《Splash of Color》18.5: Not as Planned


Look at me as I try to get over my writers block hahahah...

But I really, REALLY wanted to post this to celebrate Oikawa's birthday! Hurray July 20th! Hurray you guys get an extra chapter this week!

Another note, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me on the chapters! They're so encouraging to read and it gives me ideas on future chapters (: Much love fellow readers <3


Everyone seemed to know about a special day that was coming up pretty soon, most of the girls in your school excitedly talking amongst each other about it. It was some sort of sign, like the whole world was telling you that you had to come up with something and to come up with it fast.

The date was drilled into your head from the indirect nagging you heard from your fellow schoolmates: July 20th aka. Oikawa Tōru's birthday.

You thought for a while that maybe you were exaggerating on hearing it everywhere when Oikawa interacted as usual around you but when you heard Iwaizumi openly complaining about it, you realized that Oikawa was probably just used to the big fuss the week before his birthday.

The week full of preparation was among everyone. You scrambled to figure out something to get Oikawa and one thought popped into your head—a surprise party? As cliché as it may be, you wanted to gather all of Oikawa's friends just to let him know that he was a special guy.

...As special as you considered him.

Nodding to yourself, you start going around the school to round up people for Oikawa's party.


Oikawa didn't mind the attention from everyone, not at all. What he did mind was that you suddenly stopped giving him attention as a result. Whenever he walked home with you, you would be in your own little world, only giving him short answers before going back into your thoughts. It nagged him and made him wonder what could have possibly made you think so hard about something?

The nagging just got worse when he'd be talking to his fan club and he'd see you running around, talking to his teammates, classmates, and everything in between. He'd be lying if he said he didn't mind that you were socializing pretty well, seeing you laugh with them. His eyes almost popped out of his head when he noticed you trade numbers after you talked with them.

Oikawa had an inkling feeling that you were planning something for his birthday, considering that the people you came in contact with were people he talked with often. He knew but...it didn't mean he was too thrilled about the part where you started to distance yourself from him as a result.

He didn't want to admit it but he kept a close eye on you when you talked to his teammates. They all knew about you and how great you were so he was worried that the others would get ideas from talking with you.

Sighing to himself, Oikawa ruffled his hair to compose himself as he tried to focus on volleyball practice. Today was finally his birthday and although he had received birthday wishes and gifts from his fan club, his teammates, Ami and even Tadashi, he had yet to receive any words from you—what's more was that he hasn't even seen you at all today. But today it was your turn to visit him after practice so he hoped to see you then.


As practice ended for the day, everyone once again said their birthday greetings to Oikawa as they left the gym, leaving him alone. Oikawa glanced at the clock more often than he would admit as he waited for you until the doors of the gym opened up a couple minutes later. He brightened up quickly when he was met with your sunny smile.

"Tōru-kun! Happy birthday~" You walked up to him, speeding up your steps when you noticed Oikawa tearing up a little. "—Ah, are you alright?!"

You only see Oikawa tilt his head up, close his eyes and take a deep breath before opening his eyes again and facing you. "...I thought you forgot..." His voice was softer than usual, holding an embarrassed tone.

You step a little closer to him, nudging your shoulder to his. "I would never~" You teased, noticing that Oikawa lightened up after you said so. You take the volleyball from his hands. "Sorry to make you feel upset on such a special day. Let me make it up to you!"

Oikawa gives you a questioning look as you put away the volleyball and then tug on his wrist, urging him to follow you out of the gym.

"Lets go~"

"Go where...?" His voice trails off, his mind wandering as you continue to pull him away from the gym. He didn't want to get his hopes up but he still hoped that you had planned something for him.

You only give a light hum in response, your steps not being able to hide how excited you were. His eyes softened at your bouncing figure. He had only seen this side when you were talking about art and if you were like this for him then it might just be the best birthday present he could ever have.


Meanwhile, in the art club room, everyone you had gathered was waiting in the room with streamers, confetti and birthday cakes.

As they were all waiting for you to arrive with the guest of honor, Iwaizumi was telling a story to everyone.

"...And then, she called him Tōru-kun." Iwaizumi finished his story, hearing Ami squeal in excitement.

She jumped in her spot as Hanamaki patted her head to try to calm her down. "Called it!"

Iwaizumi nods in response. "[Surname]-chan is a very good influence for him, I hope it works out."

Ami grins as she urges the team to huddle in. "I have an idea..."


You stop at the art club room and you finally let go of Oikawa's wrist, swiftly turning to face him. "We're here!" You smile up at him and urge Oikawa to open to door.

