《Living With Them || StrayKids ff》{Chapter 16}


"Hey stop it! It's cold!"

I yelled at Jisung and Changbin who were splashing water on me.


They were freaking

splashing the lake's water on me and it was freaking cold.

Jeongin was peacufully throwing rocks in the water while Hyunjin was sun bathing like the prince he is. Seungmin on the other hand was cutting flowers with Felix and Minho with Chan were just supervising like parents.

"Guys you'll catch a cold if you continue like this!", Chan yelled from afar while sitting on a rock.

"That's what I said. But guess what? They never listen!", I yelled back while running away from the two crazy boys.

But they kept on nagging me and Changbin even made me trip on the ground.

I'm now drenched in water.

Oh he's so dead now.

He realised that I was gonna get my revenge and started spritting away from me. But unfortunately for him, I was already beside him.

With no second thoughts I climbed up his back making him wiggle and stumble in his feet.

And right then, a huge splash was echoed throughout the woods.


I... might have made Changbin fall, making me fall along with him...inside the lake.


And guess what?

We are soaking wet.

Minho and Chan are so gonna scold us after that.

"Hey you guys. I wanna join too!", Jisung whinned and came running towards us, diving into the water as well.

He is crazy. I'm telling ya.

We started laughing so much making our voices echo in the forest.

But to tell you the truth...

I was starting to get really cold.

I stood up and made my way out. I tried to dry up my hair and clothes but I was freezing more after the cold breeze pierced my skin making me get goosebumps.

I look up and meet two pairs of eyes staring angrily at me.

Uh oh.

I'm doomed.

I sheepishly smile at Minho and Chan, trying to be cute and stuff. Hoping they will let me off the hook. But to no use.


"You know it won't work, so stop being cute.", Minho said as if he was reading my mind.

I let out a sigh and made my way to them.

"They started it..", I said defeated while pointing at the two boys who were now singing whilst still playing with the water.

What is their actual age I wonder?

How long have we been here anyway?

Two or three hours maybe?

I can't really tell as I'm having too much fun to even keep track of time.

"Hey Rosa! We made you a flower crown!", Seungmin exclaimed happily as he approached me alongside with Felix.

"Umm... Why are you drenched like that?", he added surprised when he saw my current state.

"Ask them", I closed my eyes sighing while gesturing to the two crackheads. Still playing like kids.

"Oh.." he said with a slight smile.

"That's Jisung and Changbin for you", he added right after.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes while rubbing my hands to get warmer.

I was shivering a bit from the sudden change of temperature in my body.

Just then, I saw Felix taking off his jacket and getting closer to me. He put his jacket on me and looked at me with a weird look I couldn't read.

His face was stern but also concerned at some point.

"Wear this until we get back. Try to stay warm or you'll catch a cold.", He said.

His jacket smells nice.

"Yeah he's right. We should also head off right now. It's enough for today. Oh I forgot..", Seungmin interrupted while approaching me, putting something on my head.

They both smiled at me when the saw me wearing their handmade flower crown.

"It looks pretty on you.", He smiled.

"Thank you." , I smiled back.




We ended up leaving right after. It was getting a bit late anyway and we had to eat lunch.

On our way home we just cracked jokes the whole time.

We have now finally arrived.


Gosh I'm tired.

I unlock the door and step in to the dark house. I turn on the lights and make my way to the kitchen.

"Oh no you don't.", Minho pulled me by my hoodie making me stop on my tracks.

I turn to look at him with a questioning look.

"YOU are gonna take a shower and change clothes, while WE do the cooking.", he added when he saw my puzzled face.

Ah.. Right.

I have to change clothes.

I look back at him and nod while turning my heels to my bedroom.

I step into the room and close the door while taking of my clothes. I look at the jacket Felix gave me.

That was sweet of him.

I instantly get flashbacks of what happened earlier that day and a blush crept on my cheeks.

Snap out of it. He's an idol.

I make my way to my bathroom and turn on the water and wait for it to become warm enough for me to bathe.

Ten minutes later I'm done. Nice and clean. I put on my pajamas and make my way to the kitchen.

I instantly get hit by the warm smell of something good being cooked.

"Mm smells good. What's for lunch.", I asked Hyunjin when I got closer to him cooking.

"Dakjuk.", he replied

Um what?

"Come again?", I asked puzzled.

I've never heard of such thing.

He slightly giggled to my reaction.

"It's Korean chicken porridge. Since you three crazy humans thought that it would be a great idea to splash cold water on each other, I thought of making dakjuk to warm you up.", he scolded me but I could see his concern in his eyes when he stared at me.

I warmly smiled and thanked him.


. . .

Oh no.

Chan was right.

And Felix.

And Minho too.

I caught a cold.


Note the sarcasm.

"I knew it! Look at you. You caught a cold! I'm gonna make you tea!", Minho panicked like a mother.

"Min, I'm fine don't worry. It's just a slight col- ACHOO." I sneezed again.

How feminine...

"You call that a slight cold? Mhm, yeah right.", he mocked me.

I just sighed and didn't say anything.

"I'm gonna make tea now. You sit on the couch.", he added and left.

I just did as he said. I made my way to the couch and plopped myself and got comfy.

I pulled my knees to my chest and balled myself to get warmer.

I then feel something heavy been gently put on me.

I look up and see Felix putting a blanket on me.

Again with this gesture...

He smiled and left.

Um okay?

"Having a cold too?", Jisung sniffed while plopping his lifeless body on the couch beside me.


"Unfortunately...", he mumbled.

"It's your and Changbin's fault that we are like that now, you know.", I glared at him.

"But we had fun though.", he smirked and we ended up laughing again with slight coughs in between.

"I'm dyinnng.", Changbin entered the living room a while later and sat on top of Jisung like a sandwich.

How cute.

I chuckled at his whinning, catching his attention.

"Hey, give me some of your blanket.", he sniffed his nose while pulling the edge of my blanket.

"Go get one!", I faught back and pulled back my blanket.

"Hey I want some too!", Jisung popped in the conversation while pulling my blanket as well.

I pulled and they pulled back. And that kept on going for a while until we ended up sharing my blanket.

All three of us.


We are practically squeezed up together in order to share it properly. As they were too lazy to get one for themselves.

Little fudging biscuits-

"The heck is going on here?!", Chan said confused when he saw as like that.

"It's a long story.", Jisung spoke on behalf of us and smiled widley.


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