《Helluva Harem》Shining Star


Y/n: Man I can't fuckin believe this.

Octavia: Bummer.

You arrived at the music shop only to see that it was closed.

Y/n: Well there goes this afternoons plans.

Octavia: I mean, we could do that celebration thing you wanted to do today instead.

Y/n: You think?

Octavia: Yeah, just let me makes some phone calls, you text the group on who can come.

Y/n: Alright sweet.


Everyone responds in different forms of yes.

Y/n: .




Y/n: .


You then headed back inside your car, Octavia still on the phone with somebody. You decide to drive to a local arcade.

Octavia: Well I booked an entire restaurant. Wasn't easy but atleast having some sort of royale status helps.

Y/n: Sweet. Can you do me a favor a send all the info to the Group, you know like time and place.

Octavia: Sure no problem. So where we heading?

Y/n: Arcade I saw awhile back, we can kill some time here.

Octavia: I guess, I kind of just wanted to go chill at your place and sleep. We have to be at the place by 9 and it's currently 1.

Y/n: We can do that to. Maybe we can grab a light snack on the qy. I'm pretty hungry.

Octavia: I could eat, you want some burgers?

Y/n: Sure.

Not driving to far from your original destination, you found a fast food burger chain. You ordered 2 burgers and 2 drinks. You then drove to your apartment.

Entering your apartment, you turned on the TV. The channel your watching is showing a bunch of demons, presumably friends, doing stupid things and extreme stunts.

You sat on your couch and set the food in the table. Octavia sits right next to you, already eating a couple of fries.

Octavia: So, how do you feel? About this whole situation, becoming an overlord and such.


Y/n: Honestly, I feel no different, all that really changed is that people now know I exist.

Octavia: I get what you mean.

Y/n: Who even decides if you're a overlord anyways?

Octavia: The people, that's how some people like Valentino and Alastor came into power.

Y/n: Of course, they also have entire industries owned by them.

Octavia: True, We just need to figure out what you can run.

Y/n: Again I'm not really big into owning businesses.

Octavia: You know it doesn't have to be a business, it can be any type of media.

Y/n: I guess.

Octavia: Whatever you choose Y/n, I know you'll be good at it. You're smart and I know you can make that decision on your own.

Y/n: Thank your highness for your owe so grateful praise.

Octavia:[Smiling] You're welcome. Now let's eat.

Octavia then takes a huge chomp out of her burger, cheese falls down her lip, you immediately grabbed your phone and took a picture. It was the cutest shit you have ever seen. Octavia just gives you an eye roll and smiles.

You then joined her in eating, the meal was mediocre at best but it taste better when you ate with Octavia. After finishing up your last bite, Octavia grabs your hand and takes you the bedroom. She pushes you over bed and falls next to you on the bed.

Octavia: Did I ever tell you that I love you?

Y/n: A lot, but it still feels fresh in my mind.

Octavia: You know Y/n, have you ever tried dabbling in art?

Y/n: I love art. Here let me show you something.

You reached under your mattress pulling out a sketch journal, you haven't used it as of late but some sketches are still pretty fresh.

Y/n: Be aware. I'm no van Gogh or Picasso. I never really never went for with art but I scribble ideas.


Octavia:[Looking into the journal] Wow Y/n.... These are terrible.

Y/n:[Laughing] See what I tell ya.

Octavia: I'm joking dummy. Of course you can practice, but atleast what I can tell what you're trying to draw. The main issue I see you have is coloring.

Y/n: Yeah I'm not big on colors, which is fucked up cause I've been going to this one spot I know to graffiti.

Octavia: You've been practicing graffiti?

Y/n: Yeah I've been tagging places time to time. Mostly just Alley ways. Why, you interested?

Octavia: Yeah! I think graffiti is badass!

Y/n: Yeah it is, who doesn't love defacing buildings.

Octavia: Hey! You think you can take me to the spot you practice?

Y/n: Sure! It's actually not that far from here. You want to go Right now, we have a quite a bit of time.

Octavia: Let's go right now![Laughing] C'mon get up lard ass.

Y/n: Alright alright I'm getting up, C'mon follow me.

You opened your window and started climbing up the buildings exterior.

Octavia:[Nervous] W-what are you doing?

Y/n: Going to my spot of course!

Octavia: You climb all the time?

Y/n: Yeah, why? You being chicken. Gonna get all scared.

Octavia: N-no it's just that I have never done urban exploring.

Y/n: There's a first for everything starlight, C'mon I'll help you up.

After a few minutes of teaching Octavia how to climb up buildings you finally reached the roof of your apartment complex. Octavia notices the roof access door.

Octavia: You asshole, there's a door right here!

Y/n: What! It's fun to climb.

Octavia: Ok I have to admit it was pretty fun...

Y/n: Yeah it is.

Octavia:[Confused] So this is the spot you tag? Looks pretty empty.

Y/n: Oh no starlight. This is just the beginning, the spot is actually [Pointing to a building off in the distance] is over there.

You then started running and jumped to the next roof.

Y/n: C'mon Via, we ain't got all day! If you jump I'll make it up to you!

Octavia:[Whispering] Ugh, if I love through this I'm gonna kill him.

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