He returns your smile softly, ruffling your hair before his hand reached to open the door. He wasn't too sure where you guys were walking but now that he knew the destination, it was safe to say that you did plan something for him and he was already feeling on top of the word.


Opening the door, Oikawa was met with streamers and confetti as he heard a chorus of 'happy birthday!'. He instinctively turns his attention back to you and saw the expectant face you couldn't hide. You were clearly trying to see if he was happy about the (not so) surprise party but since he was happy when he met up with you from the start, he could tell it wouldn't be easy for you to see it.

Oikawa shoots you a bright smile as he gives you a side hug, turning to everyone else in the room. "Wow~ Thank you so much~!" He lightly squeezes your shoulder and tilts his head to yours when everyone starts preparing the cake. "Especially you [Name]-chan~"

Ami pops up in front of you two soon after. "Oh~ First name basis!" She shoots both of you a teasing look as she walks behind you two and pushes on your backs to walk further into the room. "Don't just stand there! We have to cut the cake!"

Oikawa laughs but stops in mid laugh when he sees Tadashi who waves at him with his usual friendly expression.

Tadashi gives him an amused look. "I came to help out [Surname]-chan with the preparations." He explained. "Oh, but happy birthday." Tadashi added a few seconds later.

Oikawa grumbles a bit but his attention is turned to the cake he's faced with soon after. It had a lot of...character he could say and he knew that this cake was not store bought. When he looked at you for an explanation and you weren't meeting his eyes, everything clicked. You had made it for him.

"...I guess baking itself is a different art," you grumbled as Oikawa continued to stare at you wordlessly. You began to shift uncomfortably under his gaze as he kept staring at you. "I also bought a cake! But I thought that since you're so sentimental, you'd appreciate the thought!" You quickly added to save yourself from further embarrassment. You knew it wasn't the greatest cake ever made but you thought it didn't taste too bad.

Oikawa shakes his head as he pokes your forehead lightly. "You guessed right, I really appreciate it." He points at the cake soon after. "I only want to eat this cake, everyone else can eat the store bought one~" He gives you a side smile to which you return gratefully.

"Now, now you two~" Ami called to both of you, walking over with a camera in her hands. "Lets take a picture to commemorate this event!" She set up a tripod in the center of the room as she urged everyone to find a spot in front of the camera. "Birthday boy in the center!"

"And [Name]-chan stays right here~" Oikawa hums as he slips his arm around your shoulder, pulling you tightly against him. You begin to protest but he only gives you a grin. "Hmm, well everyone needs to fit in the frame so we need to make room!"

You roll your eyes at his explanation but let him do what he wants for the time being. It was his birthday after all and you didn't mind that much.

"Okay, I set the timer!" Ami calls out as she rushes over to your side.

The moment the light starts blinking more rapidly Ami whispers to you to look over at Oikawa for a second. You're confused but you comply to her wishes. As soon as you do so, everyone squeezes together, successfully pressing you and Oikawa closer together and to both of your guys' surprise, you end up lightly brushing your lips to Oikawa's cheek.

The flash goes off at that second and you and Oikawa quickly shift away from each other.

As you hear Ami giggling in the background you could tell who the mastermind of the plan was. However, that was the least of your concern for the moment.

Slowly turning to Oikawa, you notice that he has yet to face you, only seeing the tips of his ears a slight tinge of pink. "That was..." You trail off, rubbing the nape of your neck awkwardly.

He holds up his hand, halting you from finishing your sentence as he turns back to you, no traces of him being flustered. "No, no, that's totally okay~" He pats your shoulder as he walks over to the table to get some cake. "Lets eat!"

You stare at his retreating back for a moment before you shrug and follow after him, relieved that he wasn't upset by it.


The moment was over too soon as Oikawa could barely grasp the situation. It had all happened too quickly but the moment he wanted to imprint in his memory was how your lips had brushed against his cheek for that half a second and what's more was that it was all caught on camera!

Oikawa made a note to thank Ami for this.

His face was more flushed than usual, his head turned away from you to which he unfortunately faced towards the teasing looks of his teammates who thankfully said nothing. As he was trying to compose himself, he could hear you starting to explain yourself but stopped you. He knew it was an accident but he could dream right? Finally gathering his bearings, he turned to you with a bright smile and patted your shoulder before he walked over to grab some cake that you had graciously made for him.

You were definitely going to be the death of him.

...But at least he had cake before it happened.

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