《Soulmates | S.M.》6


Like Andrew told me, Shawn came exactly five minutes later. I stood up from the couch as he walked in and gave him a hug, both of us sitting back down afterwards.

"Hi" He said, a full smile on his face, causing me to grin.

"Hey. You seem incredibly happy"

"I am. I'm excited for the concert tonight and I'm even more excited that you're here" He reached over the side of the couch, grabbing his acoustic guitar from its case. Resting it on his lap, he began strumming and singing one of his unreleased songs.

"Stuck on You?" I asked.

"You know it?"

"Of course I know it. All of your fans are waiting for it by the way"

He chuckled and continued singing the entirety of the song. Once he was finished, he asked "What do you think?"

"Better than anything I could have ever imagined. Are you ever going to release it?"

"As soon as I can, I'm going to go record it. I just got done perfecting the lyrics this morning" He continued to strum random melodies as I just watched him in complete awe.

A couple of minutes later, a random person, I'm assuming one of the stage managers, passed by the room informing Shawn that he had thirty minutes until the show started.

"Before I go out" He stood up from the couch, getting his things ready. "I wanted to ask if you would like to go out to dinner or something after the show"

"That sounds good!"

"Like. On a date"

"A date" I stated back, almost question-like.

"You can take some time to think about it. But yeah. A date" He went over to me, holding both of my hands. "I know we've only just met but. I like you, Alana. And I want to get to know you"

"Wow" I said, dumbfounded.

"I know it's a lot to take in. At least I think. If you don't want to then I'm totally fine with that"

"I-" I stared at him, with that same look of surprise. He looked at the clock above the door. "I should be heading out know"

I snapped out of my temporary trance. "Good luck. Or break a leg? How about an arm? I'm not sure how it works in the music business"

He chuckled at that as we both walked out of the dressing room.

After the concert...

"YOU WERE AMAZING" I yelled as Shawn approached me backstage.


"Why are you yelling?" He said, laughing.

"Sorry" I regained some stability in my hearing. "Sitting right next the speakers really messes with your hearing"

Shawn put away his guitar and said thank you to the band and staff.

"So. Have you decided"

"Yes, I have decided"


"And. I say yes"

"Yes?" He looked at me, the widest grin on is face.

"Yes" I smiled back.

"Come on" He took my hand, leading me out the building to my car.

"Now?" I asked.

"If not now, when? Here" He said, holding out his hand palm side up.

"What? You want me to hold it? I think it's a little too early for that"

He snorted. "Your keys. We need to get into the car to actually go somewhere"

"Oh. Right" I pulled my keys out of my bag, unlocking the doors, and proceeded to open the drivers side but Shawn put his hand on the door and stopped me.

I looked up at him. "What?"

"If this were a proper date, don't you think I would be the one driving?"

"You? Driving my precious car? Unheard of"

"What do you mean? I'm a good driver"

"Nobody. And I mean nobody has ever driven my car besides me"

"Let me be the first"

He looked at me and I looked at him and finally gave in. "Fine. You're lucky I somewhat trust you"

I started to walk to the passenger side of the car when I got cut off by Shawn running towards the door and opening it for me. "Wow" I smiled. "A gentleman. Thank you"

He walked back around the car and into the drivers seat. "Are you ready?" He smiled, looking at me before adjusting the mirrors. He started the car and Mutual started playing.

"Hmmm. Can't get enough of me, can you?"

"Mmmm. Depends. Have you heard Shawn Mendes' music? He's a pretty good artist"

"Ha ha" He said sarcastically.

After about five minutes of driving, we arrived at a small Italian restaurant.


"You don't like?"

"No. I LOVE Italian food"

"Good. I saw it on my way to the hotel last night. Hoping the food is great"

We got out of the car, went inside the restaurant, and got seated. Shawn ordered fettuccini Alfredo while I ordered spaghetti and meatballs.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Hmm?" He asked mid-bite.

"I'm freaking out"

He finished the chunk of food he put into his mouth. "What why?"


