I get ready and book a cab. After a while, the cab arrives and I get into it. We reached there in 20 minutes. I get down and look at the beautiful house. It was so huge like a mansion. A middle-aged woman opens the door.

"The party is in the garden back. Let me take you there". I get inside nervously. It is so beautiful inside. Everything screams wealth. As I enter the garden, I see Lydia coming towards me.

"Hey Ava", she waves, coming near me.

"Hey Lydia", I replied giving a small smile.

"I am glad that you came. Let's go meet my grandpa, he will be happy to meet you", Lydia said smiling.

"Ok", I reply and follow her.

"Hi Mr. Kingston", I greet him.

"Hi Ava dear, good to meet you again. Please enjoy the party and if my granddaughter troubles you, you can tell me", he said.

"I don't trouble anyone", Lydia replied with a pout. I smiled looking at her. She took me to her mom

"Mom, this is Ava"

"Hi Mrs. Kingston", I said

"Hi Ava", she looked confused. Lydia whispered something and then she smiled.

"Oh please, call me Vanessa", and then someone called her.

"I will talk to you later. Have fun", she said and left.

"Do you want something to drink", Lydia asked me

"I will have some juice"

She got me juice and wine for her.

"So how's life as a doctor. Stressful?"

"I am still doing my residency. It is stressful with the shifts and all. In the beginning, it was quite difficult but now after three years you just get used to it"

"Wow, I don't think that I can give up my sleep for anything. I am an interior designer in my brother's company"

"I will be back in a minute", she said and left. She is full of energy. I can see that she would be a good friend of mine.

I just stood there and looked around. They have arranged a barbecue. There are so many people, and kids running around. It's a big family. Everyone was talking and laughing. At times like these, I miss my family.

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