"I- I've spent a long time listening to your music, watching your interviews, etc. And it's so weird to me how you, Shawn Mendes, are on a date with me. A date. With me"

He looked into my eyes which felt as if he were staring into my soul. "What?" I asked. "Too honest? Do you think I'm weird now?"

He continued to stare while taking a bite of his pasta. "I'm sorry. I don't get what you're doing"

"I know you're gorgeous and everything but I'd really like it if you talked to me" I pouted.

I looked at him and he looked back at me, continuing to stay silent. "Alright then" I said, grabbing my phone out of my bag, plugging in my earphones, and putting them on. I played a random song which turned out to be Mercy, how fitting.

"Yes, Shawn. You've got a hold of me"

"What are y-"

I stared at him, saying the lyrics out loud. "Please have mercy on me. Take it easy on my heart"

"Okay. I'm sorry for neglecting you"

I continued. "Even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart"

He chuckled slightly, reaching his arm over the table, grabbing my phone and unplugging the earbuds.

"Oh? You're ready to talk now?"

"You're not mad? Are you?"

"Of course not. How could I be mad at someone as cute as you?" I reached my hand to his cheeks and squished them.

He gasped. "Someone's flirting now?"

"Hey. If you get to flirt, why can't I?"

"Fair enough" He said, giving me his signature smile.

After dinner, I drove to Shawn's hotel to drop him off. It was already dark out and I had to turn on the little light in the roof of my car so I could see him. "Thank you. For dinner and everything"

"Thank you for coming with me. I'm so happy that you said yes" We looked at each other for a minute until I spoke up.

"Your hair looks really fluffy"

"My hair?"

"Yeah. It's so fluffy and curly and beautiful"

"You want to touch it"

"When did I ever say that?"

"Never. I just know you do"

"Pftttt. No I don't"

"Alana. Go ahead I'm allowing you to"

"That's just weird. I will not touch your hair"

"Just touch it it's okay"

I looked at him for a second, from his hair to the way his lips formed a curve. "You were kidding weren't you?"

He chuckled. "Yeah. And then it turned kinda serious so. I would have let you" He opened the door and got out and I copied his actions, meeting him at the other side of the car. I put my hands on his denim jacket covered chest. Shawn was about a head taller than me so I had to look up when talking to him.

"This is a nice jacket"

"Do you want to steal it?" He said, looking down at me.

"Yeah. I do"

"Well, before you could steal it, I'm pretty sure I should do this first" He put his hands on my cheeks, bringing his face closer to mine as I stood on my tip toes a bit.

Before we proceed with this, I need to tell you what was going on through my head the entire time. This isn't everything, let's just call it a summary, maybe a recap?

Oh. MY. GOODNESS. SHAWN. FREAKING. PETER. RAUL. MENDES. BLESS THE GODS I HAD THAT MINT AFTER DINNER. OH NO. What if he doesn't like it? What if my lips aren't soft enough? This can't be happening. He's so close. AHHHHHHH.

I closed my eyes and the magic happened. His soft, plump lips met mine and it was like drinking a refreshing glass of water after running ten miles. I guess you could say it was. Perfect.

We pulled away after about five seconds. "Wow" We both said at the same time. I blushed at this and Shawn took both of my hands in his, keeping the eye contact.

"You should stay the night" He said.

"Here? Tonight?"

"Yeah" He said, giving me a soft look.

"You. Are a feisty one, Mendes"


"Asking a girl to stay the night on the first date? I thought you were a big ball of marshmallow puff but I guess not"

"Heyyy. I am still that fluffy marshmallow. I just- It's getting late and the drive back is far so. It would be convenient if you stayed"

"I don't have anything. No clothes or hygienic products"

"I can easily get them for you"

"I ca-" I started but he interrupted. "There's no 'I can't'. Please just stay. We won't do anything, I promise"

I put my arms around his neck, while his snaked to my back. "You promise?"

"Not unless you want there to" At this statement, I smacked his chest, took his hand, and led him to the hotel lobby.

"So you agree on staying?" He asked once we got into the elevator and he pressed the button to go to the seventeenth floor.

"Why not, right? Spontaneity at its finest"

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